Chapter 992: : Advent (Part 1)

"Why do you call me Uncle David?"
After hesitating for a long time, David finally found a flaw. According to the other party, the other party made his debut in the northern grassland one hundred years ago by trial. The other party is at least 134 years old according to the normal swordsman age?
The dog brother is silent
Sure enough, the story compiled by Xun was a bit untenable. In the end, why did Goudan be so good at storytelling? A group of senior officials were suddenly stunned. How about an old knight and a little girl?
No, I am sure I can get it back! !
"I'm not very skilled in your human language. Just now this little girl called you Uncle David, isn't it your name?"
Shanny: "Pouting"
David: ""
This seems to make sense
However, David did not continue to delve deeper. At this time, the situation is strange. This swordmaster's future is unknown. Whether it is true or false, the opponent's strength can crush himself is a fact.
Just try to believe him for now
Thinking of this David said: "I have a place that should be safer than the city's palace"-
And just as the dog brother followed David to the so-called safe place, the place within the black goat's map changed greatly.
Numerous creatures in the jungle became manic, screaming wildly at the sky infested with ink, and their emotions were full of fear and anger, and the ink in the sky became more intense in the range of the black goat's picture. A picture of a black goat flowing like a water column.
Numerous alchemy formations gathered above the black goat's picture. The black water fell on the highest level of alchemy formations. After the precise circulation of the alchemy formation, it turned to another alchemy formation, layer by layer, one after another, just like a factory The assembly line machinery began to guide, decompose, and combine this huge amount of black water into a black robe under countless refining and processing.
These black robes were so small that they were almost invisible to the naked eye, and quickly flew in the air. Innumerable creatures in the forest wanted to escape.
However, although these robes are not fast, like dandelions, they cover a very wide area. They spread like snowflakes on the whole earth, so that all creatures have no room to hide.
The black robe floated down, fell on the mutated tree, and immediately melted. It melted into the plant through the tiny gaps. In an instant, the plant's professional leaves began to turn black, the roots also quickly blackened, and the naked eye grew out of rubbing. Scales, constantly flowing black and red liquid.
All living things that were stained by the robe, all with a stern expression, eyes, mouths, noses and ears began to flow out black and red viscous liquid, with a strange fragrance, like having an acute virus.
The earth wailed, and even inside the earth uttered a wailing sound, which is the wailing from the consciousness of the earth. It is different from the last picture of the black goat. This time the erosion has touched the planet!
"What the is going on?" At the border between the north and the south, in a huge city, countless citizens stared at the sky in horror, uneasiness appeared in their hearts, and they came out of their houses.
Above the city wall, the general guarding the city looked at the sky solemnly.
Blue Dragon City was the largest trading city on the north-south border. After the change began, it can be said to be the last surviving stronghold in the northern city.
Countless powerful survivors of the northern knight family have gathered here to make the military power here unprecedented, and the blue dragon city with massive materials and Tuntian in the city has also become a temporary respite place for major families in the north.
A few years later, they fought countless beast tides under the heroic battle of many knights, and the food cultivated in the city was about to land, and the monsters in the northern forest seemed to be sensible. , The rhythm is getting less and less, the last attack was three months ago.
Many people slowly began to feel at ease, thinking that they should start to gain a foothold
But this illusion was shattered in the face of this astounding vision.
Everyone clearly saw that after the huge ink-colored liquid poured down from the sky, everything in the far north began to gradually become darker, just like a painting was slowly stained.
There is even some despair in the generals who keep the city, what terrible power can create such a terrible scene? Is it God?
They certainly don't think this power is good intentions, and the sense that black gives them is a shocking fear.
"Sing the drums and call up all the men who can hold the arms!!" General Shoucheng froze for a long time before he commanded roaringly.
The soldiers next to him hurriedly stumbled to the drums.
Soon, the lights of the urban houses lit up, and soon a messy voice came.
Within half a quarter of an hour, several shadows jumped directly to the gate and fell next to the general.
A closer look will reveal that the landed are the generals in the north, and the ace fighting power of the big family has retreated to the Blue Dragon City after that turmoil.
"What's happening here?"
After several generals boarded the city gate, they stared at the front in amazement, including the red robe division brought together.
When the teacher saw this scene, his eyes almost popped out.
"This is simply the power of the gods!!" The teacher murmured.
As a mage, he can still barely feel that this is the role of the alchemy array. There is a power that he cannot imagine is regularly controlled by alchemy, and this scale is unprecedented!
Even the picture of the black goat, which shocked him three times before, was not as shocked when it was opened. It was not a magnitude at all, just like the difference between the creek flooding and the tsunami, although it was the height he could not reach.
"Is the god?" The old knight headed with a gloomy face: "That is also the demon god, the god's means is not to make the world like this!"
"How about the soldiers? Did they all scream?" the general who called the drums just now asked.
"Well, when I heard the drums, I knew that something big happened, and the soldiers were all rushing here. This scale seems to be a while, and it should be too late."
"Are you talking about us?" one of the knights said.
"This scale is aimed at us?" The old knight smiled: "That really deserves us"
Looking at the vision of the sky, although he does not understand magic, he also knows that this scale is simply the end of the world.
"Something is coming!"
Suddenly, the old knight suddenly warned.
"So fast?" Everyone's heart tightened, and they held their weapons and looked at it, then they froze at once.
In the dark ink color, it seems that a person came out slowly, and as a general, their amazing eyesight can clearly see, that person is still a very familiar person!
"Master Gus!!"
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