Chapter 661: Invisible and colorless crisis (below)

The gourd only received for a while, Yang Chen suddenly felt an abnormal situation, the gods did not detect anything, but Yang Chen still immediately thought of closing his hand and pulling the gourd out of the water.
Even so, it seems to be a step later, an invisible and colorless flame, the whole package of the gourd has begun to burn. Not even the gourd, the flame has already reached the hand of Yang Chen holding the gourd.
In the weak water, there is still such a kind of flame that is hidden to people's inability to detect. If Yang Chen tries not to collect weak water, he will not be able to find it. What makes Yang Chen wonder is that he seems to feel that there is still something into the gourd, but now it is affected by the flame, but it is impossible to free up his hand to explore what it is.
The invisible and colorless flame, even the burning heat of ordinary flames, does not seem to exist at all. But Yang Chen holds the gourd in his hand, but he can easily feel the burning of the flame.
This kind of flame will not heat up, it does not seem to burn the gourd, but it has spread to the fire that Yang Chen’s hand is burning. It has begun to have an upward trend. At the same time, the yin and yang burning in the body has already had a stupid posture, as if it is uncontrolled.
I don't feel the damage for the time being, but that doesn't mean there is no harm. Yang Chen is the master of playing with fire, and he can understand this more than anyone. Water and fire are ruthless, but it is not just talking about it. The more this kind of silent and invisible flame, the more it can bring more terrible damage.
Those who fell into the weak water, many of them are water properties. According to the truth, even if they are not good enough, they can support such a hard work. The problem is that no matter what the attributes of the fallen person, they can't hold more than a dozen breaths in the weak water. It is no accident that this kind of flame is probably one of the key reasons.
For the time being, it is impossible to tell which kind of flame is. Yang Chen can't take care of it at this time. It is important to keep your hands and gourds first. Those things in the gourd. Except for some Lingquan, nothing can be afforded.
The best way to collect the fire is the Yunling furnace, but this will not be a good time to collect the fire, or it is important to board the ship first. On the crystal boat, some are enough time and a stable place to collect. At this time, Yang Chen also refused to take care of the other, controlling the rapid contraction of the five-row hook, and rushed to the crystal boat in a blink of an eye.
An indication of contact with the crystal boat. I couldn’t help but go to another place. As soon as the foot was stepped on, Yang Chen put the high moon ladies out.
"Protect the law!" It is really not much to explain, Yang Chen only said these two words, sit down on the knees, and then sacrificed the Yunling furnace, began to control the flame near the burning furnace. Trying to collect.
The girls have not seen what Yang Chen did, only know that he has collected some weak water, and then quickly changed his face on the crystal boat. Looking at Yang Chen's so careful appearance, no one dared to neglect, immediately divided into several directions, and Yang Chen was in the center.
For a while, the flame that was originally burning in the hand has already reached the elbow, and it seems that it will soon hit the big arm. And Yang Chen’s left hand. There have been some feelings of dullness. This is definitely the power of fire. Can make Yang Chen this fire-fighting expert like this, there are definitely six grades.
The Yunling furnace touches the fire. Yang Chen’s has a bad feeling. It seems that this kind of fire can destroy the spirit of the spirit furnace. This is not a good phenomenon. Yang Chen has made great efforts in Yunling. The so-called spirit is Yang Chen’s personal mark and the personal mark of Yang Chen formed by constant cultivating. Once lost, The results of the sacrifice before Yang Chen were destroyed.
Yang Chen has never been exposed to such a kind of fire, invisible and colorless, and even does not harm the body. There is a sign of ablation when the gods touch it. How to collect it? Instantly, Chen Chen’s cold sweat came out. While watching the mornings of Yang Chen’s daughters, I saw the sudden appearance of sweat on the face of Yang Chen’s head, and all of them were shocked. I have been in contact with Yang Chen for so long. Who has seen Yang Chen had such a sweaty time?
Fortunately, Yang Chen was only nervous at the time, but he calmed down immediately, flashed several methods in his mind, and immediately determined the one that he thought would be most effective.
Gongde articles, the merits of Li Cheng’s big brother, can do things that many normal techniques can’t do. The only side effect is the need to consume a lot of merit. At this moment, in order to keep the Hulu Yunling furnace and his own life, what is the merit?
A lot of merits began to flow to the Yunling furnace and the gourd. Of course, the arm will never be missed. With the protection of the merits, Yang Chen immediately noticed that the flame no longer spreads upward. There is a door!
With the blessing of merit, the Yunling furnace finally no longer has a loss, and begins to penetrate the flame in depth. A lot of merits were filled in the Yunling furnace by Yang Chen, and the Yunling furnace was protected from these unknown fires. At the same time, the gourd is also protected and will not be damaged and the grade will be lowered.
A glimpse of the flame is collected by the Yunling furnace and stored in a suitable place. Yunling Furnace is the alchemy furnace that can be arranged in the future. When it is not damaged by fire, it shows its extremely powerful effect.
Yang Chen felt that the flame on his arm was reduced little by little. He slowly returned to his wrist from the elbow, and returned to the palm of his hand. The fingers and the flame that burned to the body were all absorbed. After the flame on the hand did not, began to burn the flame on the gourd.
In the same way and the same method, the flame on the gourd was finally collected into the Yunling furnace little by little. When the last flame disappeared, even Yang Chen could not detect any residue, Yang Chen finally I breathe a sigh of relief and no longer worry.
The crisis has passed quietly, and Yang Chen has begun to ponder while relaxing. This kind of fire that has never been seen before, invisible and colorless, and does not burn the body, is it the target that Yang Chen intends to find this time into the well, the seven products pure real fire?
When this thought came out, it began to grow wildly without containment. Even Yang Chen could not believe it. Although your own air transport is good, but still not good enough to this point? Is this really pure yin? However, the pure Yin Yin Yang Yang has never seen it, nor dare to confirm.
"This is not pure Yin, but eclipse." When Yang Chen made all sorts of guesses, a thought came out directly from the gourd and passed to Yang Chen’s mind. (To be continued.)
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