Chapter 864: : Negotiation (Part 1)

The relationship between the city and the lord has two points: finance and population. The population here does not refer to the population of different worlds. According to the initial base, the player is given the surface of power. The player has the right to develop and colonize the world. It is privately owned by the player. The total base not only does not interfere, but also actively subsidizes. The real population refers to the d-ball population.
The number of d-ball players that each force can hire is limited. So far, all the lords have only ten cooperative places. At first, players did not care, and even many people did not have to fill up ten. The results are shared with outsiders.
But as the power grows, the colonial population increases, and many lord players find a problem: the high-end talent population is not enough ...
Now mainly in the field of scientific research, the content of the civilized science and technology library given to the player by the base is too large, and it is so large that many developers dare not meticulously branch. In the d-ball, multi-disciplinary physics can be divided into chemical physics and geophysics. There are seven branches of economic physics, atmospheric physics, biophysics, medical physics, and astrophysics, and in Xinghai, there are dozens or hundreds of major categories that a developer is responsible for. There are thousands of points. Although the brains of developers and players are as easy to use as computers, computers also have computing limits ...
Of the ten places, all of them are completely inadequate for civilized upgrades, not to mention that there are usually some other types of players in the ten places.
After the high-end life department and high-level combat players, the higher the demand, the higher the demand. If you want to ensure the quality of the current forces, it is very necessary to continue to expand the cooperative population.
And this right was obviously delegated to the city by the headquarters ...
Then there is the property right. Now the base base implements a virtual points system. Once the tax lord himself opens the financial system, 50% of the revenue must be turned in, and under the new regulations, the base base will delegate 20% to the city where the player is located. For the overall construction.
And cities and lords who want to buy higher-end technology systems, materials, and even complete sets of products must purchase through the points of the general base, forming a current three-level management structure.
That is to say, the two main rights that urban city owners have in this intermediate management structure are the population empowerment right and the 20% fiscal and taxation right.
Of course, the subdivision is more than that. Among them, the right to upgrade civilization, new energy exploitation and distribution, foreign market exploration and integration, etc. are now limited due to the fact that they have not yet entered the complete interstellar era. Two basic rights and interests.
This is also the capital that the city owner can now use to negotiate with players ...
"Let ’s talk about the population issue first ..." The leader came up with the information and said: "Currently, among the candidates, the amount announced by each candidate in the policy regarding population authority is not the same. Among them, Song Yiyi is taken as an example. He felt that the population of private forces should be restricted. There are only 20 open places. If you want more people, you must conduct qualification review and various evaluations. However, the candidate headed by Mister thinks that the authority should be released, not Population should be used to restrain players and support their market liberalization to the greatest extent. Therefore, Mister ’s policy emphasizes that there is no restriction on the cooperation of the lord power. Now, including the six major city candidates in China City, these two are the most powerful Extreme, what do you think? "
Players are silent, as private players, naturally prefer the policy proposed by Mister. If there is no upper limit for population cooperation, private forces will flourish rapidly, but they also know that private forces are too inflated. It must be something that city managers do n’t want to see.
"What do you think of the boss?" The ice crown hesitated for a while and finally decided to try out the official meaning.
"Then let me talk about my opinion first!" The chief heard his head and nodded: "First of all, I don't approve of Mister's way. For you, you must think that the greater the authority, the better, but this is very good. It is easy to cause the birth of monopolistic forces. It is not only difficult for cities to restrain. For ascendant new players, the ascending channel will become smaller and smaller, which is not conducive to the virtuous circle of the environment. For example, this little cabbage comrade ... . "
"Ah?" The named cabbage Mengmeng looked up, why did he say my expression.
Leader: "You must be familiar with this player's power? As the largest force in the market today, there are almost no opponents in the field of high-end material exports and agricultural exports. Many lord players who use basic materials can only attack low-end materials. The market and some of the agricultural products that have not been studied in the Chinese cabbage ... Other small and medium-sized lords are still willing to survive because the Chinese cabbage does not have enough research resources to cover the low-end market, but if ... ... If there is no upper limit, she will surely attract thousands of developers and players, and monopolize the market instantly. With her current market reputation, do you think the same type of small and medium-sized forces still have life? "
"Look at the boss, what am I so evil?" Xiao cabbage was dissatisfied!
Haha ... many small and medium lords sneered ...
The routine of the little cabbage force is the most of the many forces. This can be seen from their private supply cooperation strategy for materials, which has almost many other material demand forces. Which of the top 50 lords today is not the little cabbage Home's material strategy to die?
This evil means of capital starts with you ...
"Is the lord a policy that tends to care about Song?" Bingguan asked in doubt.
"His set of policies is relatively stable, but it may cause the advantages of your players to be later." The leader shook his head: "The market occupation and the development of civilization libraries are extremely important. There is enough market stimulus, scientific research and development. The enthusiasm will be stronger, and I do n’t want your current progress to slow down because of the lack of high-end talent. "
"What do you mean by that leader?" A sea breeze mechanical civilization lord asked.
"I think it is necessary to fundamentally control the demographic attributes ..." The lord seriously said: "Developers and players are all returned to urban metric personnel, we will be responsible for the cost of basic education, and the city will pay benefits and wages, if you want More developers, then you pay the employment funds to the city, we are responsible for allocating the research population to you, but we have the right to recall the developers at any time, so that we can effectively control the market macroscopically, and not let the family grow bigger. What do you think? ? "
All players were taken aback for a while, this ... is to completely control the lifeblood of their research team.
"No!" Icecrown shook his head directly.
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