Chapter 222: The same hatred

Li Tianyuan's voice fell, and the entire discussion hall suddenly became quiet, and no one spoke again.
It can be seen from this that Li Tianyuan has absolute prestige in the Li family.
Moreover, this kind of prestige is not created by fierceness, but is the willingness of everyone to comply.
At this moment, all eyes converged towards Li Tianyuan.
In the face of everyone's gaze, Li Tianyuan said calmly: "The purpose of summoning you to come here temporarily is mainly to tell you a very important thing."
As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the discussion hall became a bit solidified.
They are all aware of Li Tianyuan’s temperament and character. If Li Tianyuan said that this is a very important matter, it means that the matter has indeed reached the point where discussions are necessary, otherwise Li Tianyuan will not summon all of them here temporarily. Come to the meeting.
Because, according to past practice, the Li family will notify them in advance every time they hold such a large-scale meeting, at least one day in advance.
Thinking of this, all eyes were on Li Tianyuan, without even blinking his eyelids.
Li Tianyuan took a deep breath and said loudly, "I decided to go to war with the dealer."
When Li Tianyuan's voice fell, in the entire discussion hall, a breath of air-conditioning sounded almost simultaneously.
Complete war with the dealer?
what does this mean?
It means that the two big families will fight completely!
Both the Li family and the dealer are among the top big families in the province of China. When these two families start a war, even an ordinary person can think about it with their toes, and what impact it will have on both sides.
"Patriarch, what is this?"
"Yes, Patriarch, isn't the relationship between our Li family and the dealer always good?"
"Although we have a good relationship with the dealer on the surface, it's not to the point of breaking our skin, right?"
"Patriarch, please think twice about this kind of thing!"
After the Li family reacted, they all began to advise.
The two big families were fighting, and things were not trivial. They had to persuade Li Tianyuan to think twice.
Li Tianyuan was not surprised by the reaction of the crowd. He would be surprised if they hadn't given such advice.
He raised his hand, and everyone saw his gesture and immediately stopped the discussion.
"Everyone, I know that the war between the two big families is not trivial. I am calling you here now to tell you why our Li family must go to war with the dealer." Li Tianyuan said solemnly.
"Patriarch, we are really puzzled about this question. After all, the young lady had only gone out to practice with the dealer..."
A middle-aged man in his forties spoke. When he was talking about this, he suddenly thought of something. He turned around and said, "Is it because of this experience that something happened?"
I have to say that this middle-aged man reacted very quickly, and in such a moment he could capture the crux of the problem from Li Tianyuan's words.
Of course, the status of this middle-aged man in the Li family is indeed not low.
Li Tianyuan nodded and said, "Yes, something happened this time. Xue Bingqun and two of them have already died tragically in the hands of Zhuang Letian, Liu Zhong and others."
The audience was shocked when he said this.
Everyone in the Li family's eyes widened a lot at this time, and they never expected that Zhuang Letian, Liu Zhong and others dared to kill Xue Bingqun.
In other words, they did not expect that Zhuang Letian, Liu Zhong and others would dare to ignore the face of their Li family.
After all, killing the Li family is equivalent to declaring war with their Li family.
"Fortunately, Xiao Han had a big life, and luckily escaped from the clumps. In the case of serious injuries, he was rescued by a good-hearted person, otherwise Xiao Han would not be able to come back alive from this experience." Li Tianyuan said solemnly. .
"It's too much! It's too arrogant! The dealers have done such things, and they simply don't take our Li family in their eyes! They must pay the price of blood!"
"Yes! I didn't expect them to dare to do this. Now that I think about it carefully, they called Miss Shang to go out and practice. I'm afraid they had such an idea from the beginning!"
"The young lady is the future Patriarch of our Li family. They want to kill the young lady, that is, they want to ruin our Li family's future. They must not be bypassed!"
"Patriarch! Just now we didn't understand the reason for the matter. After we know this, we will all be united in one mind and fight the dealer!"
"Yes! War! Must be war! In any case, let the dealer know that our Li family is not easy to provoke!"
After listening to what Li Tianyuan said, everyone in the Li family became bitter with the same enemy, wishing to rush to the dealer to kill a piece of armor without leaving.
They all knew that Li Zihan was the future head of the Li family. If something happened to Li Zihan, the development of the Li family would inevitably be greatly affected even if it would not be completely finished.
In this way, this incident is no less than that the dealer is actively declaring war on the Li family.
If they didn't show a strong attitude to resist, then the dealer would really think that their Li family was a beast, and would not dare to fight back after being bullied into this way.
If things go on like this, the dealer will definitely do more excessive things, and it is not impossible to find the opportunity to destroy the Li family directly.
Li Tianyuan was naturally very satisfied to see that everyone was in the same hatred and one mind.
When it comes to this kind of war between the two big families, if no one in the family can unite the front, then the result of the war is really hard to say. It is necessary to let the internal unity first.
"We absolutely cannot forgive what the dealer does. No matter what negotiation conditions they offer or how much benefits they offer, we will not accept them."
"This time, we only have one goal, and that is to get rid of the dealer."
Li Tianyuan said indignantly.
"Get rid of the dealer!"
"It must be removed!"
"Even if we desperately die, we must get rid of the dealer!"
The crowd responded with high spirits.
The banker manages losses, the Li family manages.
The dealer has a guilty conscience, and the Li family is united.
This kind of opportunity is not always encountered. Li Tianyuan also wanted to seize this opportunity to get rid of the dealer in one fell swoop.
Eliminate the dealer, all the resources of the dealer will belong to their Li family.
With this consideration, no matter what conditions the dealer puts forward, obviously there is no need to consider it.
"Patriarch, the strength of the dealer should not be underestimated. We are going to war with them. If we want to get rid of them completely, we must come up with a detailed plan and not take it lightly." The middle-aged man said before again.
Although he was also angry at what the dealer did, he couldn't be dazzled by hatred, he still had to be calm when he should.
"Yes, we have to come up with a detailed plan to minimize our damage."
Li Tianyuan waved his hand and said, "Now, if you have any good suggestions, you can talk freely. Let's discuss it carefully."
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