Chapter 619: The last point (on)

Surprisingly surprised, but the opportunity in front of it is that Zongmen has spent ten kinds of seven kinds of fire or a considerable price to win. Everyone has an idea in mind, they have to figure out what Yang Chen said, they can Can't do it.
At the beginning of the large amount of dregs, that is definitely ok, nothing more than to work hard, nothing special.
From the beginning of the art of fire, there are people who will constantly ask if other people can do it. He Lian’s recent shots have made many people feel relieved.
However, now that Yang Chen’s technique of setting up the flames is out, someone immediately began to have the same doubts.

These, can other people do it?
The speaker asked the question that everyone cares about. No way, everyone wants to know whether they or their own people can do the same, so that they can become another five-inner alchemy.
"There should be no problem." Yang Chen did not give a positive answer this time, but gave an ambiguous answer. It seems that he himself is not sure. When the time is up, everyone's heart is raised. If this can't be done, then it is a luxury to become a five-product alchemy teacher. Is there anything else that Yang Chen has not said, leaving a hand?
"Deng's predecessors?" Yang Chen did not let everyone wait, directly turned around, facing the Deng Dian Deng seniors of Dandingmen over there.
Deng Yiya’s predecessor was the master of Dan Dingmen who had cooperated with Yang Chen during the refining of Tiandan. At that time, she was already the standard of the four-in-one alchemy. When he was betting on He Lianyun, Deng Yiya was there. He also saw everything that Yang Chen performed. Believe that if she is not stupid, she should know what to do in these years.
"Lucky!" Deng Yiya sneered in a whisper and stepped forward. Deng Yiya can almost be said that in addition to Yang Chen, the five-in-one alchemy teacher, the alchemy teacher with the highest level of alchemy, many people have the same respect for Deng Yiya.
Listening to Deng Yiya’s voice, "Fuck." Yang Chen’s face also showed a smile. In his estimation, Deng Yiya should have been able to do this easily. After so many years, it seems that Deng Yiya should be able to touch the side of the five-in-one alchemy.
When I saw Deng Yiya come forward, everyone was shocked. I didn't know what she was going to do. They all looked at each other. Only Qiqi Fairy Aoki Fairy and Murong sisters know that Deng Yiya is specially invited by Yang Chen, and the only one who does not have to pay for the price of seven products.
Deng Yiya, who came out, did not waste much time explaining what, but like Yang Chen, directly reaching out, the flame was in her hand, and the cockroach began to slowly condense into the same shape as Yang Chen. After a while, the gathering of the water properties was formed, and then Deng Yiya was just a small one, and everyone felt the deep water property of the gathering of the spirits.
Deng Yiya's predecessors also did it. The facts are more persuasive than any eloquence. Everyone has moved. Doesn't this mean that Deng Yiya's predecessors can do it, and they can do it?
As early as the first hundred years, Deng Yiya was able to do this. At that time, Deng Yiya also easily broke through the bottleneck of the Yuan Ying period and entered the realm of great achievements. Seeing that the threshold of the five-in-one alchemy teacher is getting closer and closer, Deng Yiya always feels that the line is so bad that he never knows where it is.
Yang Chen invited her to come over, and Deng Yiya almost agreed without hesitation. She is about to ask Yang Chen, the last point of her own poor, what is the difference.
"Master Yang, the old man can now do the fire like water, the fire is like the earth, the fire is like gold, the fire is like wood, but it is still a little worse, I don't know why?" Deng Yiya also after the demonstration, Asked Yang Chen respectfully. Although her generation is much larger than Yang Chen, on the way to alchemy, she also called Yang Chen a master.
"Deng's predecessors are poor, in fact, there is only one point." Yang Chen replied with a smile.
Deng Yiya’s questioning and Yang Chen’s answer made everyone move on the spot. Deng Yiya is only a front line, and seeing Deng Yiya's appearance, it is clear that he has reached the requirements of Yang Chen Yuhuo. Whatever is worse, everyone seems to be more interested than Deng Yiya.
When refining Tiandan, Dengyi and Yang Chen had cooperation, and everyone knows this. Presumably Deng Yiya, these fires like water, are also learned from Yang Chen at that time. After so many years, Deng Yiya can touch the edge of the five-in-one alchemy teacher. This only shows that Yang Chen's method is very effective.
"When refining the heart of Dan and the second to Necha, you need to use several types of fire at the same time." Yang Chen said slowly and clearly: "In fact, this is the key to the five-in-one alchemy."
Everyone hates their ears and can't stand upright. They are quietly listening to Yang Chen to explain the key. Especially at this time, even the atmosphere did not dare to make a sound, for fear of missing something.
"The younger generation is born with a kind of ability." Yang Chen still slowly said: "Natural can be distracted." While talking, Yang Chen stretched out his hands, one hand draws a circle, one hand draws a square. The pattern of two flames soon appeared in front of everyone, and the rounds were round and square.
"I believe that there are many people who have this ability." Yang Chen continued after he showed his own means of distraction. His words have caused people to nod their heads, so many masters of the big door, what kind of enchanting has not seen, let alone the distracted disciple, is the distraction of the five-use estimate is not unusual.
"The lack of seniors is estimated to be this." Yang Chen said very sincerely: "To be able to control multiple types of fire at the same time, but also to grasp the heat in the refining process, to grasp the opportunity to add medicine, but also to fine control, After being able to do this, you can basically reach the level of the five-product alchemy."
When I heard that it was necessary to be distracted, Deng Yiya couldn't help but close her eyes and began to figure it out. The more you think about it, the more reasonable it is. The bottlenecks that you are trapping seem to be easy to spend as long as you can be distracted. It is not particularly difficult to understand. .
"Of course, this kind of talent is not necessarily all." Yang Chen added: "However, as long as it can greatly enhance the cultivation of the gods, it is not so difficult to do this. They are all masters, I believe more than I know."
Indeed, the people present did not have the following in the Yuan Ying period, even if it was an alchemy teacher, it belonged to the super genius alchemy teacher, and the qualifications of the practice were not comparable to ordinary people.
After the cultivation of the gods is improved, can you do it with distraction? You don’t need Yang Chen’s example to explain it. In particular, Deng Yiya, a few problems that bothered him, seemed to have no problem after Yang Chen’s call.
"It turns out! It turns out!" The smile on Deng Yi's predecessor's face is not a fake. It is really a happy heart. It is a kind of joy that researchers have finally solved the problem. When others look at it, they can see the happiness inside.
"It's just a little bit worse, I understand! I understand!" Deng Yiya's words, but really let the masters of Dan Dingmen surprise. If Deng Yiya can break through the bottleneck of the five-product alchemy teacher, then the mortal world will no longer be alone in Yang Chen. Dan Dingmen will also have his own five-in-one alchemy division. The prosperity of Dan Dingmen can be expected.
The people in Dandingmen are happy, and the other Zongmen people are also very happy. Since Deng Yiya will soon be able to break through this step, even if his own alchemist started late, it is only a few hundred years since Deng Yi Ya refining Tian Dan. Deng Yiya can, his own alchemy teacher can also. Even Da Zongmen can train a group of new alchemists from an early age, and cultivate them in this direction. I don't believe that I can't train a few five-in-one alchemists.
"The method of elevating the knowledge of the gods is not here. This needs everyone to solve it." Yang Chen's voice passed into the ears of everyone, but no one took it seriously. This method of elevating the knowledge of God, of course, is that the sects of their respective sects have their own shackles, and they will never be easy to show. Originally, they did not want Yang Chen to give this method.
It sounds like so far, the key to Yang Chen’s ability to become a five-in-one alchemy teacher has been fully revealed. One is the understanding of medicinal properties, one is the control of the flame, and the other is to be able to distract and use more, while controlling a variety of flames for refining. These elements are said to be down, and everyone feels right.
Two of the three elements are important basic skills. While familiar with the medicinal properties, there is actually control over the use of fire. As for the fire, it is the basic skill of the basic work. Even if it is not used for alchemy, as long as it is a fire attribute monk, there will be no harm in exercising a magical fire.
At least Tao Qiqi thinks so. In the past, Tao Yuqi was considered to have his own pride. The Qiqi fairy who was in the majestic period will never ask Yang Chen for anything on the practice. Today, she discovered that she was still far behind in the fire. Moreover, vaguely, Tao Qiqi also found that if the morning fire that Yang Chen said today is combined with the guidance she got from the ancestors, I believe that the original deviation will be corrected soon and the robbery will be achieved. The level of soaring.
This is completely an unexpected surprise, not only Tao Qiqi, counts Aoki Fairy, Murong sisters, and even counts everyone present, since the way of fire can be like this, then other attributes can also be cats like cats?
Regardless of whether it works or not, everyone understands that following this idea, the control of one's own spiritual power will be directly promoted to another realm. Even if there is no advantage to the growth of cultivation, but for the overall practice, there is no harm in the benefits.
It’s worthwhile, everyone feels like this. At the same time, for Yang Chen to become a five-product alchemy teacher, and finally have a further understanding.
Except for Yang Chen’s talent for distraction, everything else seems to be achieved after Yang Chen’s own hard work and mastered the basic skills of extremely deep hòu. It can be said that Yang Chen can become a five-in-one alchemy teacher is not a fluke, but it is not a hidden master finger can have such a level.
Even if there was such an idea before, after seeing the mountain of dregs and the magical fire of the gods, there is no such idea. The light is the same, even if Yang Chen can be distracted, practice every day, not hundreds of years of hard work can not be done. It seems that Yang Chen himself is using his actual experience to show that success has never been lucky.
The most feared thing about practice is that there is no direction, and if there is direction, even if it takes a little more time, it is not a big thing for the monks. If you can waste hundreds of years to achieve the five-in-one alchemy division, I believe that one hundred and twenty are the ones in the 100 alchemists.
The alchemists seem to see their own scenery from the present Yang Chen, and they seem to see their future direction from Deng Yiya’s predecessors. As long as they try to master the things that Yang Chen said, and then diligently cultivate the gods, it seems that they can Easy to become a five-product alchemy teacher.
The singer of the five-inspired alchemy, the glory of everyone's admiration, the alchemists can't help but start to pick it up.
Everyone is convinced that they can become the next Deng Yiya, the next Yang Chen, but no one has ever thought about how to quickly improve their knowledge.
After the cultivation of the gods is improved, it can be easily distracted and used. This is common sense, so there is no need for Yang Chen to demonstrate. However, if you want to improve your knowledge step by step, there is no such thing as Yang Chen’s strong hands in the three clearings. How many people can reach the standard of immortality when they are in the mortal world?
Yang Chen explained the past with a natural ability, which is not surprising, because there are many such people. However, no one has ever thought about the difficulty. Perhaps they will be desperate when they react, and enhance their knowledge. Where are the things that are so easy?
These are not things that Yang Chen will remind him or not, and Yang Chenle’s optimistic drama. Anyway, after this time, Yang Chen is no longer a Turkic alchemy. After the news spread, the pressure on Yang Chen will be much smaller.
Now Yang Chen is not out of the limelight, but looking at the Taitianmen step by step, according to the big pit he dug, fell into the pit little by little. Even including the secret of the five-in-one alchemy teacher announced this time, there is also the meaning of digging.
I believe that I have mastered the Tiantianmen of the Devil's Heart, and there will be more people who practice. The lure of the five-in-one alchemy teacher is by no means comparable to the general glory. As long as others don't know, what methods can be used to enhance the understanding of the gods, can others manage it?
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