Chapter 628: Gongde articles (below)

Ff37;ww.ff35;ff18;xff33;.ff23;omu85c0f;8bf4;66f4;65b0;6700;5feb;5c0f;8bf4;9605;8bfb;7f51;can make ordinary refining pills reach the seven-turn refining pills Effective, this is not called against the sky, what is the name of the sky? The reason for this kind of anti-day effect is because of merit.
Of course, it is not a matter of adding a few merits to make a refining pill reach a seven-turn effect. The degree of specific anti-day depends on how much merit is added. The more merits are added, the more obvious the anti-day effect will be.
For Yang Chen, the merits of the present are the things that are the least worth cherishing. The merits of Yang Chen at this moment are only under the current system of the heavenly court. What Yang Chen did after he was born again was to overthrow the heavenly court dominated by Xuantianmen. Since even the current heavenly courts must be overthrown, the merits of this overthrown heaven, if not used, can only be wasted.
Others don't know, Yang Chen himself knows that there are a few innumerable merits in his body. Even if he uses it after the court, he will not be able to use it in a few thousand years. Now that I know that there is such a good thing, Yang Chen is certainly not asking for it.
The most important point is that the magic weapon used to refine the refining is better, and the effect of the anti-sky has no side effects at all, because Yang Chen has paid the price of merit.
At this time, Li Cheng gave Yang Chen the use of merits to make the jade slips of the alchemy refining device. It was simply a good thing for Yang Chen to tailor, so that Yang Chen used a simple words to describe his feelings, then only Three words have been developed.
There are many people who are worried about Yang Chen. They are the masters of the palace and the elders. Du Qian Shangguanfeng Wang Yuan, they spend their dreams, and they are friends of the Yaozu, the former brothers of the past. We can have dozens of people in detail.
These people's qualifications can be as good as the innate spiritual roots of Yang Chen's wife and sisters. They say that their qualifications are at most medium. After knowing the ultimate use of merit, Yang Chen can refine a batch of five-turn refining pills and then upgrade their qualifications. Although the effect may not be as strong as they did when they first practiced. But after all, it is still in the mortal world, the years of practice are not long enough, and the spiritual roots of the promotion are enough to make them rank among the ranks of Da Luo Jinxian in the future.
Of course, Yang Chen’s merits are also quite a lot. This is to force a person's spiritual roots to be lifted in the mortal world, and to say that it is straightforward, that is, to change the life. Everyone, Yang Chen has to pay at least billions of merits. This is only the price of upgrading to an excellent spiritual root. If you want them to practice spiritual roots, I am afraid to pay the merits of the number of rivers in the Ganges.
This is only to raise the spiritual roots of the refining pills. If Yang Chen joins a large number of merits in the five-turn Ganoderma Lucidum, the injury of Mu Mingyuan will not have any sequelae at all, and it can be restored to the original level. It can even bring more benefits to Mu Mingyuan. Unfortunately, that will not know this method.
As for the other Yang Chen's famous Tian Tian Dan, asked Xin Dan, Bai Nian Dan, Qi Qing Liu Dan, and so on, not to mention the effect of promotion. Use a blunt words to describe any ordinary medicinal medicine, as long as you add enough merit, you can become an elixir.
There is such a strong effect on alchemy. The same is true on the refiner. The principle is basically the same. If you want to have more effects, you need to pay a lot of merit.
Yang Chen’s Lishui Feijian is unable to refine the Yang Chen at this time because of the raw materials. However, if a large amount of merit is used as a price, the black liquor secreted by the ultimate demonized demon can not be tamed.
The only thing that needs to be considered during the refining process of this sword is not to hurt the owner of Yang Chen. As for how many people can hurt the enemy, the more natural it is, the better. Who would worry about the power of his weapon?
Use the method of merit. There are detailed instructions in the jade. In fact, this part is the real essence. Yang Chen looked at the most careful, almost squatting down and down, not wanting to read the mistakes at all, and did not want to understand the deviation.
Soon, Yang Chen discovered that it is not so easy to use his merits in his current cultivation. Although it is the merit of earning itself, there are still restrictions when using it. It is not to say how many quantity limits, but the speed of calling merit.
The higher the realm, the higher the efficiency of using merits, and Yang Chen’s greatest merit at one time is nothing more than the unit. Whether it is alchemy or refining, one-time use is at most one trillion.
Compared with Yang Chen’s huge merits of using a quantity to measure units, Zhao’s can be neglected. But this is replaced by any ordinary immortal. It is not an easy task to accumulate so many merits in the time when Tianting is new. Except for the group of people who can appear in the Lingxiao Hall every day, few can exceed this number.
Naturally, the use of merits is limited, which brings about the limited refining effect of Yang Chen’s Shui Feijian. Fortunately, this number is enough for Yang Chen to refine the Sui Shui Fei Sword. In the future, as long as the maintenance and quenching is done, the level of Feijian will become higher and higher.
As long as the Shui Shui Fei Sword can be refining successfully, the purpose that Yang Chen wants to achieve has been achieved. Li Cheng said that he found a solution, and there is no exaggeration at all.
The only thing that needs to be considered is that if you want to use your merits skillfully, it will take at least several decades to practice with Yang Chen’s current realm and the method recorded on Yu Jian. After all, people are still in the mortal world, just like a child with a babble, even if there is a lot of wealth, I don't know how to use it.
Yang Chen almost began to practice with the method of jade on the road without thinking. This method, which Li Cheng named as a meritorious deed, Yang Chen also consumed a lot of merits at this moment, which is a price that must be paid. Fortunately, for this point of merit, for Yang Chen, the nine cows and one hair in the nine cows and one hair are really not worth talking about, just as the spiritual power consumption in ordinary practice.
This time, meeting with Li Cheng was more developed than the ordinary monks found a secret. If you count it, the merits will not be said. It is a bit shabby to use the value of the city to describe it. It is enough to give the glory of the Emperor of the High Moon and the spirit of the Emperor, which is enough to make the five sects of the sect. Not to mention the seven diverticulums, each of them got a big-wing peak of the iron wing flying eagle pets, in addition to the mentality of Li Cheng's casual guidance to improve.
It’s just that Yang Chen doesn’t quite understand why Li Cheng will let Yang Chen come to this place to meet. Although Li Cheng’s iron-winged eagle beast is indeed not suitable for the gate, he does not need to sway at all, but the site is not unacceptable. I don't want to understand what it is for.
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