Chapter 531: Someone wants to grab the nine flying swords (below)

"The magical gas is absorbed and condensed by the array of slabs on the ruins of the ruins. It is simply not filled here." Li Cheng saw Yang Chen's doubts and explained quickly.
Yang Chen realized that I looked around again and found that there were only a few of them here. The old devils who had already come in had already known where they had gone, and they had to go within a few dozen miles. No one else exists. .
"It is very interesting to control the magic of the demons. It is worth seeing." Li Cheng said as he looked around and judged where he was going.
From the naked eye, nothing can be seen at all. This is definitely the mountain gate of the Demon Lord, but where is the specific main hall, so many years have been covered by these dense jungles, even if the knowledge is wide open, there will be no specific s position.
It is estimated that after the old devil comes in, they just pick a direction and then try their luck. No one knows where the good things are, they can only use this way.
Li Cheng also has no better way. After all, it is a place that no one has ever been. It is normal for the first time to open for tens of thousands of years or even longer.
There are spiritual distributions in all directions, but they are very uneven. And it looks desolate here, and I don't know how long the protective array has been ineffective. At least the place where the portal is coming in has been surrounded by jungle plants, and it feels like a vicissitude.
"A Ling, take a closer look at which direction?" It is not a good idea for everyone to find it. Yang Chen turned to Gong Sunling and asked her about the defense line that everyone should explore.
Looking for such things as ruins is naturally the most suitable for Gong Sunling who owns the geographical map of Shanhe. As long as you walk along this area, basically all the terrain will be formed in the geographical map of the mountains and rivers, and it is Gong Sunling, the owner of the mountain river geography map. It's easy to spot any suspicious locations.
A group of people followed the guidance of Gong Sunling. Sitting in the shuttle shuttle on the plains in a fast circle, less than half a day, this nearly 10,000 miles of rivers and mountains have been formed in the geographical map of the mountains and rivers. Soon, Gong Sunling discovered an unusual place.
"There are a lot of architectural sites on the hills in the four directions around, but they are all run down and can't see what the building is." Gong Sunling pointed four directions. Said to Yang Chen.
Yang Chen’s knowledge has already reached its maximum, and now he has explored thousands of miles away. God knows the figure of the old devil head scattered in all directions, and analyzes which direction the old guys are the most.
"Where is there a trace of the law?" Yang Chen asked again, thinking about adding: "The trace of the strongest protection law. Also, the most concentrated position of the pulse."
The best thing is definitely the best protection, so the strongest protection method is definitely to protect what is most needed. Lingmai is the root of a sect. As long as you find these two things, you can't find good things.
The direction of the old devils seems to be the biggest thread. but. This kind of thing, if it is a seal, is used to protect the best things. It must be the one that consumes the most. Now the most powerful spirituality. It may not be the most powerful spirituality of the year, after tens of thousands of years or even longer. Who knows what will change.
Gong Sunling itself is a nuance repair, and the sensitivity to the formation is naturally not comparable to that of others. In particular, there is a cheating thing like the Shanhe Geographical Map. After careful analysis, two places were identified.
The two places are basically in one direction, all of which conform to these two characteristics, there are traces of the law, and there are exhausted veins around, and now they have just brewed some less powerful spiritual power.
In fact, there are more than twenty places that meet these two characteristics, but the two methods are quite special. One is the largest, wrapped in a large building complex, and the other is the smallest in the array, only one room size.
Both arrays have failed, but they are the most doubtful. Other people do not have the means of Gong Sunling. They can only find the most powerful spirituality that seems to be the most powerful now. I don’t know, those powerful spirits are because they have never been consumed, and they have been bred.
Find the old devils over there, although I dare not say no gain, but certainly not the biggest winner. At least Yang Chen has discovered that the dozens of places where there are traces of the law are basically the first batch of old devils who are looking for. After all, advanced three days, tens of thousands of miles, is enough for them to remove some impossible places.
However, in the remaining 20 places, no one can judge which one is specific. Only one person can occupy one place at a time and look for research in detail. This is a bit of luck, and naturally it is also the eyesight and opportunity of the school.
In the direction that Yang Chen and others rushed, there were two old devils, but the two old guys were concentrated on the largest trace of the area. There is a large group of buildings there, and it takes time to find the right thing.
In this area, there are almost four or five hundred miles, and the two old devils each occupy a small direction to find. In other directions, there have been a few sporadic figures looking for places with traces of rituals. It is estimated that they are the second masters to come in.
The area is so big that it is not something that several people can control. Seeing this situation, Yang Chen simply went to the smallest place. A room size, it doesn't take long to search.
Gong Sunling pointed to the road, Yang Chen drove the shuttle, poured the sea jasper wrapped, quietly bypassed the large building from the underground, went straight to the small area that was protected.
When I arrived at the ground, everyone came out of the shuttle and looked at the small ruins hidden in front of various plants. I couldn't help but have a sigh. The strong legal array seems to be unable to compete with the years.
The ruling has completely failed. The original protection should be a stone room, but now the stone room has been rooted by various jungle plants. It has not been known for a long time. In some places, the hard stone has been turned into a fine sand, only occasionally. In the corner, you can also reveal the corner of some stone carvings.
"Look for it!" Li Cheng greeted, and everyone began to look carefully here.
The place is really not big. Everyone is a Yuanying monk. It is easy to dig three feet. Soon, Shi Shanshan over there finds a jade slip that looks like a piece of debris.
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