Chapter 699: The moment before turning your face (below)

Long ago, Li Liheng cried for the predecessors of the wind and pointed out his way to improve his knowledge. Because Li Liheng practiced the cross-border refining of the gods, the uniqueness of the spiritual practice, méiyou good way to enhance the knowledge of the gods, the wind predecessors thought for a long time, only to say a free magic.
However, Liu Feng’s predecessors simply did not agree with Li Liheng’s practice. Not only did the predecessors of the winds disapprove, but even after hearing Li Liheng’s retelling, Li Men and several core elders did not agree after they understood the free magic.
Self-defeating, it is a magical power in magic, not to mention Taitianmen as a leader of the road, should not and does not allow practice, even in the magic door, the magic is also a taboo practice "" novel.
When Taitianmen had a predecessor in addition to the magic guardian road, he would kill the guy who practiced the magical magic, but he got the practice of the free magic, and after he brought it back, he would not allow ordinary people to view it, but only as a record.
After understanding the description of this method of practice, Li Mengzhu personally ordered that Li Liheng not to use this aspect of the brain. This kind of practice that harms others and self-interest is absolutely hurtful, and the sky is full of anger and grievances. How can you practice this practice? Moreover, in the situation of Li Liheng, there is a gradual and gradual guidance from the predecessors of the literary winds, and where is the practice of righteousness, where is it necessary to use this kind of side-by-side?
Who is zhidào Li Liheng, how to daring to check the practice, and even began to practice. At the beginning, Li Menzhu thought that Li Liheng was just lascivious, so they only plundered these female monks. Now they reacted. Li Liheng simply took these female monks to do the best, to enhance the cult of ziji.
No wonder Li Liheng does not repair the Yuan Ying in the middle of the district. On the other hand, Yijing has the knowledge of the middle of the Mahayana. This time, these female monks will become like this, and there will be a very reasonable and unreasonable explanation.
The woman was the first one, and soon, several female monks with several Mahayana periods began to intermittently identify. They are regarded as the home of the self-defeating magic.
"Under the imperial rule, it is not strict. It is blinded by people, and there are no such things in the bottom of it!" Li Men is at this moment, yijing is pale, and he is no longer confident. Even the title has become the next, I want to be the year, the hall is too heavenly door. Shimeshihou is not high on the top, claiming to be the seat of this seat is to give others face, when is the modest said?
"The meaning of Li Men's Lord is to plan to recognize a mistake even if it is wrong?" The person of the magic door can be méiyounàme good, since it has caught the painful foot of Taitianmen, how can kěnéng be easily released. This shihou is not arrogant and robbery to take advantage of the situation to wait for Shimeshihou?
"All the disciples involved, I am not bound to cover the heavens, all of them are handed over, let you deal with them!" This shihou, Li Men also showed the true character of the singer, things can not be pressed, and handed over a Li Liheng yijing can not To calm down the situation, it is only to dispose of the guys who are on the credit. In exchange for the buffer shijiān of Taitianmen.
Although those people add up to yijing there is a quarter of the power of Taitianmen. But at the moment, ruguo is not good, it is the end of the attack by the major sects. Losing part of the power is better than being besieged. Li Men’s master took the initiative and the strong man broke his wrist. Everything will be said later.
It is not allowed to make a disposal commitment on the spot, but it is still handed over to the major gates for disposal. Although the representatives of these various sects seem to be just one person, but everyone can mingbái, there must be someone waiting for the news behind them. Once they are not right, mǎshàng will all be launched.
It was also the preparation of the outside. For each of the Zongmen representatives present, Li Changsong believed that he had brought a hole in the magic of the house. There were at least a few masters of various sects in the room. Ruguo Taitianmen does not give a reasonable explanation, everyone mǎshàng turned face is not not kěnéng.
The Limen Lord refused to allow such a thing to happen. The Zongmen Foundation must not be destroyed on several of them. Now it is to bear the burden of humiliation, but also to protect the sect of the sect, to stay in the green hills, not to burn wood, to the Japanese party, some are shijiān to find the post.
The representatives of the major sects, but at the moment they are somewhat embarrassed, Tai Tianmen now such a performance, let them almost méiyou the reason for the attack. Although the group will attack and never attack the shime problem, but what happens when it comes to the spiritual world?
At the time of everyone’s squatting, the opening of one person directly caused Li’s master to make a decision to make a living.
The elders of Beishuang Yubei of Baguio Xiandao, because they were shocked by Yang Chen at the beginning, could not be shot for centuries. In addition, Taitianmen wanted to secretly zhidào Baguio Island from Beishuangyukou. At that time, Li Liheng volunteered himself to recommend him to hypnotize Beishuangyu to let Beishuangyu open.
For this reason, Li Liheng slammed the hand of Bei Shuangyu méiyou, but gradually used the method of free magic to torture the secrets of Baguio Xiandao, which led to Beishuangyu to be the best one.
Yang Chen's influence yijing completely past, Bei Shuangyu cleverly left a hand, has been disguised dementia, this can maintain a relatively good yidiǎn situation. However, it is only better than other women to repair nàmeyidiǎn point, and temporarily méiyou was destroyed into a madman, a little reserved yidiǎn point of wisdom, but the whole body is repaired but yijing waste seven seven eight eight, no longer kěnéng recovery.
However, what was said from Bei Shuangyu’s mouth was to make all the representatives of the sects in the room angry. These female practitioners were not only abused by Li Liheng, but also after being controlled, they tortured the secrets of their respective sects.
This is also Li Liheng ziji's small abacus, tortured Bei Shuangyu that is Zongmen are zhidào, but other women's sects are not zhidào, Li Liheng asked, and slowly released the news in the future, this can be credit. Other women repaired Limen, they did not zhidào, but Bei Shuangyu remembered qingchu, she woke up and saw Li Men and several core elders.
Ruguo said that before Li Men, they could push everything to Li Liheng. Pretending that ziji didn't know it, the identification of nàme Bei Shuangyu in this situation directly made Li Men and others unable to shirk responsibility.
"Li Men, you, no, this is the meaning of Shime?" The elder's hand, yijing, was placed on the dong of the tang of the ziji. At the same time, the flying sword was also faintly revealed, directly to Li Men. Forced to ask.
Not only the Li Men, the representatives of the other sects, the performance is almost exactly the same, everyone's eyes are all on the top of the core of Taitianmen, waiting for their answer.
Everyone's heart is yijingqingchu, the next moment is the moment to turn face. To be continued...)
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