Chapter 372: Ignite the star and detonate it

This day, An Wen used the power of the unbounded heart to send the Zerg warship to the edge of the universe.
He is also curious about the edge of the universe in the real world.
According to astronomical observations, the radius of the universe is known to be 78.2 billion light-years. This is the data explored last year.
According to data explored this year, the radius of the universe has increased by another 1.7 billion light-years.
If the data is more than ten years ago, the result of the exploration at that time would be 45.3 billion light-years.
Why is the gap so big?
The main reason is a problem with the equipment. The previous survey equipment could collect too little information.
Today's space exploration equipment has much better performance than previous exploration equipment.
Before in the other world, he learned that the other world is in the black hole universe through the cutscene.
He was not surprised by this.
As far as the current earth scientists are concerned, there are still many scientists who believe that the real world universe is also in a huge black hole.
Black holes are not what everyone thinks. They must be singularities.
As long as the mass is large enough, black holes can also be large, but one condition to be met is the Schwarzschild radius.
The horizon of a black hole is the Schwarzschild radius.
If calculated according to r = 2gm / c2, if the real universe is a black hole, the radius of the universe must be greater than 150 billion light years.
Even with current observation equipment, the radius of the universe is not as long.
Therefore, An Wen doesn't believe that the real universe is a black hole universe.
But phase disbelief is one aspect, and verification is another.
So, he sent the Zerg warship to the edge of the universe, collected data through the academy of science on the Zerg warship, and saw what results could be obtained.
When the Zerg warship reached the edge of the universe, he found that things were not as simple as he thought.
His idea was to send the Zerg warship next to the cosmic membrane.
In fact, when the Zerg warship was teleported to a position where it could no longer be teleported, betrayal appeared in the cosmic void, not at the edge of the cosmic membrane, but near the edge.
You might say, it's almost the same.
Much worse.
When Zerg warships appeared, a rough observation was made through the equipment on the warships, and the result was that there are 1.2 million light years away from the expanding edge of the universe.
Compared to the distance of hundreds of millions of light years, 1.2 million light years are already very close.
Farther than the Milky Way from the Andromeda galaxy.
The problem is that Zerg warships want to continue to approach the edge of the universe, and can only use conventional navigation methods, and cannot use any space technology.
Curvature navigation is invalid, space jumps are invalid, space wormholes are invalid ... every navigation technology related to space is invalid here.
The specific reason is simple, because the universe is expanding too fast, causing the space on the edge of the universe to be disordered.
A huge quantum tide, roaring here like a hurricane and tsunami.
If the quantum fluctuations of the Milky Way are calm lakes.
Then the quantum fluctuations at the edge of the universe are landslides and tsunami, chaotic and violent.
Not to mention that every minute and every second, under the Planck scale, the positive and negative particles at the edge of the universe are annihilating madly, and at the same time annihilating, particles such as electrons, photons, and protons will be generated.
These particles are continually converging into a huge nebula.
The Zerg battleship is now in a huge nebula, which is several million light-years in size and has a mass equivalent to about 1.4 million galaxies.
The interior of the nebula is full of radiation, and the temperature of the cosmic void reaches a staggering 7,000 degrees.
An Wen covered the whole nebula with the power of the projection of the mind. He saw the birth of stars, the convergence of galaxies and the gradual formation of river systems.
"Really beautiful, but it has nothing to do with me."
After observing this newborn nebula for a while, he cast the power of the mind on the edge of the universe.
But the energy at the edge of the universe was too violent. His spiritual power was put in the past and it would soon be worn away.
"Can't observe beyond the universe?"
An Wen frowned and kept thinking about the solution.
Don't think about optical observations. The edges of the universe are dark and nothing.
There is no space exploration. The waves caused by the annihilation of huge positive and negative materials on the edge of the universe, and the disturbed space, can't detect anything except the turbulent space.
In this case, it wouldn't make sense to let the Zerg spaceship continue to fly towards the edge of the universe.
If it cannot exceed the speed of light, then it cannot keep up with the speed of the expansion of the universe.
If you want to exceed the speed of light, space technology cannot be used, and the problem of spatial chaos cannot be solved.
It is impossible to surpass the speed of light without using space technology at conventional speeds, so there is no solution to this problem.
Not to mention high-dimensional technology.
Under An Wen's perception, the space and time coordinates here are confused.
Space and time will not be stable until the massive mass of positive and negative matter annihilates into particles and converges into a violent quantum tsunami to form a nebula.
But by that time, the universe has expanded and you are farther from the edge of the universe.
Therefore, none of the methods currently known to Anwen can solve this problem.
The power of the mind is not impossible, but it can't withstand consumption.
If the Zerg from a different world provides him with strength, he can still try it. He alone will certainly not work.
"Try to break the law?"
After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't think of any solution, so he could only try to destroy it.
There is also an environment where he exerts great destructive power.
What is a nebula?
It is the aggregate before the star ignites.
Theoretically, the mass of a star has a lot to do with the mass of the nebula that forms the star.
And everything is lacking on the edge of the universe, that is, there is no shortage of nebulae condensing stars.
As An Wen's thoughts moved, the huge nebula began to gather.
The temperature of the core of the nebula begins to rise, and the gravity gradually increases, which causes the temperature to rise again.
Soon, the temperature of the core of the nebula reached the critical point of nuclear fusion.
Suddenly, a light flashed, then the huge nebula began to collapse inward, and the surrounding nebulae quickly gathered.
This scene is a bit like turning on a high-power range hood in a smoking kitchen.
The vast nebula began to converge towards the star that had just been ignited.
Under normal circumstances, a star cannot absorb the nebula infinitely, it will stop when it reaches a certain level, and then the mass of the star is fixed.
But now that An Wen intervenes, it's different.
In the beginning, the absorbed nebula was just a nebula within tens of thousands of kilometers around the star, but this range continued to expand over time.
This range soon expanded to one light-year, and then continued to expand.
Five light years ... ten light years ... thirty light years ...
One expanded to 1000 light years before stopping.
This is already the best effort of An Wen, and he can't stand it in the distance.
Even so, it was a coincidence that he relied on the power of the star itself. He only expanded this power and pried the rules to make such a big scene.
Otherwise, he hasn't been so aggressive.
During this period, the color of the star changed from orange-red to gold-red ~ ~ and then changed to blue, then blue-white, and finally to pure white.
But at this time, the star is already very unstable.
With the gradual increase of gravity, the star itself continues to absorb nebula materials, resulting in a gradual increase in mass and expansion.
Seeing that the mass of the star was almost the same, An Wen gently pushed it.
The next second, a gamma ray burst appeared.
This is the strongest force on the edge of the universe, gathering the gamma-ray bursts of 1,000 light-years of nebula matter.
And, when the star exploded, the axis was aligned with the void at the edge of the universe.
Instantly, the cosmic void was lit.
The energy of the gamma-ray burst broke the quantum tsunami and rushed straight towards the edge of the universe.
In addition, the spatial fluctuations caused by the star explosion also swept away towards the edge of the universe.
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