Chapter 308: Great Tang

The Golden-winged Roc Bird is indeed the fastest bird in the Three Realms. Ye Qing took the Golden-winged Roc Bird, and within a moment, he returned to Chang'an in Datang.
After allowing the golden-winged roc bird to hunt freely, Ye Qing returned to the Daming Palace and handed Qiao Ling'er to Queen Haitang and said, "Queen, find a nurse for this child first."
Empress Haitang looked at Qiao Ling'er, who was carved with jade, her eyes widened, and said, "Is this your majesty's illegitimate child in the folk?"
Ye Qing's face turned black: "Do I look like that kind of merciful person?"
Queen Haitang said in a very positive tone: "Like."
Ye Qing rolled his eyes.
Queen Haitang smiled and said: "Your Majesty's expedition to Goguryeo tamed Queen Jin Shengman of the Silla as the Silla maidservant. Now the Silla maidservant is looking at your majesty in the tucked garden. I wish he could sleep with your majesty every day! If this child is really the illegitimate child of his majesty, why should he be so hypocritical? If this child is really the illegitimate child of his majesty, wouldn't his concubines still be jealous? Isn't the queen's duty to urge her majesty to extend the heirs? "
Ye Qing said helplessly: "This child is really not my child. You know the queen. I am not only the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, but also a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. He has some associations with the immortal world. This child is actually someone who cannot The immortal reincarnated, but I have some plans to fall on this child."
Queen Haitang said, "Is this the child of your majesty and a certain fairy? Is it Fairy Chang'e, or other fairy?"
Ye Qing criticized Haitang and said, "Queen, you have been polluted by evil thoughts, and you must be purified."
The queen cast a wink at her eyes and said: "The concubine cannot be expected." After that, the queen ordered the left and right to hug the child, find a nanny, and then bit her lip and said to Ye Qing: "Your Majesty, come and purify the concubine."
Ye Qing naturally wouldn't be polite with her, and after some earth-shattering purification, both of them achieved great harmony of life. The queen lay contently in Ye Qing’s arms and asked: "Your Majesty, I believe you. This child is definitely not the crystallization of your Majesty. But I don’t know what your Majesty will do with this child. Raising it in the palace is definitely not acceptable. Gossip is too much. too much."
Ye Qing said with a smile: "Just keep it in your Hou's family. It is said to the outside that it is my old father-in-law, Hou Junji Baodao, who is not old, and the dead wood comes in spring. This child follows the surname Hou, named Liangping, let's call Hou Liangping! "
After Ye Qing had a bad taste, after naming the young master of Qiao Family Qiao Beiming, the bad taste became uncontrollable, and the original Qiao Linger was renamed Hou Liangping.
"Your Majesty, you know to bully my dad." Queen Haitang said angrily, but didn't object.
In this way, the reincarnation of Buddha Tathagata left Qiao's family and was raised in the mansion of Chen Guogong in Hou Junji. He was known as Hou Junji's son and his name was Hou Liangping.
The atmosphere of the Tang people is relatively open, and Hou Junji doesn't care about this. On the contrary, he likes this little child who is carved with jade and is determined to train Hou Liangping into a famous general.
From then on, there was no gentleman Qiao Ling'er in the world, only Datang Meng general Hou Liangping was left.
After arranging the reincarnation of Tathagata Buddha, Ye Qing no longer cares about the immortal world, but puts energy back on the Datang Empire.
Ye Qing wanted to build the Datang Empire into a real "heavenly dynasty", taking the place of the heavenly court, and ordering the Three Realms, and dare not disobey.
In the midst of the prehistoric emperor, Ye Qing has already tasted the feeling that heaven, earth and luck are all in one, the feeling that all business ideas are supported. As long as Ye Qing can inherit humanity and divine power in the world passed on after Journey to the West, and become the supreme Emperor of Heaven, then Ye Qing will have many advantages and many conveniences in his actions.
Since Ye Qing's expedition to Goguryeo and calming down the Korean peninsula, Ye Qing's Wenzhi martial arts has reached its peak. Now in the Great Tang, no one dares to oppose Ye Qing.
Including Li Shimin in the Tai Chi Palace, after hearing that Ye Qing had calmed down Goguryeo, he seemed to have lost his ambitions and became increasingly depressed, just like the former Tang Gaozu Li Yuan, and resigned.
In terms of material enjoyment, Ye Qing was not mean and did not treat Li Shimin wrongly. Apart from putting Li Shimin under house arrest, Li Shimin had nothing to do with material enjoyment. But helpless power is the vitality of politicians. Without power, Li Shimin will not be happy if he gives Li Shimin gold and silver mountains.
Therefore, Li Shimin grew old very quickly, now he has gray hair, wrinkles, and his mental state is not particularly good.
Ye Qing couldn't help but feel that as a stranger, he had done his best to Li Shimin.
Ye Qing is now his main job, which is quite complicated.
The main points are as follows:
1. Eliminate the ethnic minority regimes around the Tang Dynasty that could threaten the Tang Dynasty, such as Tubo, Turks, Bohai Kingdom, etc. Ye Qing knew that the decline of Datang was due to the Anshi Rebellion, and An Lushan, the initiator of the Anshi Rebellion, was a nonsense. People who are not my race must have different hearts. Ye Qing lacks any trust in Huren.
Second, climb the technological tree. Although it is a fairy world, science and technology are also the primary productive forces. Ye Qing not only builds steam engines, makes cement, and builds factories. Ye Qing also wanted to invent a kind of Jinke La, so that Datang's wheat and rice could be produced at 180 per mu, so as to solve the food problem of the people. If this can be achieved, Ye Qing's humane luck will surely bring prosperity to the extreme.
Third, flatten the family members. The family members in Datang are tumors within Datang. The imperial examination system is a good medicine to eliminate them, but this good medicine is too slow to work. Ye Qing needs to administer fierce medicine to get rid of the five hopes and seven surnames. In the whole world, only small and medium landlords are allowed, and there cannot be any existence that poses a threat to imperial power.
As long as these three points are resolved, Ye Qing can become the first emperor to surpass the three emperors and five emperors. At that time, the humanity will be strong, and Ye Qing will seize the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. The unity of nature and man is invincible.
Time is nothing to the eternal and immortal Ye Qing. There are still thirty-three years left without the ruler of heaven to govern the three realms. The three realms of the post-Journey to the West refer to the heaven, Buddha, and underworld, and do not include the human world. Wutian did not intend to harm the human world, although his demons and ghosts often went to the world to cause chaos. For example, three rhino monsters killed 20,000 people in Shuangta County.
But now there is a dragon group in the Datang Empire, where there are so many strange people and strangers, who dare to have evil spirits and evil spirits to harm the world, just to die.
Ye Qing began to administer the country slowly. Under Ye Qing's governance, the Tang empire was flourishing and the Tang Dynasty reached its glory. By the time of the fifth year of Dazhi, most areas of Datang had already been laid with railroad tracks and trains were connected.
In the eighth year of Dazhi, Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty Li Shimin died, and Ye Qing did not treat Li Shimin wrongly. He gave Li Shimin a great funeral, and wrote the comment of "One emperor through the ages, a model of Mingjun, Wencheng Wude, and the khan of heaven".
Time flies, time flies...
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