Chapter 381: You are not playing a game, you are exploring in another world!

It is too simple for Anwen to do such an experiment.
A mind projection reaches the planet of Pandora, grab an experiment body, and directly bring the experiment body into the high-dimensional space.
After entering the high-dimensional space, he lifted the protection of the experimental body from the spiritual power.
Then the result came out.
As for the result ... The experiment body soared in place.
Yes, that kind of Hua Hong soars.
The moment the subject was exposed to the high-dimensional world, the sublimation from low latitude to high dimensional, the release of energy, let the subject fly up in place.
"After the experiment, when the human body enters the high-dimensional space, because of the gap between the low latitude and the high dimensional, the body composed of material will directly evaporate.
Even the soul consciousness cannot be retained. At the moment of evaporation, whether it is the body or the soul, it burns out completely. "
Anwen withdrew the psychic projection and talked about the experimental results.
After listening, several people frowned.
"What are the known states that can survive in high-dimensional space?" Xie Yuxin asked.
"State ... How to say, according to my understanding, living in a high-dimensional space should not be said to be a state of existence, but what form you want to exist.
For example, before the Cato civilization, they built the high-dimensional geometry with the soul as the core.
High-dimensional geometry itself is a rule of high-dimensional space, so they can survive in high-dimensional space.
My mind projection is the same, also with the soul as the core, but there is no specific product that fits the high-dimensional space.
So that is to say, if you want to survive in the high-dimensional space, the simplest way at present is to build a form that conforms to the rules of the high-dimensional space with the soul as the core. "
Anwen thought for a while and said his understanding.
"This ... I say a word.
Now it is a bit early for us to discuss the issue of ascending or not.
And even if the dimension is raised, whether or not the body can be preserved is actually not important.
I just want to know what the high-dimensional world is like. How do we live in the high-dimensional world, and how is it different from our current life? "
After listening to An Wen, Director Shen didn't quite understand it, but he thought that the starting point of the problem was different from that of An Wen.
For him, it doesn't matter what the dimension is, it's not important to keep the body. What kind of world is the important high-dimensional world.
"Ah ... this ... what to say.
Let's go to the high-dimensional world, not a high-dimensional world in a broad sense. According to the information given to me by the Cato civilization, all high-level civilized high-dimensional worlds were built by themselves.
So what the high-dimensional world looks like depends on how you build it.
As for the life in the high-dimensional world, there is actually no difference from reality, the only difference should be not having to eat and sleep. "
This question really annoys An Wen.
He also did not know what to do in the high-dimensional world, but it is certain that he does not need to eat and sleep.
"The race of the high-dimensional world, how to breed? Can you have children?" Chen Yun asked suddenly.
"This ... I don't know." An Wen was forced.
Where does he know about this problem?
Talked about the topic here, basically can't talk anymore.
You black out your eyes, don't know anything, you go to a ghost high-dimensional world.
"Let's do the experiment first, can you build a small high-dimensional world first, then find volunteers to upgrade the dimension, and live in it for a while." Chen Qiquan said.
"Building a high-dimensional world ... I will do it alone?" An Wen said silently.
"Is it very difficult?" Director Shen asked with doubt when he saw An Wen's expression.
He thought that An Wen was ready to take everyone to upgrade, but now it seems that let alone the preparation of upgrade, even the plan file of the preparation has not been built yet, at most I saw a folder, there is This idea.
"It is not impossible to open a high-dimensional space, but it is difficult to maintain a high-dimensional space."
Anwen wanted to maintain the existence of a high-dimensional space, the corners of his mouth began to twitch.
Using his unbounded ability to open up a high-dimensional space is very simple. It doesn't need much space. The size of the earth, he can do it with one thought.
But the problem is that one that maintains a high-dimensional space is not that simple.
"What about the two-dimensional space? Can it reduce consumption?" Xie Yuxin asked.
"I don't know, let me try it first."
After Anwen finished speaking, he multi-tasked and used his unbounded ability to directly open up two worlds.
One is four-dimensional space, and the other is two-dimensional space.
These two spaces are not large, each only the size of a football field.
After the development, he arranged some buildings and scenes in the two spaces.
At this time, the difference between high-dimensional and low-latitude space is reflected.
Simply put, the workload is different when you draw a two-dimensional plane figure and make a 3D model.
Add a scene in two-dimensional space, just draw directly on it.
But adding scenes in four-dimensional space is no longer the difficulty of 3D modeling. It is also necessary to consider the structure of four-dimensional space. The difficulty is not a little bit higher.
If it's just difficult, use the power of the mind anyway, it's all about thinking.
But the problem is that the mental power spent to maintain the scene inside the four-dimensional space far exceeds that of the scene in the two-dimensional space.
This is different from the amount of money required for comics and the amount of money required for anime battle scenes.
Anwen can clearly feel that his soul power is constantly being consumed.
Although he can maintain the existence of a four-dimensional space, it does not matter even for ten thousand years. After all, the recovery of the power of the soul is not slow. As long as it does not exceed the upper limit, he can insist.
Can maintain the existence of the four-dimensional space in this way, but it is reducing his strength, which is equivalent to the reduction of all attributes.
This is just a four-dimensional space the size of a football field. If it is changed to the size of the earth, what else?
"No, UU reading depends on me alone, it is impossible to maintain high-dimensional space, but low-latitude space is no problem."
An Wen opened his eyes and shook his head.
He stated the specific reason, not that he could not, he was able to open up a high-dimensional space the size of the Milky Way, even larger.
But he can't sustain it and can't hold it for too long, unless he can let the high-dimensional space absorb the power of the universe itself.
Individuals are still too small compared to the universe.
"Then try it in two-dimensional space and see what it is like to live in two-dimensional space." Xie Yuxin said.
"Also, anyway, I can maintain the two-dimensional space all the time, the consumption is not great." An Wen nodded.
We can't directly adjust the high-dimensional space now, but the entire two-dimensional space is still ok.
The next second, An Wen wiped out the four-dimensional space, and then expanded the two-dimensional space.
Then, he designed the two-dimensional space into a 2.5D style. If it is pure two-dimensional, he will be awkward to enter it.
2.5D is also two-dimensional, but it is just a matter of style, just like drawing a three-dimensional figure on paper.
However it looks like a three-dimensional figure, but you can only see a few of them, not all of them.
A week later, An Wen came up with a game cabin that connected to the two-dimensional world.
And on the Internet, a new promotion interface also appeared, which was directly promoted in the name of the Yanhuang Special Administrative Region Government.
"2.5D fighting world game, 100% authenticity, death will consume mental energy.
You are not playing a game, you are exploring in another world! "

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