Chapter 990: Black Magic Test

Among the school's student union, the Dark Magic Ministry is one of the rich student unions.
The student union is very well funded and can get a lot of tasks from the Ministry of Magic every year.
Having said that, it must be explained.
The missions of the entire magic world are completely monopolized by the Ministry of Magic, but the Ministry of Magic itself does not have the power to perform tasks and needs to be performed by the student councils on behalf of the Ministry.
Only the tasks delegated by the Ministry of Magic are legal tasks, and the Ministry of Magic will logically withdraw taxes after the tasks are completed, thus saving a lot of tax collection work.
And the stronger the strength of the student union, the more difficult the tasks it accepts, and the more tasks they have.
The most important thing is to get paid and the richest.
The Black Magic is one of the oldest student unions. Among them, the only ones that can be compared with the Black Magic are the Druids and the Musketeers. The former is a student union established by the Druids, and the latter belongs to the Ministry of Magic. Student Union.
The black magic society has been established for more than two hundred years, and Hogwarts is only one of the branches. Of course, even if it is a branch, a large number of powerful magicians join the Hogwarts branch every year.
Delink took Li Jun into the magic tower, and saw a few people wearing wizard robes in the room at the bottom of the magic tower, chatting and laughing.
Seeing Drink coming in, he immediately greeted Drink.
With a few casual greetings, Nadlink led Li Jun to the top secretary's office.
In the student union, no matter how many branches there are, there is only one president. The secretary who manages the branch is called the secretary. It is not the president who directly manages these branches.
The secretary of the black magic society was an old man in his fifties, who looked sloppy.
When Li Jun and Delinke walked into the office, they saw the old man struggling to write on the desk, and they didn't even notice their presence.
"Secretary Elt..." Drink greeted him in a low voice.
"Ah? What?" Elt said without looking up.
Drink said, "Secretary Airt, the person I introduced to you the other day, I brought you."
Hearing this, the old man's quill in his hand paused, then immediately raised his head and looked at Li Jun.
The old man put down the quill, stared at Li Jun for a long time, and said, "You have made Hogwarts a sensation these days, that student named Newton?"
Li Jun nodded.
The old man said, "Why do you want to join the Black Magic Club?"
"Just for the convenience of getting in and out of the school?" Li Jun said.
The old man's angry nose was crooked, and he said, "Is there nothing special about my black magic to attract you?"
Li Jun shrugged and said, "I just entered Hogwarts. How do you know what good things you will have with dark magic?"
The old man listened and said: "Well, you first go to the magic tower with Drrink, Drink, you will introduce him to our dark magic society, I will prepare for your entrance test. "
"Testing?" Li Jun frowned, "Do I still need to test to join the Black Magic Club?"
The old man rolled his eyes and said, "Of course! Joining the student union means completing the task. If you are too weak, how can you help the dark magic to complete the task?"
Li Jun pondered for a moment, and felt that what the old man said made sense.
Nodded and said, "Well then."
Soon the conversation turned around and asked: "What tests do you need?"
"Of course it is to test whether you are eligible to join the Black Magic Club." The old man said.
Derlink said to the side: "Don't worry, these are some small tests. You can easily pass them at your level."
Li Jun nodded and left the office with Delinke.
Nadlink admired the Black Magic Society very much. Along the way, he introduced all aspects of the Black Magic Society, focusing on the glorious history of the Black Magic Society.
Li Jun listened carefully.
Two hours later, a dwarf came to inform Derlink and Li Jun that the test was ready.
Under the leadership of the dwarf, the two walked towards the testing room.
Anyone who joins the Black Magic Society must pass a test, and only after passing the test can they be eligible to enter the Black Magic Society, otherwise, they will be rejected directly.
The test is mainly divided into three aspects, one is the magic theory, the other is the test of magic power, and the last is the test of strength.
The dwarf walked into the testing room with the two of them, only to see that Elt and a few others were already waiting in the room.
"Newton, these are all students who have joined our dark magic society. They are all your seniors and senior sisters." Na Elt introduced the six people standing behind him.
Among them, when a woman named Alice was introduced, Li Jun found that the woman looked at her gaze very coldly. He pondered a little and frowned, "Alice, who are you? The day I went to school, I cleaned it up. That guy’s sister?"
"Huh!" Alice hummed coldly.
"Why, even forgot my brother's name?" Alice said coldly.
Li Jun laughed and said, "The school curriculum is too heavy. It is normal to forget a person's name. Then, what is your brother's name, Walt or Holt?"
"Huh! My brother's name is Howard!" Alice said angrily.
"Hahaha!" Li Jun smiled.
With his memory, how could he have forgotten that senior? But just to tease Alice.
As a result, just as Li Jun expected, he succeeded in angering Alice.
When Elt saw this scene, he looked surprised, and after a little inquiries, he knew that Li Jun and Alice were celebrating the festival.
"It's interesting now." Secretary Elt squinted and stared at Li Jun thoughtfully.
"Ahem." Elt coughed, cleared his throat, and said, "Newton, you are just a freshman at Hogwarts after all. You have just entered school not long ago. If you don’t know much about magic theory, I will ask you a few. Simple question."
Li Jun nodded.
Then Elt simply asked a few questions.
Mainly the issue of magic activation, chanting, and magic attributes.
Li Jun answered one by one, and Alter was very satisfied.
"Yes, your answer is very comprehensive and concise. It seems that the answer is so concise if you really understand it, and you can easily grasp the core." Elt praised it.
"It's just playing tricks, what's the big deal," Alice murmured, very dissatisfied with Elt's praise of Li Jun.
Alter laughed, not angry, and said: "Then let's test your magic power and magic attributes."
Speaking of this, Elt suddenly asked: "Well, Newton, do you know that there are several levels of magic power?"
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