Chapter 509: Material as compensation (below)

On the material collected on the demon continent, Yang Chen immediately remembered the fibers he had collected in the demonized demon vine, blocking the good things that the gods explored, and even the yin and yang burned the fire without burning. Even if it is only the primary yin and yang to burn the sky, it is also a good thing.
"Don't worry about the magic, what good things?" Yang Chen directly replied, then asked.
Liu Mingyi, immediately realized that he used common sense to guess the young Yang master. Others regard the magic as a danger, but in the eyes of Master Yang, it is not a big problem at all. Thinking of this, I suddenly laughed at myself.
"Be careful, the master forgives!" Liu Mingfei apologized quickly, and then began to report what he owned: "Rochen black jade, Tianxiang tongue, nine secluded dust..."
"Wait!" Yang Chen suddenly stopped, and then curiously asked: "What is this nine flying dust?"
See Yang Chen interested in one of the things, Liu Ming is more spiritual, hurriedly opened the Qiankun bag, pulled out a black gourd, opened the gourd mouth, and immediately flew out a black dust. This black ash, when released, almost occupied the space of the entire room, gathered but not scattered, the room was immediately full of magical atmosphere.
When Yang Chen reached out and grabbed it in the air, he grabbed it and looked at it carefully. These nine flying dust, a kind of refining material belonging to the property of the soil, has never been seen before, but the feeling of being caught in the hand is a good thing that the quality is not low and the magic weapon is refining.
The yin and yang five elements fly sword. Yang Chen has not yet had a flying sword. Now there is such a gourd and nine flying dust, but you can consider refining a sword.
"How many of these nine flying dust?" Yang Chen asked a few fine dust in his hand and asked Liu Ming.
"There are a few hundred pounds!" Liu Mingyi replied, subconsciously replied.
"Well, I want this nine flying dust, the seniors can cut love?" Yang Chen immediately made a decision, quickly asked.
"Ah?" Liu Ming almost stunned by the pie that fell from the sky. Master Yang does not want Lingshi, as long as these nine secluded flying dust? Is there such a good thing?
Nine secluded flying dust was originally a good thing, but after being contaminated by magic gas, it basically has no use, and it belongs to a level of waste. It was not easy for Liu Ming to get these nine secluded flying dusts. After discovering the great efforts, he discovered that no one was interested. And I can't use it myself, it has become a chicken rib.
Now Yang Chen actually wants to use the nine secluded flying dust as a reward for purifying the konjac beads. This sudden change made Liu Ming feel abnormal. Staying in the same place, except for the "ah", there is no other reaction.
"Predecessors? Seniors?" Yang Chen waited for a while, seeing that Liu Ming still maintains the mouth shape, can not help but be surprised, whispered two sounds, which will wake up Liu Ming from the sluggish.
"Ah? Ah! No problem. No problem!" As a master of the Mahayana period, Liu Ming has not had such a state of disappointment for a long time. I didn't expect to lose face in Yang Chen's side. But now he has not taken care of a lot, and he has to promise to come down and say it. A few hundred pounds, no one wants the nine secluded flying dust, the top six hundred pounds of Shangpin Lingshi. He does not lose money when this business goes.
Seeing Liu Ming’s surprise, like walking to the face of Jin Yuanbao, Yang Chen’s heart smiled and declined to comment. If you abandon it, I like it as a treasure, and I can’t talk about who loses and who makes it.
The black gourd loaded with nine secluded flying dust was directly handed to the hands of Yang Chen. Liu Ming enthusiastically told Yang Chen how to control the hoist to collect nine secluded flying dust. The hoist that was accompanied by the hoist was a gift of Jiu Ning flying dust, and was also given to Yang. morning.
Others are afraid of the magic, and dare not explore the usefulness of the nine flying dust in the end, but Yang Chen is not afraid. Just for a while, Yang Chen discovered that the nine secluded flying dust could fully absorb the magic. What makes Yang Chen most tempted is that there is no upper limit for the absorption of magic power by Jiu Ning.
Now this gourd nine secluded dust, almost always maintains the magic concentration when it was just collected, but after taking it out of the gourd, it is only such a small meeting, and it begins to slowly absorb the magic around it. The first thing that bears the brunt is the breath on the konjac beads left by Liu Ming.
However, this absorption is too slow and slow to be almost undetectable. Even Liu Ming, a master of the Mahayana period, could not detect it. If Yang Chen’s knowledge is keen, and he has been dealing with the magic gas for a while, even Yang Chen cannot find this.
Liu Ming was sent away, and several other masters of the Mahayana period came. They were all rushed but did not buy the konjac beads. They all had one or two high-quality konjac beads in their hands. I want Yang Chen to help clean up.
Later, these Yang Chen were not polite, they asked the good materials first, and then let them use the materials to pay off part of the compensation, plus some Lingshi. And Yang Chen has an extra request. After finishing the business of these four group of masters of the Mahayana period, Yang Chen will go out and practice, so they will be driven by several of them.
Of course, Yang Chen also released his words. Two years later, he will go to another gathering point. Naturally, he will do business again, so that you don't have to worry, wait patiently.
The Mahayana master of this gathering point has been exhausted by Yang Chen. Even if the Yuan Ying masters are reluctant, they have to give up Yang Chen’s plan in vain under the eyes of the four Mahayana masters.
Absorbing the magic of these konjac beads did not cost Yang Chen too much time. However, in order to create an illusion for them, Yang Chen stayed in the room for more than two months before he left.
After absorbing the magic of these konjac beads, I realized that the magical demon vines in the sea have swollen a lot, but still have not fully restored the original size of a dozen feet. After Yang Chen’s reassurance was wrapped in the gods, he ignored it for the time being.
In the extra time, Yang Chen is not idle, and has been studying the nine flying dust. To refine the flying sword, and still use the material that I have never seen before, it is natural to thoroughly study the material.
Fortunately, there are hundreds of pounds of flying dust in Jiuyou. Every time I take a small amount of research, it doesn't cost much. Two months, enough for Yang Chen to understand very thoroughly.
Nine secluded fly dust, which can absorb the characteristics of magic, let Yang Chen have a new idea. If you use this method to build a flying sword, the power of this sword will be the most strange one in the big yin and yang five-line flying sword, and it is also the most elusive one.
This new refining method also made Yang Chen look forward to it. (To be continued)
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