Chapter 84: : Large incident

The problem is more serious than expected! ! !
Xiye followed Wang Goudan's instructions to the place he said. After a survey, a coolness suddenly spread throughout his body. Standing in the spot for a long time, he couldn't recover!
There are obvious traces of huge creatures moving in the sand, and the sand on the traces has obviously turned purple, and it emits a disgusting stench.
Xiye judged what was happening almost instantly.
There are only two kinds of energy in the world that can corrupt inorganic substances, one is undead energy, and the other is void energy!
Damn it! !
How come you encounter this kind of stuff? ?
Xiye only felt a heart sink to the bottom of the valley, what a special thing is to cool the rhythm! !
"Lord Lord!" Intelligence said very seriously: "If you find the Void Energy, it is recommended to report it to the Universe Federation!"
Escalate? Xiye's face under the helmet is frowned
If you report to the Federation, you can't turn yourself over
Today, I declare that Mars is the main political star, and D ball is not included in his sphere of influence. It is not that he does not want to write. You colonize a planet to speak with data, not that the planet you see on that planet is yours, Without a wise life, you can establish a base and report the basic data to apply for your sphere of influence. However, if you have a wise life, you must complete all colonization to be eligible to say that the planet is yours!
When reporting to the Federation, once the star of unowned life is found, it is not the big brothers who rob it. Once this treasure house is exposed, there is no reason for someone to have a powerful lord to directly refute, because it does not belong to you at all!
This kind of thing must never happen!
But if you do n’t report
Xi Ye's brow furrowed, Void Creature Invasion can't be solved by a novice lord, even ordinary Void Fissures have to be suppressed by dragon-level masters at least.
It is obviously impossible to abandon the Mars base that has just been established by your own resources today.
Can't I just use that?
"Master Lord?" Smart reminded again: "Please report to the Federation immediately!"
"No report!" Xi Ye ordered after a few seconds of silence.
"Lord Lord!" Smart said seriously: "Conceiving the enlargement of the void crack violates the Universal Federal Security Basic Law, please consider carefully !!!"
"The lord did not intend to condone!" Xi Ye coldly said: "If you can solve it by yourself, why bother with the Federation?"
Smart: "Solve it yourself? Are you teasing me?"
Xiye: "Huh?"
This is not like what intelligence should say
Intelligence: "Cough I mean, Lord Lord, are you sure? The Void Rift is also a Void Devourer, and if you are close to luck, it is very likely to be a watcher."
Xi Ye bowed her head in silence.
The Void Life Level Federation has a strict division. Among them, those who can open up the cracks of the Void are at least devourers, and the corresponding level is the dragon-level life body on the side of the Federation!
However, the combat capabilities of the Void Biomonomers are extremely powerful. Few in the Federation can fight the Void alone. Except for a few geniuses, the normal combat power comparison is at least five to one in the same level, that is, at least five or more The dragon-level life can be said to be able to secure a void devourer.
And try to be complementary combat professions!
And what is stronger than the devourer is the watcher the system says. This kind of void will rarely appear, but once it appears, it is a disaster of natural disaster level. It can almost instantly corrupt a planet and use it as a base to the surroundings. Spread quickly!
Once a monster of this level is discovered, the Federation will directly force the nearby lords to participate in the war, and no force will be allowed to refuse, because once it is allowed to develop, there will be endless void life, which will infect the surrounding galaxies like a virus. , Can be said to be the enemy of the universe!
Intelligence: "Intelligent advice, ten million roads, safety first, pretending to be overdone, two lines of tears for loved ones!"
"Shut up!" Xi Ye rolled her eyes: "Immediately force unsigned players to log off, close the channel, and all signed players gather at the base. The assignment team will detect the starting line from here, and try to detect the infection range and the void of the void. The location of the crack! "
Intelligently speaking and silently starting to execute commands. Obviously, his own lord is still lucky. The size of the Void Infection Range determines the level of the descending Void, but even the lowest level of devourers is not a fifth-level lord. Yeah!
"Secure the player's backed-up brain safely, ready to transmit the alternate planetary base at any time!" Xi Ye issued the second command again.
It seems that I really intend to go all the way to black! Smart said silently.
Before the establishment of the base on Mars, Lord Lord Ye Ye had established a spare base on Titan in the solar system just in case. The planet had better basic conditions, complete atmosphere and moisture, and gravity was d-ball About 1.5 times, the magnetic field is stable and has a complete ecology, and many primitive organisms have been formed.
The original planet was more suitable as the first base. After all, it was far away from the d-ball. The development of the d-ball now has at least a hundred years to land on the planet. And because it is far away, the astronomical telescope cannot observe the specific conditions inside. .
However, because Mars contains a large number of high-quality energy mines, Xiye chose to take Mars as the first administrative star, and Titan as a backup galaxy.
Unexpectedly, that backhand will be used so soon
But this is vanity
Once this kind of thing starts to infect the planet, it will soon spread towards the surrounding galaxies, and escape to the spare base is just a lingering pant, and the result cannot be changed at all!
From the point of view of intelligence, the lord's approach is simply to deceive himself!
It seems that I have to change the host to find a way out, I thought I had a bad luck with the master, I did not expect such a bad luck! !
"Players, please note that this game has found a major bug. The working group decided to update the temporary version today. The system will force unregistered players to close the channel after one minute, temporarily close the channel, and the date of subsequent opening of the channel will be notified later!"
"Where am I going?" Players who are still struggling to choose whether to move bricks or farming are in a hurry. They waited two months before they came up, asking me to log off? Do players who haven't signed up have to wait in line again? Don't wow, just give me a chance, will I sign it now?
Many players immediately wailed, but the system still coldly sent all unsigned players back for a minute and closed the channel.
The teleported player froze at the prompt that the game channel was temporarily closed after returning to the game room, and immediately scolded the mother.
Immediately landed in Chenxi to review the only game area began to post abuse!
[A junk game, draft the uncle, pay attention to you and me later as grandsons! 】 "
[Nima ’s, you ’ve kicked me off after three months of labor management? If the official does not give an explanation to the rest of the labor and management and you die in the end! ! 】
[Grass, since you dare to kick me, do you know who the labor is? Do you believe that labor and capital will make your game pass the trial? 】
Thousands of posts appeared in the game area in an instant like this, which caused some inexplicable players in the queue, and the game area suddenly became a mess.
At the same time, within the game, a group of players who signed the contract were stunned.
what's the situation?
new version update?
But why can we update the version update?
"Dear players, please pay attention!" The intelligent and cold voice suddenly sounded in the base: "This game is about to face the first epic event: Void Invasion. In view of your efforts for the base, all players who signed up for this event are You can participate and get the corresponding reward points after the event. Because the event screen is too large, it is not convenient for too many people to be online at the same time, so the temporary repatriation of players who have not signed up has guaranteed the server stability. After all, the small studio, also No money to buy a big server, please be considerate to players. "
Player A: "I'm going. Fortunately, the laborers are signing up quickly."
Player B: "Can't afford to buy a server? Is the system serious? I'm afraid that you don't have dozens of top-level servers in your map, will it work?"
Player C: "I wipe, big event, it's so cool, this time I don't have to watch others write in the post!"
Looking at a large group of excited players, Yu Nu Wu Gua has a bad expression, and quietly walked into the office of the lord to thank the old monk in Montenegro for the big bald head, today is the Xiaoyao Xiuxian, Jiu Xing Eternal, Siberian potatoes, Xiaoyao Yufeng 66666 and other officials' reward support, crab crab! Let ’s talk about the update: The author reiterates that this book is two changes, not one change. Every morning at ten o’clock in the morning and one at seven o’clock in the afternoon, so the rumor writer, one more party, please stop your rumors and talk about the death book. The update of the book is relatively busy these days, a lot of things, so the death is temporarily changed for one day. When these days are busy, it will be restored for two days. One more time. Two times a day. I hope everyone can Continue to support the Rubik's Cube, your support is the motivation of the author's creation, everyone! !
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