Chapter 355: Hastily 10 years

A few years ago, he would have gone to Beijing for a meeting.
But his current state is simply not suitable for going out, let alone going to a meeting.
Therefore, he can only ask for leave.
Staying at home, he spent most of his time studying the unearthed piece of iron.
To be honest, burying 360 million years of metal that has not been oxidized and decomposed in the ground is noble in any way.
Although the time is too long to test the original physical properties of the metal, it can be seen from some simple tests that the hardness and yield strength of this metal are very bad.
Based on this data, he speculated that the metal should be a fragment of the outer armor of the spacecraft.
As for what level this spaceship is?
His guess is that the level 5 civilization spacecraft should not reach the level of level 6 civilization.
Because the spacecraft of the sixth-level civilization of the outer world is made of degenerate materials, if the spacecraft disintegrates, there is no strong force field restraint, the degenerate state will collapse by itself, and it is impossible to leave metal.
Moreover, he also checked archeological data from the country and wanted to know if such things had been excavated before.
Unfortunately, no such metal materials have been excavated in China, but according to national understanding, the Da Mao family seems to have dug iron nails 360 million years ago.
The specific situation of the country is not very clear. Even if this happened, Da Mao could not take out the nails for everyone to study.
He didn't care about it, it was just a nail.
In a flash, the Spring Festival passed.
The excavation work at Anwen also achieved some results.
More than 200 tons of metal fragments of this type have been excavated, the largest one weighing more than 160 tons.
Through these metal fragments, there was not much to discover, but some of the electronic equipment remained in the heaviest piece.
I do n’t know what it is.
It may be ship electrical equipment, it may be life support equipment, or it may be the system host, which is still not good.
The internal information is not read out and it is useless to say anything.
After the New Year, An Wen took the time to go to the Star Bureau to hold a meeting and formulate a development plan for the next few years.
If you have to summarize, the essence of this plan is only one word, Gou!
Even if there is a curvature spacecraft, even if there is a star destroyer, but in the next ten years, you don't need to think about the stars and the sea, just farming and climbing technology at home.
Why wait ten years?
This has to say hope stars, and now people who hope stars are crazy.
996 will not say anything, 1070 are trivial.
What's the craziest thing, I hope the biologists of Star have already started doing human experiments.
Moreover, it is not compulsory. The experimental body volunteers to contribute to the development of science. Just ask if you are afraid.
Such a crazy scientific attitude, it goes without saying that the speed of scientific and technological progress is much faster than that of China.
Facing such a situation, An Wen didn't have any idea to surpass Hope Star.
He has a mature technology tree in his hand, but that is a different world. What he wants now is human's own technology tree.
With two sets of technology trees complementary, the future potential will be even greater.
Therefore, the first core point of the development plan formulated by Anwen is development, which develops at home and does not go out. Anyway, the resources of the solar system are sufficient for China.
The second core point is to cross the river by feeling hope. We should not be too familiar with this routine.
Today you hope that Xing can come up with a good thing, then the next second is ours.
Around these two core points, China will be able to smoothly transition through the transition period, and by the way, it will be able to train some talents, which will accumulate strength in the future.
As for why time is set at ten years?
Because according to the think tank's speculation, at the current speed of scientific research of Hope Star, a system of spacecraft can be developed within ten years.
Although this kind of spaceship only sails in the galaxy, it is enough.
At that time, An Wen will return the Dongzhao experts he detained to Hope Star.
With the materials and equipment on the spacecraft, as long as you want the star to have a systematic spacecraft manufacturing capability, then I hope that the star will be able to step into the sea of ​​stars.
Regardless of the universe, the water in the Milky Way is estimated to be very deep. Let's not take any chances. Let the Hope Star send people to the river first.
We just need to feel the hope of crossing the river, this is the safest way.
For this, we have a complete set of operating procedures, and everyone's business is also very skilled.
After the New Year's meeting, An Wen went home to fish.
The general direction is farming, and there are no major issues. Where does he need to take care of this director, Director Shen can watch it there.
In this way, time passes quickly.
Hope people, do not desperately engage in scientific research. We are also working overtime to digest the scientific research results of Hope Star.
The people of Hope Star are all 996, enjoying the blessing, and our people are divided into three groups.
The first group, do nothing, play every day, enjoy social welfare with peace of mind, do not cause trouble or trouble, and be a happy salted fish.
The second group, idle and boring, works occasionally, rests when they don't want to do it, do what they like to do, and live a happy life.
The third group has ideals and goals, strives to improve itself, studies hard, and works hard. Life and spirit are full.
The proportion of these three groups is 5: 4: 1.
Regarding such a situation, the state has not made too much adjustment, just made some propaganda in the mainstream media.
However, the country attaches great importance to population.
Now everyone pays attention to freedom, and the country cannot force you to have children, but if you have more children, your welfare will be very good.
Because of the decision to have children, it is basically in the hands of women.
The state's welfare policy on childbirth has some benefits specifically for women.
For example, if you have a second child, zt's top anti-skin care products will be free for life.
Give birth to three babies, anti-aging, whitening, beauty and beauty needles, to ensure that you have 20 years of youth.
Give birth to four babies, a deep cell repair cabin, and one life extension for 20 years.
Five or more babies, a full set of gift packages, plus a lot of contribution points.
In addition, parents also need to contribute gift packages for education. Even if all the expenses of the child are paid by the state, the parents of the child education must be attentive and cannot rely on the robot.
Therefore, after your child's college entrance examination results come out, according to different grades, different colleges, and different majors, give corresponding contributions and other welfare rewards.
The meaning of the country is obvious. It doesn't matter if this generation is abolished. You can use the welfare of the country as a salted fish.
But the next generation must be educated. The future is the next generation. You just need to train your children with peace of mind, and the rest of the time will be salted fish.
Now the state's welfare homes and orphanages are about to be cancelled.
There are no cases where children cannot be raised and no parent will discard the child.
Even if your child is 13 years old, the state will provide corresponding benefits, and will not let the child have problems.
If there is any congenital disease in the newborn ~ ~ The hospital of the Central Bureau of Statistics will provide data at the genetic level to ensure the child's complete health.
Under such circumstances, the population of China will definitely skyrocket in the future.
Time passes like this.
The country is very patient. Without external interference and complicated international situations, the internal struggle has also become a battle of political achievements.
No one can avoid this, but it is a virtuous struggle and will not have a negative impact.
As for crime, under the monitoring of Skynet, dare to commit crime?
Really there is no shortage of people in the Mars mining area, right?
In this way, the people of Huaguo spent ten years in an environment where the crime rate was almost zero, the state's welfare was super good, and they were 100% free from employment and life.
And it is the same ten years, hope the people over Xing, also enjoy the blessing of due.
Their spacecraft finally came out.
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