Chapter 670: smell it

With SpongeBob’s protagonist aura, it is very likely that the disguise of a birthless mother is directly broken.
Even if it doesn't break, there is no harm!
In the SpongeBob Squarepants world, this kind of illogical cartoon world, Ye Qing didn't know how to start.
But when Ye Qing and SpongeBob SquarePants decided to go out to save the world, Crab boss became a stumbling block.
", I mean SpongeBob, you can't go!" Crab boss said.
Ye Qing said: "Boss Crab, do you want to stop SpongeBob from saving the world?"
Crab boss said seriously: "I don't care about the big devil and Voldemort, which prevents me from making money, but I can't! You have to know that SpongeBob is my employee and works for me. Now it is his working time! In any case, working hours cannot Feel free to go out!"
SpongeBob said: "Yes, now is my working time!"
Ye Qing stretched out a finger and smiled: "One million!"
Boss Crab's eyes straightened.
"What are you talking about?" Crab boss asked in a halazi.
Ye Qing said: "I'll give you one million, rent SpongeBob for a week, you know!"
Crab boss said: "Give me the money! It doesn't matter how long you want to rent him!"
Ye Qing laughed and took money out of the clothes in piles.
Soon, a pile of one million appeared in front of the crab boss.
"Money, money, money, I love you!" Crab boss jumped into the money pile to swim.
"You can save the world with confidence, and bless you." Boss Crab said while swimming back in the money pile.
He is really happy.
Ye Qing smiled secretly.
Ye Qing's money was not created out of thin air, but moved out of Crab boss's vault.
Ye Qing's 20,000 yuan rewarded by Brother Octopus and the money he threw to Boss Crab were actually the money of Boss Crab.
In other words, the boss of Crab didn't make a penny, but he still lost 20,000 yuan.
After the crab boss discovered all this, he would cry!
Ye Qing and SpongeBob left.
After a while, Brother Octopus rested and returned.
"Brother Octopus, congratulations on your promotion." Boss Crab said to Brother Octopus.
Brother Octopus suddenly had a bad feeling and couldn't help asking: "Boss Crab, what do you want to say? Would you kindly promote me?"
Crab boss said: "Yes, you are a cashier, now I am promoted to chef, kitchen and cashier are all yours, Mr. Octopus!"
Brother Octopus shouted: "This is not fair! Where is SpongeBob?"
Crab boss said: "SpongeBob SquarePants was rented by me to that human wizard to save the world for a week. Within this week, enjoy the fun of promotion!"
Brother Octopus fell to the ground.
Not to mention how Brother Octopus at the Crab King Restaurant started his busy and miserable life, but after Ye Qing and SpongeBob on the road for a long time, SpongeBob said to Ye Qing: "Where are we going?"
Ye Qing said, "How do I know? I always follow you!"
The two of them stared with big eyes.
Ye Qing said: "Well, I will let you smell Voldemort!"
After Ye Qing said, he stretched out his finger.
On Ye Qing's fingers, there was a trace of the smell of a motherless mother, which he could smell for SpongeBob.
SpongeBob said: "Why does Voldemort smell so fragrant, like a woman?"
Ye Qing said, "Voldemort is a woman."
SpongeBob said: "Well, do you have any plans now?"
Ye Qing said, "You can find people you think are suspicious, and smell them. Maybe you can find Voldemort."
SpongeBob said: "What you said makes sense, I have already thought of a suspicious person! He must be disguised by Voldemort!"
After a while.
Next to SpongeBob’s Pineapple House, is Brother Octopus’s Easter Island Stone Statue House, and next to Brother Octopus’s house is Pai Daxing’s humble home.
"You mean, Pai Daxing is a suspicious element?" Ye Qing said.
"Yes, Pai Daxing has always been suspicious." SpongeBob said, "Let me smell him!"
Ye Qing rolled his eyes and said, "Smell it!"
SpongeBob started knocking on the roof of the big star.
"Pai Daxing, are you at home?" SpongeBob asked.
"I'm here." Pai Daxing said.
"What are you doing?" SpongeBob asked.
"I'm picking my nose." Pai Daxing said.
SpongeBob was silent for a moment.
"Do you have time?" SpongeBob asked.
"Yes." Pai Daxing said, opened the roof and appeared in front of SpongeBob SquarePants.
"Come on, brother, what can you do with me?" Pai Daxing asked.
SpongeBob said: "I want to smell your body!"
Pai Daxing gave SpongeBob a thumbs up and said excitedly: "Brother, you are so insightful and tasteful, I will let you smell it to your heart's content, one at a time!"
As Pai Daxing said, he held SpongeBob’s head and pressed SpongeBob’s head on his belly button.
Then Pai Daxing opened his armpits again and stuffed SpongeBob's head in.
Then Pai Daxing took off his pants again and stuffed SpongeBob's head between his own two strands.
Ye Qing couldn't bear to look at it.
Finally, SpongeBob was done with the big star.
"Brother, does my taste like it?" Pai Daxing asked.
SpongeBob was dizzy and fell directly to the ground.
SpongeBob fainted.
"No! I killed my good brother, I'm going to surrender to the crime!" Pai Daxing was frightened by tons and ran toward the police station crying. He was going to surrender because he thought he had killed SpongeBob.
Ye Qing held his forehead and vomited: "The mental patient has a wide range of ideas, and the mentally disabled children are so happy!"
Long, long time later.
SpongeBob woke up leisurely.
SpongeBob stood up and said to Ye Qing: "I'm sure that Pai Daxing must not be Voldemort!"
Ye Qing smiled and said, "Why?"
SpongeBob said: "Because, vomit..." As soon as SpongeBob said something, he opened his mouth and threw up.
SpongeBob spits out everything he eats for a week.
Wait for SpongeBob to vomit.
Ye Qing said, "I see, Pai Daxing must be too stinky, right?"
SpongeBob said: "Yes."
If Beechburg were to select the laziest and least hygienic person, Pai Daxing would surely be able to win the championship easily. The black mud that Pai Daxing digs out every year can pile up into Mount Everest. Pai Daxing digs every year. The booger that comes out can build the Great Wall of China.
"I thought of a suspicious character again!" SpongeBob quickly recovered, his inspiration flashed and he had another bold idea.
Ye Qing said, "Who do you think of again?"
SpongeBob said: "Come with me!"
Ye Qing shrugged and followed SpongeBob to the suspect's residence.
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