Chapter 867: : Last election day (on)

Hello everyone, today is the twenty-ninth day of the election in the five major cities. What did you choose? Are there any friends who are still watching? Friendly reminder, according to the regulations of Xinghai, it is only one day away from the election result day .....
Today is my grandfather ’s last guide before the election. It also provides an idea for the people who are waiting to see. Friends who are still hesitating can no longer wait and see. Anyway, they have to help themselves or their children before 12 o’clock. A future.
Without further ado, let's get into the topic ...
As the election time is about to expire, the election situation in the five major cities has gradually become clear. The first city, Angle, is basically nailed down, with a 770 million vote in the popular election, and the second-place Almi originally followed closely. Later, but as domestic public opinion increasingly targeted him, his support growth rate also began to decline rapidly.
And the support rate is like house prices. Buying up instead of buying down. Some people from the three countries or some outsiders who did not hesitate to choose Angel after seeing the decline in Almi ’s support rate also led to The gap between Almi and Angel is widening.
Now that it has fallen by more than 300 million votes, coupled with the support of Central China players, Almi, who only has the A3 basic set, is obviously hopeless in terms of quality evaluation points.
With the hopelessness of Amir's campaign, domestic news suddenly broke the rumors that Amir received funding from Central China, and he even rumored that he had acted in collusion with the country, and then Almi's team also exposed Almi's corruption and donation behavior. In a short day, many black materials broke out, and Almi was instantly forced into the limelight of public opinion!
Many big figures from other countries watched with cold eyes, including Long Lao and others who caused it all secretly sighed, knowing that this is the nobles in the three countries to liquidate Amir!
On the other hand, in the case of Angel, the far-reaching votes have basically locked the presidency of the city, and then the trend of domestic public opinion has changed instantly. From the villain who previously betrayed the rights of the West Germans into a strategy, countless politicians and nobles have spoken in the news. Appreciate Angel's political courage and thank her for her contribution to West Germany for so many years. Several media also rated her as the most successful leader in West Germany in history!
So this woman who has been in power in West Germany for more than ten years has once again moved from the thin Xishan Mountain to the peak of power!
Due to the fairness of the policies she released, and the previous drainage of Almi to the first city, the first city now has a very high population flow, which has exceeded 1.2 billion, ranking the top of the five largest cities, and the evaluation value is even in Huaxia City. on.
Today, it is still a city that many experts are optimistic about. Today, it is still increasing with a flow of 10 million per hour. This city is still one of the cities that my grandfather and I are promoting. The city ’s resource allocation is reasonable, and the city ’s Angel is an old political powerhouse. Civilized resources are also very competitive, in fact, highly recommended for friends with high order.
Then the second most populous city is Huaxia City, which has a basic population in central China. It was originally a middle-level population, because there are too many high-level players and relatively exclusive, plus the smearing of Mister and others. The foreign population originally seldom chose Huaxia City. However, due to the sudden announcement of the comprehensive development policy for developers and players by Huaxia City more than ten days ago, many talents who have taken the scientific research route have focused their attention here.
This kind of policy with cultivation guarantees from the beginning to the end is very attractive to many researchers, especially the discounts for the following years. The three to five-year contract is too attractive to enjoy the training of basic education. Can not pay too much labor time cost, this is simply the most ideal growth environment!
This has led many researchers who are still watching to look at Huaxia City, and it has also led to Huaxia City starting to flow into overseas players in the next dozen days, and it is still high-end scientific research teams, including the world-renowned scientific researcher Fickel and others. After contact with Central China officials, they secretly stated that they could provide the first batch of places.
As a result, China City began to counterattack and became the second most comprehensive city in terms of population and quality.
However, the shortcomings are also very obvious. Recently, there have been rumors in China City that the order of the combat players has been secretly arranged by the army. I am not sure about this rumored grandpa, but I ca n’t say haha. After all, our official routines have always been boring. .
Coupled with the fact that there are many senior players in Huaxia City, if I want to take the route of the lord, my grandpa is not recommended. The opportunities in other cities on this road are obviously much larger, but if you are a highly educated Researcher, Grandpa of China Town, I highly recommend it, because you have also seen that free basic training and targeted training, and the years of effectiveness are still so low. Where can I find such good things?
However, a friendly reminder is that no one can adapt to this race of developers. If you have no sense of scientific research, do n’t force it. This second life choice is very important. If you choose the wrong one, you will regret it for life!
The third place in the evaluation ranking is the third city. According to expert data, the overall quality of the third city is relatively high in terms of population selection. Fifty percent of voters graduated from undergraduates. The value is the third city ’s marine civilization. potential.
Because inside Star World, the overseas market is now the most blank market. Compared with the Gangwu Continent, which has been occupied by most players in Central China, the overseas market obviously has more space. In terms of future strategy, the third city has great opportunities. As long as they can gain a firm foothold, the development space of the lord players should be the best.
This also led to the most intense campaign situation in the third city. The group of heroes came together, but the population of this city was selected to have a high cultural literacy and strong independent thinking ability. Many people chose this city but have been slow to vote, leading to a situation in the early stage. Has been unclear.
Until Song's population-restriction policy came out, the approval rating suddenly rose!
The reason why many experts have speculated that the hot players in the third city before, including Xifa ’s Maderon and some politicians in the grape country, although they have a great reputation, they are more biased towards big capitalism, and there are no clear restrictions in the policy. The rules for consortium entry, but Song only cares, because the universe is suffering from the monopoly of large consortia, and has always opposed the excessive power of private consortia. This time the population restriction policy seems to restrict the development of players to establish a powerful government, but it greatly restricts In view of the advantages of foreign consortium forces, middle-level individuals with higher personal qualifications saw the fairness of the platform, thinking that Song Yiyi was a city owner who would not favor the current capital forces, so they supported Song Yiyi.
On the evening of the 28th when Song was concerned about announcing the population-restriction policy, the support rate exploded, and eventually jumped from fifth to first place in one fell swoop, leading by a huge advantage. His population quality score also rose once, and now basically belongs to the stable qualifying situation.
The civilization of the ocean in this city is very competitive with the New Territories. In addition, Song ’s restrictive population restriction policy has greatly restricted the possibility of foreign capital vigorously marching into training super powers. The environment is relatively fair, and it is also a good choice.
The fourth comprehensive city is the fifth city where Mister is located. In terms of the nature of civilization, the Altland Civilization Comprehensive System that takes both the arcane route and the mechanical flow is very high, and the advantages are not small, but it wins. In a comprehensive manner, Mister ’s policy mainly attracts the population with the concept of free federation, small government and large market, emphasizes market freedom, and does not restrain the potential of players as a publicity slogan.
Grandpa still does not recommend compatriots in Central China to choose here, and the city seems to use the free market as a slogan, but in fact it does not restrict the development of major forces, which can easily lead to the formation of an early day by the big forces on the d-ball through insider trading with the city owner. I am not optimistic about grandfather's power and fairness. Of course, the opportunity is also great, because there is no population limit. If you can find a development direction, the upper limit is indeed very high. Friends who are very confident can try it.
However, a friendly reminder that the population composition there is generally A3. If you want to establish a foothold there by virtue of being a lone wolf, you have to cross the Jiang Ronglong!
Finally, let ’s talk about the second city ..... Speaking of this grandfather as a Chinese, my mood is more complicated ...
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