Chapter 288: Govern the country

In the great world of Xuanhuanghonghuang, Ye Qing's body licked his lips. The smell of the saint soul is the most delicious food in this world, without cooking, it has its own deliciousness.
However, Ye Qing's body will only taste the taste, most of the benefits are still attributed to the true spirit of the clone in the world of Journey to the West, but these benefits will eventually return to the body if the fertilizer does not flow into the outsiders' fields.
It's just that the saint is just a piece of cake for Ye Qing's ontology. It's not a big meal. If it is an incarnation of world consciousness, just like Hongjun Taoist, that is the real big nourishment.
It's just that there is a Taoist Zhunti in the immortal world, and the current Buddha-mother Zhunti sits high on the lotus platform. Although she is dignified, she is also disturbed, as if she has lost something very important and precious.
In the posthumous world of Journey to the West, Ye Qing outrageously colluded with the main body and swallowed the primordial spirit of the Patriarch Subhuti. This is of course a great benefit to Ye Qing!
The primordial spirit of the saint surpassed any elixir and magic medicine. Ye Qing completed all the foundations at once, and since then he has no more shackles in the world of the post-Journey to the West.
Ye Qing's character template has also undergone tremendous changes:
Name: Ye Qing (Li Chengqian)
Occupation: Xuanhuang Honghuang World Creator, Emperor of Heaven (His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty)
Strength: 9999999
Intelligence: 9999999
Mana: 9999999
Agility: 9999999
Skills: Humanities knowledge, Vientiane magical power
Potential point:? ? ? ? ? ? ?
The four-dimensional attribute of nine hundred and ninety-nine ninety-nine is the power of the quasi-sage pinnacle Dzogchen, and it only takes one step to advance to the rank of saint.
And the potential point turned into a series of question marks, because Ye Qing occupies the power of the two saints, which has exceeded the upper limit of the world of Journey to the West, so it cannot be displayed.
However, Ye Qing is not in a hurry to be promoted to a saint. He is now completely restrained, and he is very happy. Before Wutian did not do anything, Ye Qing had no need to incarnate as a saint. Ye Qing has a very deep plan. Under his layout, the Buddha and the Buddha are no more than chess pieces in his hand.
When the time comes, the Wutian Buddha will do something, but he will be the pioneer of the king.
Swallowing the primordial spirit of Grandmaster Subhuti is equivalent to the complete death of Grandmaster Subhuti. From then on, the vest of Grandmaster Subhuti completely belonged to Ye Qing. After Ye Qing wore the vest of Master Subhuti, even if he went to eat rouge in the fireworks and willow alley, Grandmaster Subhuti couldn't respond.
Ye Qing refined the body of Master Subhuti into an elixir, which was of little significance to him, but it could be used to reward his own woman. As for the Seven Treasures Tree of Subhuti Patriarch, Ye Qing smiled unceremoniously. Ye Qing was short of magic weapons to take advantage of it. Although the banana fan, purple green gourd, and vajra are good, there is no Seven Treasure Tree that works.
It's so happy to kill him, top his vest, and seize his magic weapon!
Without the hindrance of Master Subhuti, Ye Qing immediately rose into the clouds, and returned to Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty.
At this time, the Tang Empire had just undergone the second Xuanwu Sect change. Taizong Li Shimin was placed under house arrest in the Taiji Palace, but Li Shimin was not as depraved as the great ancestor Li Yuan, and was not obsessed with the creation of human beings.
But Ye Qing’s Jinyi Guarding Organization has been formed, and many eunuchs in the palace have joined them. They have become Ye Qing’s eyes and ears. Li Shimin’s every move is under Ye Qing’s watch, and Ye Qing’s strength is superb. Li Shimin wants to make a comeback. It is not easy to talk about political restoration.
The Chang'an area, because of Ye Qing's two good dogs, Wang Qianhua and Hou Junji, has been able to rectify them effectively, and they have become Ye Qing's own words. However, Taizong Li Shimin's military merits were so great that he fought south and north to level the world, and everyone was convinced. But Ye Qing didn't build up his merits either, and there were some eagerness everywhere, especially in the army where Taizong Li Shimin's influence was deeply rooted, there were even more signs of rebellion.
But Ye Qing watched with cold eyes, let them be ready to move, and dared to rebel, kill them all, and move closer to the emperor, depending on their ability. What is the emperor? The emperor is holding a sword in one hand, killing people in the wild, and throwing money in the other hand to benefit the common people. It is to integrate majesty and benevolence to achieve the effect that thunder and rain are all graces.
After the imperial center was wiped out with severe means, Ye Qing began to throw money and plundered the wealth of the entire East China Sea Dragon Palace. Ye Qing had a hundred years of financial income from the Tang Empire, and the wealth of the treasury was beyond the reach of the prosperity of Kaiyuan.
Although gold and silver treasures cannot be eaten or worn, they can enter the field of economic circulation and serve as an important tool for Emperor Ye Qing to control the country's productivity. Ye Qing began to allocate funds to the six ministries, starting from the Chang'an area, building water conservancy facilities, widening roads, and establishing factories. In fact, it means to give a lot of money to the people near Chang'an and the entire Guanzhong area to provide them with employment opportunities.
As a result, the prefects and Jiedushi envoys everywhere looked at Ye Qing's court, not only did they have no problems, but they were thriving, and they were dumbfounded. If you have any ideas for a time, you have to suppress it. After all, Ye Qing has already collected the hearts of the people in the entire Guanzhong area, with a 200,000 army in hand, suppressing Datang, who dares not accept it?
Half a year later, Dazhi year spring.
During this period of time, nothing major happened in the immortal world, and Sun Wukong smoothly investigated the injustice case of the Dragon King of Jinghe and gave a sigh for his little brother Xiaobailong Ao Lie. However, Sun Wukong also felt that the Heavenly Court was corrupt, and Buddhism was also very corrupt. He couldn't get free and easy. If he defeated the Buddha, he would not sit on the lotus platform and returned to the Huaguo Mountain to become the king of the mountain.
This is the layout of the Tathagata Buddha, and Ye Qing is unwilling to interfere.
"Your Majesty, the steam engine has already been built. Please move to the manufacturing bureau to take a look." On this day, Ye Qing was reviewing the memorial, and the Ministry of Industry had come to report it.
"Okay." Ye Qing put down the memorial, and under the leadership of the ministers, went to the manufacturing bureau. In the manufacturing bureau, he saw the smoothly operating steam engine.
The steam engine is a symbol of the first industrial revolution. Even in the information age, many places cannot do without the steam engine and "boiling water".
Originally, it was extremely difficult to build a steam engine with Datang's technology, but this was the world of immortals, and Ye Qing helped the craftsman to open it. Everything was not a problem. There is no rubber, right? Ye Qing directly used the big transfer technique to transfer it directly from Southeast Asia. If it doesn't work, Ye Qing can still use spells to forcibly create alternative materials.
Therefore, in half a year, the steam engine was born.
It is so easy to use magical powers to govern a mortal country. Ye Qing can solve any social problem with magical powers. Even if there was not enough food to eat, Ye Qing dared to go to Tianzhu and directly carry a few treasury.
The commendation encouraged the craftsmen. Ye Qingyou reviewed his 100,000 musketeers and found that they were well trained. At this time, there was an emergency military situation in the Liaodong region: Goguryeo despised Ye Qing as the new king, and his position was unstable. , So outrageously sent troops to Liaodong, invaded the land of Datang!
When Ye Qing heard this, he was furious. As expected, this Korean stick has been so arrogant and ignorant since ancient times. These days, Wutian doesn't come out to make big news. Ye Qing has some fun just as the emperor, and now he is completely idle, and he is in the harem every day, and has three thousand beauties.
As soon as I felt idle, the Goguryeo country jumped out and died, and Ye Qing also decided that it was time to move his muscles and bones, and it was time to destroy the Korean stick that bounced the Sui and Tang dynasties!
Since Emperor Sui Yang in the Sui Dynasty, Goguryeo has always been a confidant of the Central Plains Dynasty. Although Emperor Sui Yang was named Hunjun, his vision was very keen, so he personally conquered Goguryeo.
Unexpectedly, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty went to Goguryeo three times, not only did not destroy Goguryeo, but also shaken the foundation of the Sui Dynasty, leading to the demise of the Sui Dynasty. After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin also personally conquered Goguryeo, but Goguryeo was very tenacious, and Li Shimin didn't get any advantage.
This country of Goguryeo is really a big trouble for China. It was not until the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty that the Tang Dynasty and Silla attacked Goguryeo together, which completely destroyed the country.
This Goguryeo country was so arrogant, thinking that the Sui and Tang dynasties could not hold him down, and it was very bloated. Although Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of Tang Dynasty failed to defeat Goguryeo and failed to destroy Goguryeo in one fell swoop, the Tang army also occupied a large amount of Goguryeo's land and killed a large number of soldiers and civilians of Goguryeo. The hatred between Goguryeo and Datang grew deeper and deeper.
Now the news of the second Xuanwu sect change in the Datang Empire reaches Goguryeo. Goguryeo is overjoyed and believes that the new monarch of the Tang Dynasty is on top of the coup and his position is unstable. This is a good opportunity to counterattack the Tang Dynasty.
Ever since, Goguryeo General Yuan Gai Suwen led the Goguryeo army with one hundred thousand, and brazenly invaded Datang Liaodong and took the opportunity to invade Silla Kingdom.
Silla’s distress letter was also delivered to Chang’an.
In the letter, Queen Zhende sincerely prayed to His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty to send down the heavenly soldiers to save Silla from fire and water. Silla was grateful.
In Liaodong and the Korean Peninsula, there are three stick countries, one is Goguryeo, which is the most powerful country. The second is the Baekje country, an ally of Goguryeo, and they have done a lot of evil together with Goguryeo. The third is Silla, suffering from the infringement of Goguryeo and Baekje, and can only hope for the rescue of the Tang Empire.
Ye Qing naturally slapped the clowns like Goguryeo to death, and completely included the Korean Peninsula in China's territory.
Now Ye Qing has trained a new army of 100,000 muskets, called the Shenji Camp. In addition, the Tiance Army was taught various martial arts by Ye Qing and trained 20,000 strong knights, plus the original elite of the Tang Dynasty, Ye Qing can dispatch 300,000 troops.
Zhengshou is useless. I don't know who to fan, so this Goguryeo will be put on the face. If Ye Qing doesn't hit them with a peach blossom, how can he be worthy of the hard work of the Goguryeo sticks?
"I want to go by myself and destroy Goguryeo in one fell swoop. Such a small country, a barbarian country, does not want to be a dog to me, pay tribute every year, and become a minister every year. They dare to invade the Tang Dynasty. This is their own way of death! The chieftain's head is on the Daming Palace, telling thousands of miles, you must know that anyone who offends my Tang Tianwei will be punishable even if it is far away!" Ye Qing sat in danger and said to the officials.
"Your Majesty..."
Someone immediately persuaded him that the Tang people were still very spine. Even though Ye Qing's authority became more and more important, he was not entirely Ye Qing's kowtow slave. Many famous ministers pointed out the current ills and pointed out that the teacher's expedition to Goguryeo was really the next move.
"In the past, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty went to Goguryeo three times. He failed and suffered millions of casualties. The world was in turmoil. A few years ago, the Supreme Emperor made an expedition to Goguryeo. Chu Suiliang advised.
A truly iron-clad loyal minister, Ye Qing will not be sloppy, let alone kill, but Ye Qing has made up his mind and no one can move.
"I want to destroy Goguryeo, not just a whim, but it is actually at the throat of China. The country's system has its own rules. If you continue to indulge it, it will be a great trouble for future generations. To get rid of this disaster, I must Destroy Goguryeo, crusade against ministers, absolutely its country and society!" Ye Qing looked solemn, and said in a final word, "What's more, my Datang soldier is already ready to go. The strength of the Tang Dynasty has reached unprecedented levels of power in history. It's just a chicken and shingle--all soldiers, do you have any confidence!"
Ye Qing was the last sentence, but he used supernatural powers to cover the entire Datang area with his will.
Just listen to the countless soldiers outside the Daming Palace.
"Your Majesty Wansheng, Datang Wansheng!"
"Your Majesty Wansheng, Datang Wansheng!"
"Your Majesty Wansheng, Datang Wansheng!"
The officials were shocked by this movement. It is known that Li Chengqian, today's son, is different from the emperors of the past, and he is really a man among gods.
Seeing Tang Jun's aura like a rainbow, it is expected that the Goguryeo barbaric little state has entered the countdown to destruction.
Three days later, Ye Qing named Hou Junji as the main general, Su Dingfang, Liu Boying, and Cheng Mingzhen as lieutenants. He commanded 300,000 troops, known as one million, and set off from Chang'an to Liaodong.
This battle will not only destroy Goguryeo and annex the Korean Peninsula, but also play Ye Qing's prestige. So Ye Qing unscrupulously opened up and gave Tang Jun "Going for thousands of miles", "Looking at night as day", "Vibrant spirit", "Morale like a rainbow", "Hand torn tiger and leopard", etc., turning Tang Jun into a real one. The teacher of the tiger and wolf. With Ye Qing, the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, in fact, the Creator’s emperor was backing him. Tang Jun wanted to hang the Trisolaris with his spear. This Goguryeo is dead! Baekje is dead! Silla is also dead!
Wherever Ye Qing's army went, the people of Datang were stunned. With Ye Qing's gain, the 300,000 army was stunned. The tall horses of the cavalry were almost equal to the monster beasts. Where the horses passed, the land was full. In the tremor. Such a military appearance made the people of Datang feel that they used to say "Master Wang" and "Heaven Soldier General", but now they finally saw the real King Master and Heaven Soldier General.
The great officials in the frontiers everywhere were also extremely shocked. The elite teachers of the imperial court were really elite and were not like mortals. Any small soldier could have the ability to lift the pot. The masters in the military strategy that day were able to tear down the city wall. Three hundred thousand Tang army, eating Ye Qing's meal with elixir of elixir every day, all swelled into muscular men, and the atmosphere of philosophy permeated the entire Datang army.
This really doesn't belong to the human army anymore.
Ye Qing drove her personally, and arrived in Liaodong within a few days. After setting up the camp, Ye Qing sent out spies who could fly into the sky and escape to investigate the enemy, but the Goguryeo country didn't know that what he was about to face was a group of open Tang troops who could be pulled out to fight monsters.
One day later.
"A messenger from Xinluo met your Majesty."
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