Chapter 553: Killing syndrome (on)

When it comes to the sea, it is now truly safe. At that time, the seal array method had no problem after Yang Chenfei had been promoted for a long time. Now I don’t think there will be any big trouble. As long as Yang Chen can refine the space connection point of the magical overflow, there is no worries.
The shuttle directly drilled into the bottom of the sea, and Yang Chen’s heart was completely put down on the road. To be honest, there are some things, even if Yang Chen will feel scared.
This time, if there are not so many coincidences, Yang Chen himself will fall into the demon world, which is really worth the loss.
In the future, such a dangerous thing, can not do or try not to do. However, the benefits are by no means not. What you get, not to mention, is just a matter of cultivation, which is enough to make Yang Chen very satisfied, not to mention the situation that his previous memory can't control. How much benefit does Yang Chen have in dealing with emergencies? .
It means that from the year of entering the demon continent, it has been fifty years since it left. Not much more, and Yang Chen’s estimate of the year was not bad.
The experience of fifty years in the demon continent is also a rare opportunity for the four women. In the past, they have not experienced in the demon world, and after flying, they have become powerful and imposing Hanmei fairy and snow dance fairy.
This experience has been born in this life, and it is hard to estimate the growth of the four women. Do not say anything else, at least save hundreds of years to correct the time of practice mistakes, and think that the future will only be even better.
The killing of the demon continent has left almost all the hands of the four women with tens of thousands of lives. Although the killing of the body does not dare to say that it is compared with Yang Chen, it is enough to let the general monks fear.
Coupled with Yang Chen's deliberately cultivated emotional demons, the four women's heart is more determined. Can not be said to be a perfect situation. But at least some of the demons have also had a way to cope.
In general, the Yangchen family can almost be said to be full of rewards. Especially Yang Chen, the other needless to say. Just beyond the magical bead of a product, there are dozens, the smallest one. Also, because of the late absorption of magic, it has become the size of the basin, and the others have different degrees of growth.
Speaking of it, these konjac beads have now become black and magical konjac beads, and they need to be thoroughly cleaned before they can be used.
There is not much else to do on the sea, and the four women have no idea of ​​killing the sea beast. After killing so many powerful monsters in the demon continent, it is much easier to deal with these sea beasts in turn.
This time it was a complete departure and there was no plan to continue coming back. Therefore, the four women can also resolutely and retreat in the shuttlecock of their own family. On the one hand, to maintain practice, on the other hand, thoroughly sum up the experience in the demon continent.
There is no such opportunity on the demon continent, even if it is not allowed to do it in the gathering point. But the heart is unpredictable. Who knows what will happen. Only in the side of their own family, the four women have this kind of complete relaxation.
Yang Chen himself. It is intended to start purifying the konjac beads that have been contaminated by magic gas. At least before returning to the gate, Yang Chen had to clean up the magic of these konjac beads, otherwise he could not take out his hand.
In addition, the body of the ultimate magical demon vine needs to be dealt with. At least the magic gas is purified first, and the black liquor can't see the light for a while. After processing, it can be justified.
The ultimate magical demon vine's body is naturally strong and unspeakable. Yang Chen initially planned to take half of himself to strengthen his demon flying sword, and the other half was Abi of the drug garden, which was used to fuse the new jasper blood demon vine. If there are no other changes, this will be the case.
I believe that after swallowing and absorbing the body of this ultimate magical demon vine, the intensity of the jasper blood demon vine will rise several levels, no longer have to worry about anything that can easily be hurt.
Although Sun Qingxue is also a wooden attribute, her flying sword has been shaped and is a wooden property. Therefore, the magical demon vine body of this Emu property has no use for Feijian. Not everyone is Yang Chen, and all the spirits of the day are full.
Can't help but say that these things add up, it is enough for Yang Chen to be busy. However, when Yang Chen began to use the power of the nine secluded flying swords to purify the magical power of the konjac beads, he discovered that his plan still could not keep up with the changes.
At that time, when I was refining the magical space, I didn’t pay attention to it. The magic weapon attached to the Jiuyun flying sword has exceeded the strength of the magical demon vine before the breeding animal. Basically, as long as it is a nine-sword flying sword Sweeping, even if Yang Chen, forced suppression can only suppress the eruption.
If you still want to continue to increase the intensity of the magic, Yang Chen's knowledge of the cultivation must be upgraded to continue, otherwise even Yang Chen can not use freely.
Jiuyou Feijian is already unprecedentedly powerful, and even Yang Chen does not dare to use all the power easily. And if you want to absorb the purification of magic, you must use the nine flying swords.
It’s not that the nine secluded flying swords can no longer accommodate more magical powers. It’s really more magical, and even Yang Chen can’t suppress himself. Therefore, the act of purifying the magic is directly abandoned when it has not yet begun. Naturally, the purification of the body of the ultimate demonized vine is also a bubble.
Everything related to the magic gas can't see the light. At least before the purification, Yang Chen can't use it. It’s amazing, but if it’s been removed as a demon, it’s worth the loss.
Therefore, Yang Chen can only use this time to absorb and refine the thousands of magic fires that have been obtained on the demon continent.
With the speed of the shuttle, coupled with the assistance of the water-dividing fins, it takes at least a decade to get to the gate at the sea. This time, enough for Yang Chen to absorb the fusion of the fires below five.
There are still many classics on hand, which are obtained from various channels. Most of Yang Chen has not had time to study it carefully. Since Yang Chen is still playing the guise of a group of books, naturally he needs to sweep it over and add some knowledge that he could not understand in his previous memory.
What is especially important is that the morning and the senior notes that Yang Chen got from Taitianmen have not touched it. It is a good thing and definitely worth savoring.
Above the shuttle, the four women retreat, and Yang Chen, while holding a jade study, absorbs the fusion fire.
Ten years of time seems to have only been a while for the four women in the retreat. Yang Chen also completely absorbed all the fires of less than five products, and the various books also looked at more than 10,000 articles.
Finally, the shuttle has entered the site of the gate that has been away for more than sixty years. ^-^^-^
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