Chapter 343: Immigration ends, the earth changes its surname

With the opening of An Wen, the currency issue of foreign trade transactions has seen new variables.
As for how to carry out future foreign trade transactions, the results cannot be discussed now. It is estimated that we have to wait for the above study.
In this regard, An Wen is indifferent, anyway, foreign trade has nothing to do with him.
"Is there anything else in the departments?" An Wen asked.
If it's okay below, he will have to come up with his own ideas.
At this time, the director of the Star Academy of Sciences suddenly said: "Secretary, we want a science research spacecraft."
"Science spaceships? Don't you have three spaceships?" An Wen asked curiously.
The current Star Academy of Sciences has better hardware equipment than the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Received the scientific research experimental area, with the support of An Wen, the Star Academy of Sciences in hardware, a lot more than the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Besides, at the time of the merger, the Chinese Academy of Sciences also distributed some people and equipment.
The country also assigned the original Starship to the Academy of Starry Sciences. Although the Starship is too backward, it is the only spaceship in the country that has been independently developed and has a complete manufacturing system, which represents far more significance than practical significance.
In addition, An Wen allocated the outdated Heilong and Pippi shrimps to the Academy of Sciences, and they should have no spaceships.
"Secretary, this is the case. At present, the spacecraft of the Star Academy of Sciences are not pure scientific research spacecraft. The scanning and exploration equipment is not accurate enough to be used as scientific research data."
"That's it ... then you send the Pippi shrimp back to the bureau, and I will give you a new scientific research boat in a few days."
An Wen thought for a while and definitely gave the starry academy a star-level scientific research vessel.
Spending money elsewhere, although he doesn't care, he doesn't have to work hard.
But in scientific research, he is very generous.
A star-level scientific research vessel is enough for Star Academy of Sciences to use it for dozens or hundreds of years.
"Thank you, Secretary."
"Okay, do you have anything else?" An Wen nodded and continued to ask.
Several of the people here seemed a little moved, after all, they saw An Wen assigned a scientific research ship to the Star Academy of Sciences.
But after thinking about it, everyone still didn't speak.
After all, the scientific research ship is different from the battleship. Even if they do, they may not be able to come, and they are assigned to one department.
In the end, no one spoke.
"Okay, since it's okay, let me talk about the arrangements for the next stage.
With the end of global migration, the ecological environment of the planet will also be restored.
Therefore, in the next few months, that is, before the Chinese New Year, all our strengths will be around the restoration of the earth's ecological environment.
Among them, the Star Academy of Sciences has done a good job of data analysis and technical guidance, and the remaining departments fully cooperate.
Members of the patrol and near-air defense teams were deployed to conduct landing operations with the remaining cities on the planet as targets.
I will give you one month to develop the exercise process, and the remaining three months to completely destroy all the buildings of the global intangible cultural heritage.
The rest of the department cooperated with the expert group of the Academy of Starry Sciences to fully restore the earth's ecological environment.
As for the co-ordination office, it is mainly responsible for the expansion of Star Ring and the logistics support. "
An Wen arranged the next thing, and then announced the meeting.
Anyway, he was only responsible for giving orders and providing technical support, and he would not care about the remaining specific tasks.
Restoring the global environment is actually very simple. With the support of powerful life science and technology, let alone restore the earth's ecological environment, even if Mars becomes a green planet, it can be done.
In an instant, half a month passed.
China is busy up and down, because global immigrants are coming to an end, and currently less than 170 million people have not been sent off the earth.
These people are expected to disappear to the earth in another week.
At that time, in addition to the rest of the entire planet, there will only be their own people.
The country is busy planning the whole world.
After all, the entire earth is its own, and we don't need to be nested in Asia, let's just wave around the world.
And the original land will cancel 99% of the urban area.
Except for several major municipalities and cities with ancient heritage, all other cities were abolished.
It's not a joke, it's really undone.
The population of the whole country will be relocated and resettled on various continents.
At that time, the earth will truly become a global village, and people may have to travel thousands of kilometers to and from work.
It ’s not a joke. It ’s only 15 minutes to go around the earth anyway. Does it make a difference where to work?
As for you, you want to live in the old forest in the deep mountains.
Sorry, there is no special contribution, you can only live in the villa, don't want to play any rural seclusion, it is impossible.
According to the discussion above, the country is getting fat, and people should enjoy the benefits.
In the future, every household will have a villa and every household will have a speeding car, which will be standard.
As for the better stuff, go and make your own money and buy it.
If you want privileges, such as raising a giant panda, try to increase your contribution.
Based on more than one year of experiments.
Dawning Star's five different institutions in the city have given corresponding sociological big data.
Based on this huge data and the research of a group of experts from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the country finally came up with a system suitable for the future situation of the country.
Speaking of this system, nothing seems special.
The existing welfare system has been upgraded in an all-round way. Children are born at will, and everything from birth to university has been won.
Free of tuition, medical expenses, nutrition, clothing, and tourism funds. Adults will also allocate cars to sub-houses.
If the parents do not want to bring their children, the state will also send you two robots, a housekeeping robot and a nanny robot, which can completely guarantee the healthy growth of the child.
In addition, the welfare of adults has been comprehensively improved, medical care is free, adult higher education is free, and there is no need to worry about supporting the elderly.
Of course, if you don't work, although you are hungry, don't think about how good it is.
As for the most important ascending channel problem, everything from the bottom to the top has been solved.
As long as you have the ability, there is no longer any age limit or seniority limit, and the national contribution solves this problem perfectly.
Contribution assessment is implemented by government departments, and qualifications are useless.
All contribution levels are completed by the planet-level quantum master brain. Except for An Wen and the big guys above, no one can change the contribution data.
Coming out of the country's rising channels, the next day's path to research is research.
Whether it is the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Star Academy of Sciences, they are also promoted to contribute, and scientists have many privileges.
As for the third ascent channel, that is the army. However, the promotion of the army is very complicated and involves war exercises and actual combat achievements. At present, this road is going very slowly.
In addition to these three paths, other rising channels are also no problem.
However, the rising channels of business have been suppressed.
This is mainly because in the experimental area, after the release of capital restraint, it was almost a daddy.
Coupled with the support provided by Anwen to several major consortiums in the country, after conducting a set of controlled experiments through the situation of Hope Star, it was found that the capital is not bound to end sooner or later.
The current situation in the United States is a bit subtle.
When capital has control of the economy and armed force, it becomes uncontrollable.
At present, the several consortiums in the United States, although they have not yet completely controlled the country, have also controlled most places. In addition, the state laws of the United States are actually no different from the independent kingdom.
In fact, the capital of Huaguo has the opportunity to come over this time, from an enterprise to a consortium.
Unfortunately, this opportunity of capital was directly killed by An Wen.
As the strongest company, the ZT company was directly split, and part of it was incorporated into the system, which made the hearts of domestic capitalists completely cool.
A week later, when the last immigrants left the earth.
The entire mother star finally changed from a family name of ~ ~ to a surname, and will be a surname from now on.
An Wen stood in front of the observation window of the Office of the Xingtong Bureau, and looked at the distant immigrant spacecraft with a smile.
"Master brain, cut off the connection between Hope and Earth, cut off all connections between Pandora and the outside world, and block the planet Pandora.
Generate virtual videos and information, simulate the original account habits, and connect and interact with Hope Star Network. "
"Okay, commander, the mission is complete."
"Notice Director Shen that the restoration plan of the earth's ecological environment has been fully launched."
"Okay, commander."
After giving two orders, An Wen turned back to the sofa and began to lie dead.
The next long period of time is the time of farming and climbing science and technology based on the country.
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