Chapter 879: : The start of each city (6)

"Master Qingming ....." Several people walked along, and a pale green elf drifted slowly, apparently a standard wooden elf, and also a member of Abe's current city team, mainly responsible for species imports and recording.
"How about the latest animal husbandry?" Qing Ming asked with a smile.
"Well, growth is better than expected ..." The Wood Elf smiled with excitement: "This new chirp has the characteristics of a domestic pig on a ball, with a large production volume, more meat, and faster growth. , And the most important feeding cost is low, according to our agricultural system, we can completely mass-produce without pressure! "
"Domestic pig?" One of the fat elves looked at the dark group of meatballs in the distance and frowned: "This animal husbandry has such a high fat content, I am afraid that the natives will not like it too much ... "
"But our city is not just about the natives ..." The Wood Elf immediately frowned and retorted: "Half of the players in our city are still Central Chinese!"
Everyone was stunned. The amount of pork eaten in Central China is world-renowned. 80% of the world's pork is imported here, and 700 million pigs are consumed every year.
"And other cities also need it very much. This is our flagship product for some time to come!" The Wood Elf said seriously: "Especially the first city, according to information, Angel did not mean to develop agriculture at all. We are here Good-quality and cheap domestic animals are very suitable for exporting to them, know that West Germans are also famous for their famous sausages besides cars! "
"Is the price / performance ratio high?" One of the ministers asked curiously.
"Very high!" The Wood Elf quickly responded: "First of all, it grows fast, grows quickly, and has strong productivity. Then, it has very low requirements for feed. The refined feed and coarse materials made from ordinary first-class agricultural products can fully meet their growth needs. , There is no need to purchase high-grade protein feed like Xing Xiu! "
This made Qingming, who understands some of the common knowledge of astral feeding, nodded. Nowadays, several of the main domestic animal breeds of China City are not low in cost, and the growth cycle is slow, not to mention that the requirements for feed are still very high. The second city is temporarily unable to be self-sufficient. Today, the protein feed of Huaxia City is mainly made from high-grade fish bones and Jiaduo animal bones. The origin is mainly controlled by several agricultural lords, while the high-grade fish bone raw materials are mastered. In the hands of the ice crown lord, the import price is expensive, and the feeding cost is high ...
Of course, high-level livestock breeding cannot be dropped, but in the early stage, it is urgent to export as quickly as possible to occupy the low-end market with large quantities of beautiful products. After all, the new city is a first-level gene, and the beast can completely Provide the necessary nutrition and energy.
"Keep watching ..." Qingming nodded: "If the data is not too different from the forecast, we will approve a large amount of purchase!"
"Yes, lord!" The wood elf shouted excitedly.
Now that the city has just begun to develop, only with excellent performance can we have the opportunity to reach the top. I heard that the main city owner has the right to nominate the future city owner, and politicians also have a lot of room to play on this land. Master Qingming is more impressive!
Third city:
Compared with the development of the first city and the second city in a single direction, Song Zhiyi's initial layout in the third city is much richer!
In terms of minerals, several mining areas close to the city have been lit up, and mining factories have been opened. In the early stage, many mine carts and energy pickaxe equipment have been applied for, but other things Song did not care about, especially in the living area.
Spinning plants, forging plants, enchanting centers, cooking canteens, and other infrastructures have almost all applied for it. They also applied to the general base for a number of professional instructors in this area in hope of training courses.
Among the five major cities, Song's caring city was the only one that used the initial funds at the outset, and owed a lot of loans to the base, which is the biggest start!
At this time, in the main room of the base city of the third city, Smith was trying to persuade something.
"Song, your way is too big, our debt ratio has exceeded three times the initial capital, and you have not looked at the interest rate? Then the headquarters interest rate is not low!"
Song Yiyi said that his face slightly twitched, apparently also a little speechless, this headquarters loan is indeed a bit ruthless, the official three-point profit, wipe, the Fed has not been so cruel when it was the most ruthless, is this an attitude to support the new city?
"I don't want it either, but there is no way ..." Song Zaiyi smiled bitterly: "Our civilized character can't be left behind, we must quickly enter the overseas market of the New Territories ..."
The root of the Naga civilization is on the sea. In the early stage of industry, shipbuilding and energy were the mainstay, and the production category required sea elves to cultivate sea elements and sea creatures. The key is these things ... Mars does not have it!
Therefore, if the city wants to make profits in the import and export direction, it must quickly occupy the sea market and take advantage of its own civilization, but the problem is that the only Haikou has been occupied by a player named Icecrown. If you want to go to the Western Islands to find opportunities, you have to He was slaughtered first.
As more and more players go overseas, her knife may become sharper, so she must get rid of this guy's restrictions early.
The way to break away is to go to sea early, build a new harbor, and open up new transmission points!
Today, there are two hard conditions for going out to sea, one is a second-level or higher genome level, and the other is a 10,000-point ferry ticket!
If you want to achieve two points quickly, you have to put a lot of resources on the first batch of players, but Song Yiyi does not want to appear in the third city, so the plan is the elite build plan.
In his regulations, players must master a life skill in the early stage, such as forging, tailoring, enchanting, cooking with high-grade ingredients, leather making, etc. The purpose is to ensure that players can quickly pass through a professional skill when they reach the New Territories Points for boat tickets!
To put it bluntly, it is to create competitiveness for the public, and this early stage requires not only a large number of skill mentors but also enough materials to create proficiency for new players.
However, in the early stage, the citizens had no money. In order to make the citizens competitive as early as possible, Song started a fairly loose loan business and encouraged the citizens to carry out skills training.
This is not the same as Zhang Minjun's personal training. This is a city with a population of 200,000. If you train all people to train life skills in the early stage, the cost of course cannot be compared!
And in order to allow players to go to sea earlier, Song is concerned that the loans opened are first interest and then principal, let players repay the low interest first, and then repay the principal and the remaining high interest later!
This kind of policy can't recover the cost for a long time. The upfront cost can only be resisted by the city. As an emerging city, Smith is right. Song cares about the step too big and it is easy to get rid of the egg. .....
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