Chapter 615: Born

This is the first immigration in history and it takes about 2 to 3 years.
The maximum speed of the nuclear power engine of Blacklight Technology can make the spacecraft reach one-tenth the speed of light, which is 30,000 kilometers per second, and the distance between the two places is 1115 light years, which is the distance that light travels for 1115 years.
Originally, at this speed, it would take more than 11,000 years to reach Kepler-642b from the earth, but because of the subspace navigation technology, the distance between the two places can be shortened by 10,000 times, which means that theoretically, the spacecraft is accelerated. The time allowed for the Black Light to reach Kepler-642b within two years.
This is a terrible speed.
After all, the diameter of the Milky Way is only one hundred thousand light-years. A thousand light-years is equivalent to one percent of the diameter of the Milky Way. It can span this distance in two years. It was impossible for humans to even think of it a few years ago. Dare to think about things.
Not only that, as the research team of Blacklight Technology gained a deeper and deeper understanding of subspace, it also discovered two special coordinates, which are a kind of existence called "Mandeville Point".
This coordinate was discovered by a subspace scientist named Mandeville. Through the mass of the solar system and the relative geographic location of the Milky Way, it was substituted into a formula for calculating subspace and the actual universe, the "Mandevier Space Equation". , You can get one or two coordinate points.
And the function of this coordinate is the safest way to enter and exit the subspace.
Each galaxy has the most stable and safe subspace entry and exit positions. When entering or jumping out of the subspace in these regions, it is not affected by the gravity of celestial bodies and the mass of stars, and can complete a subspace navigation with minimal loss and interference.
There are two Mandeville points in the solar system, one of which is near the orbit of Uranus and the other near the orbit of Pluto.
Because this equation was first discovered by Mandeville, this equation was named the Mandeville Space Equation, and the calculated coordinates were the Mandeville point.
When he first learned of this news, Chen Chen suddenly realized that he finally understood why New Domain had to make a subspace jump on Pluto in the movie "The Surface of Black Hole".
It turned out that it was only because of the safest subspace jumping point in the orbit of Pluto.
The next thing is easy to handle. Blacklight Technology has conducted two test flights without telling any forces. After the test flights are over and all equipment is in business as usual, this experimental human immigration activity Just started silently...
"The Black Light is about to leave the Class A port..."
"The Class A docker is ready to be released..."
"The engine starts, and the black light enters the reversing state. Please pay attention to reversing..."
"The Black Light is about to leave the port..."
Listening to the voice made by Zhi Nao, Xiao Duan sat on the bridge of the Black Light.
In the past year, Xiao's spirit and spirit have undergone intense changes. His temperament has become deep and introverted, with sunken cheeks and rough skin, as if he was a teenager in a year.
The biggest change is that his head has been shaved, leaving only a bright bald head. On the bald head, you can even see several pure black button-like devices. It is a kind of A device called a brain-computer interface.
The reason for such a huge change is that in order to exercise his tolerance for subspace, Chen Chen did not drive out all the subspace airflow in his body at the beginning, so Xiao was surrounded by nightmares most of the year.
The subspace air currents entangled him, corrupted him, but also tempered his will, making his consciousness become like iron.
In the end, just three months ago, with the help of a number of psychiatrists at the top of the world, Xiao broke through the demons and calmly faced his dead wife. Therefore, he was entrusted by Chen Chen with the important task of becoming the emigration plan. Core member.
And with him, there are two others, a man and a woman.
The man was in his early twenties. He was different from Xiao. As the spacecraft was about to launch, there was a hint of tension in his eyes, but a woman in her thirties next to him was calm.
The three of them are all bald. They are sunken in steel seats, and instead of sitting on them, they are more constrained.
The seats of the three people are arranged in a triangle, and Xiao's position is the closest to the window, and at the same time the most middle position, the position is obviously above the two.
"Starting to connect to the life support system..."
At this moment, a reminder came from the brain again. With the sound of the reminder, Xiao only saw a huge cannula hanging from the top of his head, and then covering his mouth and nose like a long snake, and then Xiao Immediately after he felt the tube covering his mouth and nose, a long thin hose protruded from the inside, directly into his mouth, and then leaned toward the depths of his throat.
At the same time, the two people retched behind them.
Xiao ignored the movement behind him, he just relaxed silently, feeling that the pipe was connected to his stomach, and then another pipe came out from under the steel seat, connecting Xiao's urethra and excretion.
This is not over yet. Next, several cannulas were inserted into Xiao's arm again, connecting his veins. At this point, Xiao had been completely confined on the steel seat.
"Start connecting the brain-computer interface..."
In the end, a few plug-like devices came down from above and pierced into the brain-computer interface specially installed on Xiao's head. Suddenly, Xiao only felt that his eyes were black, and his bionic eyeballs completely lost their function. .
However, although his vision was gone, Xiao felt that he had been connected to the brain of the Black Light. From now on, every command he gave could be received by the brain in a millisecond.
This is a new profession established by Chen Chen-subspace navigator.
Xiao Shen deeply understands that there are many dangers in subspace navigation, and the navigator must be cautious and not allowed to leave for a moment. Therefore, his entire body has been imprisoned in the navigator's seat, eating and drinking Lhasa are under the control of the brain.
Some people may feel that sitting here for a long time may cause blood circulation and muscle necrosis. However, black light technology has long thought of it. The navigator’s seat has a comprehensive massage system that can be used for navigation anytime, anywhere. The practitioner massages the body, and at the same time has the function of weak current stimulation, so even if you sit here for more than ten years, you don’t have to worry about body necrosis.
Xiao is the most important existence among the three subspace navigators. The other man and woman are assistants arranged by Blacklight Technology for Xiao. Both of them have been injected with the L factor extracted from Xiao’s blood and obtained The same ability as Xiao, but compared to Xiao's talents, both of them can barely see the range of a few thousand kilometers in the subspace, so they all exist as Xiao's assistants.
"The brain-computer interface is complete."
"The spacecraft starts... the target, Uranus orbit..."
"Starting to accelerate..."
In his ears, Zhinao’s voice kept coming. Xiao opened his dysfunctional bionic eyeballs, but his eyes were already dark, but to his comfort, his consciousness had been connected to the spaceship’s Zhinao, where he could Do a lot of things, such as playing games, chess, watching movies, etc., so that you won’t be bored all year.
After all, although there are many crises in the subspace, no one in the world can remain vigilant all the time. There is always a time to relax, so the existence of two deputies is very important.
Except for the capitalist, no one does not understand the principle of combining work with rest.
As the spacecraft set sail, Xiao said that his words were directly conveyed to the two assistants behind him through the brain-computer interface, "Gordon and Marcy, we will spend the next few years in cooperation. I hope you will do your loyalty. If this voyage can be successful, even if we have accomplished a huge achievement, the future will certainly be bright."
"Leader, we know."
The two expressed their opinions. Both of them, like Xiao, were felons purchased by Blacklight Technology from various countries, and they did not get freedom, but they were lucky to stand out from hundreds of candidates and obtained similar to Xiao ability.
At the same time, they also got such an opportunity, as long as the voyage can be successful, they can also be free as Xiao.
Xiao nodded with satisfaction. As the spacecraft progressed, he began to explore the depths of the spacecraft. The spacecraft was loaded with 2,000 passengers. All of them went into deep sleep in the frozen sleep cabin to save the limited supplies in the spacecraft. And avoid the danger brought by the subspace airflow.
If there is no accident, when these people wake up, they will already be on the planet Kepler-642b.
As the existence of this line of command authority second only to the brain, he is already regarded as the human with the highest authority in the spacecraft, equivalent to the real captain, so he also has the authority to access the information of the people. At this time, Xiao looked bored at these two thousand people. People's resume report, pass the time.
In order to be safe, during this flight, the Blacklight will enter Jupiter's orbit after ten days, and perform a gravitational acceleration there, then fly directly to the position of Uranus, and accelerate to the spacecraft's highest speed on the way-one-tenth the speed of light. , And then enter the subspace at the Mandeville point of Uranus.
This period of time will take about a month, which means that Xiao and his two assistants have a month to recharge their energy, until they enter the subspace a month later, at which time they will be really used...

The Black Light drove away, leaving the earth in a geosynchronous orbit, and heading far into the deep space of the universe.
This situation alarmed the Earth Federation. More than a thousand astronomical telescopes witnessed the departure of the Black Light, but the Earth Federation was helpless. The representatives of the four continents wanted to open the Lilith meeting, but in the end only four of them participated. Yes, and Chen Chen is nowhere to be seen.
This has made the four continents furious. Many people cursed Blacklight Technology for not talking about martial arts. In order to facilitate the Blacklight Foundation to reach an offensive and defensive alliance, Blacklight Technology can be said to have lost its face. Now it has the power to fight the Earth Federation. The basic rules are ignored!
It's just that no matter how they slandered, Chen Chen didn't plan to see them.
One month later.
Chen Chen walked alone in Ares Science City.
Ares Science City is now the first and only permanent colony of Mars. According to Chen Chen’s plan, it will become an industrialized planet under the command of mankind. He plans to move most of the industrial industries to Here, to reduce the environmental pollution of the earth.
Therefore, there are hundreds of black light technology factories near Ares Science City, gradually forming an industrial park that is more prosperous than the vicinity of Life Science City.
Now two years later, 100,000 immigrants have completely adapted to the life here. Not only that, the second and third immigrants have also joined the life of this trip, and the population of the entire Ares City has exceeded. 500,000 people.
Viewed from outer space, Mars has become a planet full of green. That's because the water bear moss has spread all over the surface of the planet. This kind of moss with strong vitality produces oxygen all the time and makes Mars form. Its own unique atmosphere.
The new moon of Mars, Ceres, is also orbiting Mars hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, causing the core of Mars to continuously recover and form a magnetic field sufficient to resist the solar wind.
Chen Chen silently felt the weaker gravity on Mars, then raised his head and looked at the turbulent flow of people in the center of the city. Most of these people are bionics. The benefits of Mars have caused people here to have enough purchasing power to buy bionics. Take care of your own life, so some rare bionics can be seen everywhere on the earth.
As for real urban residents, UU reading www.uukanshu. Those people at com either work in their jobs or educate their children at home. Only after get off work hours will the city become busy again, with a turbulent flow of people.
"Sir, please let me..."
"Sir, hello..."
Chen Chen walked in the flow of bionics. Most of these bionics would turn sideways after seeing humans. This is a procedural problem set by them. The bionics are not offensive, and their procedures make them never offend humans. , Even if they are hurt, they can only run away without the right to fight back, and if it’s the owner who hurts it, they don’t even have the right to escape.
Unconsciously, Chen Chen suddenly walked to the front of the city's Central Hospital.
But when he got here, Chen Chen suddenly narrowed his eyes, and a vigilance appeared in his eyes.
In the next second, the field energy exploded. Chen Chen's powerful field energy directly enveloped most of the hospital building, penetrated through the gaps in the windows, and inspected every room.
In one of the newborn delivery rooms, Chen Chen heard a loud cry.
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