Chapter 703: Extricate to kill too much (on)

Gao Yue and Gong Sunling have already withdrawn from the outermost array of magical devils. However, although the two women’s bodies have left, their hearts are still concerned. There are dozens of enemies in the middle, and there are dozens of enemies in the upper class. Even if Yang Chen said that he is sure, they can't help but worry.
Just came out for a while, Gong Sunling could not help but want to go in and see. Although Gao Yue’s heart was equally worried, but it was hard to hold Gong Sunling, for fear that she would affect Yang Chen after she entered.
The inside of the small magical array has been broken, but the Qiankun Wujizhen Yuanzheng array is still running continuously. After the special array of eyes of Yang Hao from the side of Taitianmen, the Qiankun Wuji Zhenyuan array can no longer be Stop it, unless there is a person in the special eye or flying up, there is no other possibility.
At the beginning of the spiritual world, Xuantianmen developed this array of methods, but was forced to announce it for this reason. However, the spiritual world Xuantianmen did not choose the actual test, but the purely deduced theoretical proof that the mortal Taitianmen was put into practice.
Yang Chen directly throws up a mountain peak and puts everyone on the bottom of the mountain. There are several intentions. One is that these people will be dying and will fight the destruction of the Qiangkun Wujizhen Yuan, although the theoretical calculations of the spiritual world are impossible to destroy, but There is no absolute thing in the world, be careful. With such a mountain peak, those masters will only break through the peaks to fight, without destroying the big array below.
Another purpose is to reduce the speed of these masters. Although Yang Chen’s promotion to the Mahayana period was not slow, he was not really good at speed, especially after practicing the yellow towel and practicing the body to the height of the sea, so that Yang Chen’s speed was also affected. Certain influence. With a mountain peak, those non-soiled opponents break through the mountains and always reduce some speed. The master of soil properties, usually speaking, is not fast.
Of course, there is one last purpose, for the treasures of those who are too Tianmen. Here is the place where Taitianmen resettles the elders, and it is also the warehouse that stores the last cards of Taitianmen. A mountain peak will not damage those warehouses, but who knows who will do it?
Several purposes have been reached for the time being. After a series of sudden attacks and frights. These super masters will also notice that their own Zongmen warehouse may be robbed, and all their minds are dealing with the enemy of life and death, and they must not care about others.
With this kind of attack on the Taishan topping, the opponent has slaughtered at least a dozen elders. Seize the opportunity, Yang Chen accounted for a lot of cheap, but, at this moment. The remaining elders of the elders have already reacted and collectively attacked Yang Chen.
There are still dozens of masters who are too superior. Yang Chen does not dare to easily support the big ones. The yellow towel Lishi refining technique has been pushed to the extreme, and the protection of the Admiralty has reached the maximum. The three dragon shadows are flying above. At the same time, the speed of the shuttle also rushed to the highest. Yang Chen was riding the shuttle as the Yujian flew, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack.
Hey, a series of bells kept ringing, this is the sound of the anti-shocking golden bell after the attack of the masters fell on the Admiralty, with the meaning of counterattack.
After all, Yang Chen’s sneak attack still played a big role. It’s just that the magic and the killing of the attack are enough to make these people have to split at least 40% of their energy to cope. Plus the poisonous spirit of the flying sword. The opponent even had to split up another 20% of energy to force those black waters away from the side, so as not to be eroded and poisoned. The remaining attack on Yang Chen is only 40% of the energy.
And this only 40% of the energy, Yang Chen's Admiralty and the yellow towel Lishi refining technique has taken another 20%. In order to resist the bell attack of Admiralty, at least one of them has been partitioned, Real and Yang Chen. Faced with it, it is only a battle.
10% of the combat power is a joke when Yang Chen holds the scorpion sword. If the speed is faster, you can escape, the speed is not enough, as long as the morning is wrapped up, after three or two, it is cut down with a knife, without any exception.
Until this time, Yang Chen’s mouth only said the mantra of his murder:
He has a head, a debt, and I am revenge, take your knife!

"Yang Chen!" This slogan has become the iconic discourse of Yang Chen. When the words are exported, there is an elder elder who exclaimed, and then it is completely unbelievable. Discourse: "How is it possible?"
It’s not that these guys are not surprised. Yang Chen is famous for his name, but almost all the enemies think that Yang Chen is just an alchemy master. Of course, at best, plus a master of fire, there is no other. In the hearts of these masters, Yang Chen's alchemy level is first-class, but the combat power is at most the third-rate, it is impossible to threaten anyone present.
But the facts at hand are cruelly showing the gap between their own guesses and real facts. So far, more than 20 elders have been killed by Yang Chen, but Yang Chen has not suffered the slightest damage.
In the face of such a shocking and chilling master, the Lianfeng Magic Array was smashed by Yang Chen, even if it was too elder, some people had retired. Someone just tried to trigger the unsuccessful annihilation, and now someone immediately thinks about escaping.
However, what is desperate is that these masters who tried to escape are very scared to discover that they are still in a magical array. The masters immediately understood what Yang Chen did, and their own set of magical arrays had been broken, but Yang Chen did not move under the outer layout. For Yang Chen, the guy who sold the magical array and the first one to arrange the magical array, and then arranged a magical array, it is like playing.
The masters who were forced to the corner of the corner began to work hard. Since you know that you can't escape, you can't lead to catastrophe. Only the death and the other way is the only way to escape.
"Yang Chen, Tai Tianmen and you have no enmity, why is this poisonous hand?" Someone in desperation screamed out this sentence, and the figure rushed up with the words.
"Nothing is not enemies? Jokes!" Yang Chen stood in the same place, waiting for the other party to go to the door, smashing the other side into two paragraphs, sneer: "Tai Tianmenguang is killing me, he used at least two elders and two Ten masters of the Mahayana period, this is called innocent and innocent?"
"Yu Jia should not solve the problem! Yang Chen, you have already killed a lot in today, let me wait, I will wait for the sky to rise immediately, no matter what the Tianmenmen, will not be investigated in the spiritual world, all hatred is written off, how? "Those who want to live, immediately plead for it. (To be continued...)
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