Chapter 378: Try 1 wave first

When An Wen was connected with the other party's mental fluctuations, a lot of information was transmitted.
If translated in language, the pile of information must be at least a hundred thousand words.
But the spiritual connection does not need to be transmitted directly.
The general meaning is very simple. The other party's statement is: We are a high-dimensional civilization. When we entered here, we discovered the space anomaly here and did not know that there are other civilizations here.
May I ask which civilization you are, and to what dimension have you risen?
The rest of the information is roughly the test paper for the exam, and the test paper for understanding the universe.
Of course, this is not an exam, but a way of communication between high-dimensional civilizations. Use these questions to judge whether your civilization belongs to the same level as us.
If yes, it's okay to say that everyone coexists peacefully.
If it is not, then I ’m sorry, that ’s how the weak flesh of the universe is strong.
After receiving the information, An Wen looked at the other party's expression a bit strangely.
Do n’t you aliens know what business blows mean?
When you come up, you can give someone an exam directly?
Is it so reckless?
And to be honest, An Wen really couldn't answer these questions from the other party.
The level of science and technology, even if it is outside the realm, is nothing but a sixth-level civilization.
In the current test paper, he really didn't know a lot of knowledge and knowledge about Gao Wei and the universe.
But the two parties took different routes, and he was not afraid of each other.
"I don't understand what you said."
An Wen replied directly.
He has never been in contact with the high-level civilization of the universe, and has no idea how the two parties communicate.
But he doesn't agree with the current exchange.
Anyone who comes up will take the exam.
After receiving the reply from An Wen, the other party was dull for a while, and even the frequency of geometric changes of the body seemed to be half full.
The next second, the opponent did not disconnect the thinking logic, but directly attacked.
Including An Wen, the universe around 100,000 light years suddenly became a strange geometric space.
It is the kind of topological geometric structure that can only be developed in high dimensions, which is the kind of high-dimensional structure that can never appear in three-dimensional space.
However, in such a high-dimensional geometric space, An Wen stood there steadily and completely unaffected.
He also looked around curiously, because this space is not made of weapons, but the body of the other party.
One of these three special life forms has just disappeared.
The moment it disappeared, the surrounding universe began to change.
It can be said that this geometric space is the body of the other party.
"Interesting spatial structure."
An Wen observed the surroundings while chatting with each other through spiritual connections.
It might be irritated by him, and the surrounding geometric space changed again. The originally intricate geometric space suddenly became twisted.
This space distortion is enough to disintegrate the neutron star.
However, such an attack is totally meaningless to An Wen.
He didn't use the power of the heart without bounds, but let the disc support the crystal wall of the soul to resist this attack.
The next second, the surrounding space returned to its original state, and the disappeared special life form appeared again.
"Hello, we are the cosmic walkers of Cato civilization. Our civilization breaks through the barriers of civilization by analyzing and calculating the structure of the universe.
What is your civilization? Our Cato civilization is very willing to have friendly exchanges with each other. "
This time, when the other party spoke, they already placed Anwen in the same position.
"Cato Civilization? I am Yanhuang Civilization. Wait a minute for any exchanges.
You tempted me just now, now it's my turn to test you. "
An Wen won't get used to the other party. Since the other party has shot, he also has to try the other party's skills.
In an instant, the unbounded power of the heart covers the other party.
The real world has not changed, but the virtual world in the spiritual realm has undergone tremendous changes.
The spiritual world is completely different from the real world.
You are human in the real world, but in the spiritual world, if you do not have enough spiritual power, you have no form.
Even a virtual form is impossible.
Now, the images of these three special life bodies in the spiritual world are very interesting.
They are not humans, nor are they lives, but are constantly changing high-dimensional geometry.
When An Wen wanted to invade their thinking with the power of the mind, the constantly changing high-dimensional geometry, like the city wall, resisted the power of his mind.
However, the city walls also have gaps, and An Wen quickly invaded the other party's high-dimensional geometry.
But the interior of the geometry is still a more complex geometric structure.
If he wants to touch the opponent's spiritual core, he must crack the opponent's geometric structure.
"A bit interesting."
An Wen is still curious about such a mental defense system.
He was curious about this system, not the other party's ability to resist mental invasion.
As a high-level civilization, if you can't resist even the spiritual invasion, then play a hair.
If a meme goes down, the genocide will be eliminated, and it is impossible to become a high-level civilization.
An Wen continuously cracks the geometric labyrinth of the other party, but the geometric labyrinth of the other party is constantly changing. After entering, his spiritual power is divided into hundreds of thousands of parts in the continuous transformation of the geometric structure.
In this way, no matter how tough his mind is, it will be wiped out by this infinite division.
"It turned out to be like this, knowing that you are not good at spiritual invasion, so you turned the spirit sea into a high-dimensional geometry and used your own expertise to defeat the enemy?
An Wen wanted to understand the other party's mental defense mechanism and affirmed their attainment in high-dimensional geometry.
Anyway, he could not solve the other party's spiritual maze.
But just open the door, you don't have to use the key, you can also use explosives.
As soon as An Wen thought, he instantly strengthened the power of his mind dozens of times. This time, he didn't rush in, and directly attacked the external structure of high-dimensional geometry.
This time the other three couldn't stand it.
The accomplishments of both sides in the spiritual field are totally incomparable. An Wen belongs to home battle, and still presses people, all by crushing.
How can the opponent resist such power.
When An Wen thought that the other party would give up, the change appeared.
The spiritual seas of the three special life bodies, that is, their high-dimensional geometry, as if fused together, form a larger and more complex high-dimensional geometry.
In this way, ~ ~ pressure resistance is enhanced.
Seeing this change, An Wen thought about it and gave up to continue his attack.
If he attacks again, it is not impossible to forcibly crack the opponent's high-dimensional geometric defense system, but it is not necessary.
Just try it out, and just let it out. There is no need to venge against a high-level civilization.
Withdrawing the power of the heart without bounds, An Wen quietly waited for the other party.
But in the next second, the three special life forms in the real world are united again, just as they did in the spiritual world.
What do you mean?
Still want to continue?
As a result, the other party sent mental fluctuations, expressing recognition and recognition of Yanhuang civilization as a high-level civilization.
And once again sent a data package, which introduces the communication methods of the high-level civilization of the universe and some common sense.
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