Chapter 511: Alternative attack methods (below)

Ten miles away, the other three masters who were blocked by the magical gasification method arranged by Li Tianxue also monitored this side. Suddenly I found Li Tianxue’s abnormality and suddenly I was shocked.
In the three directions, they didn't even talk to each other. They turned around and ran like a rabbit in the middle of an arrow.
A master of the Mahayana period suddenly became like that, and it was impossible for them to believe that this was an accident. The most likely explanation is that you meet a master who can't see the gods and can't find it.
Of course, this does not explain why he will madly absorb the magic to swallow the konjac beads that are not purified. Only, even Li Tianxue has become that virtue, if they run slowly, maybe the next one is them.
No one saw Yang Chen’s movements, and no one could know Yang Chen’s movements. In this series of changes, Yang Chen just
Li Tianxue with the illusion of the magical demon vine in the sea at the right time.
Although the same is the origin of the door, but Li Tianxue apparently can not resist the attack of the magic demon vine. This kind of attack is on the spiritual level, thoroughly inspiring the most desired part of everyone's emotions and creating a false satisfaction. In a popular saying, it is the most straightforward to trigger the demons, let the attacked guys get mad.
Such as Yang Chen is so determined, and has been attacked by the demonized demon vines has been accustomed to it, naturally no problem, but only the ordinary experience of the guy on the demon continent, but not so lucky.
The demons directly target his most fascinating part of the research. Let Li Tianxue's self-confidence expand extremely. Silently and uninterested, he began to absorb the magic gas and swallow the unpurified konjac beads, which led to the further invasion of the magical gas.
Li Tianxue, who is full of hallucinations, is naturally crazy to attack those enemies who do not exist until the spiritual power is exhausted, and then he can no longer recover.
Even if it fell to the ground, Li Tianxue’s eyes are still a gaze. The whole person has been immersed in the illusion and can't extricate himself.
Shaking his head slightly, Yang Chen went to Li Tianxue's side and took his Qiankun bracelet with ease. This Li Tianxue's hobby is also special, Qiankun bag made into the form of a bracelet, a very strange habit.
Open the Qiankun bracelet, there are a lot of things inside, one by one to look at the past. Soon, dozens of jade slips were discovered. The gods swept away and immediately saw the contents of the jade slip.
Among the jade. Some are exercises. Some are Danfang, but there are a group of about a dozen pieces. The record is Li Tianxue's research on the magic gas, and the condensed magical array is impressive.
"Why? Why?" Yang Chen swayed his head and Li Tianxue shook his head again. He looked like a man who was taller than him. It can't be cured between a moment and a half. Not to mention, Yang Chen did not think about treatment from the beginning.
A method of condensing magic. It's not just this simple feature, it's also a combination of protection. A series of means, such as the phantom array, can be regarded as a comprehensive array. For such a long time, the magical monsters did not come over, it is estimated that they were blocked by those arrays.
This Li Tianxue really has two brushes in the study of magic gas, and the research on magic gas is indeed deep enough. You may also be able to combine the methods of integration, and together, on the demon continent, such a combination can definitely occupy a lot of advantages. It's no wonder that the Mahayana period has been achieved and it has gained a lot. It is not just the reason for luck.
Yang Chen has taken a Pei Yuan Dan and quickly restored his spiritual power. He is now practicing, not only does not use the Admiralty, even the yellow towel Lishi refining is also firmly controlled by himself, otherwise the attack of the demonized monster can not make Yang Chen suffer any harm.
Even so, Yang Chen is at best a bit of flesh and blood, and even the bones will not hurt. But it is undeniable that the purpose of Yang Chen's experience is achieved, and the effect is very good.
Just a joint attack of nine secluded flying dust and magical demon vine virtual shadow, let Yang Chen suddenly found a good idea. When refining the own flying sword, if you can use the virtual shadow of the demon vine as a refining, the magic and the attack of the demons, I believe that the combination of the two is definitely a good weapon that can make many opponents suffer a lot. .
If you do it, Yang Chen will not delay. Before that, he did not directly refine the nine secluded flying dust, because there is no idea of ​​refining Feijian. Now that I have this idea, Yang Chen is of course planning to start work right away.
Li Tianxue’s method of arranging can be sold now, giving Yang Chen a safe place in the jungle. After finding a suitable place, and then using the materials in the Li Tianxue Qiankun bracelet to arrange the array, Yang Chen plunged into the process of refining his own flying sword.
It is plain soil, fertile and moist soil, and dust in the air belongs to this type. Nine secluded flying dust is obviously a series of dust, and it can absorb the magic gas, and it is also in line with the characteristics of the soil that absorbs water vapor.
The body of the demonized demon vine must belong to the plant series, and it is still Ebony, which is also yin, and the efficiency of the demonized demon vine condensing the magic is much higher than that of the nine secluded flying dust. To use the virtual shadow of the demon vine to do the ontology, it is not a property to rush, and there is no problem that Yimu disturbs his own land. After all, it is only a virtual shadow, and has no attributes.
But the combination of the two is a long drought and a rainy day. In addition to slowly absorbing magic, the nine features are able to accommodate the magic. The addition of the illusion of the demon vine can increase the speed of the scent of the scent of the nine scent by many times.
This is not finished, the characteristics of the demon vine, but able to concise the magic. The huge konjac bead inside Yang Chen’s bag is evidence.
A flying sword that can quickly absorb the magic gas, but also able to concise the magic, after attacking the opponent, in addition to the killing caused by the flying sword, it is also accompanied by the horror effect of the other party's demons. This flying sword has not yet Forming, it has already made Yang Chen coveted.
A few hundred pounds of nine secluded flying dust, enough Yang Chen successfully refining a sword. However, Yang Chen’s troubles now are that he should refine a sword that conforms to the norm in the traditional way, or refine it into other acts.
It should be known that the nine secluded flying dust can be freely changed in shape. If you don't design according to the sword shape, strictly speaking, you can't call it Feijian, but it's called other magic weapon. It feels a bit different from your big Yinyang five-line flying sword.
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