Chapter 72: It’s (2)

Chapter 72 has won the heart of the fire (2)
This is the location that Wu Xiong personally selected to refine the Tiandan. On the way, Tiansuo is flying, I don’t know how much time and how far. But there is a point that Yang Chen can be sure that Wu Xiong will never allow anyone to disturb anything about his refining.
Just forbidden, there are at least a dozen layers, even if it is Wu Xiong himself, it is also controlling the Tissot, and the ones that are constantly playing one by one, it takes nearly one hour to enter from inside. The circle, the strictness of protection, can be seen.
Yang Chen is not surprised by this. He won the Tiandan and dared to claim the heavens. This remedy has already reached the extreme. If Wu Xiong puts on a big shackle, it is a joke with his own life.
When Tiansuo landed, Wu Xiong took Yang Chen out of the inside and put away the Tissot, which only played a law, and then a dense forest in front of them suddenly showed a way. Wu Xiong took the lead and Yang Chen followed, and entered the jungle.
After the jungle, it is a small valley, and the spiritual power in the valley is unusual. As soon as I came in, I saw a manor, which was exceptionally beautiful. At the entrance of the manor, there are dozens of servants who seem to be the base period of the foundation. They wear uniform service and stand in two rows. When they see Wu Xiong, they are worshipping the bridegroom.
Wu Xiong just waved his hand at random and pointed to Yang Chen’s command:
Yang Chen Xiaoyou is the distinguished guest I invited, and I must not be a little slow!
When he told him, he took Yang Chen into the manor.
Among the manor, the exquisite luxury that can't be said is just where Yang Chen's eyes are. At least three thousand old trees are swaying. The material of the manor was built, even if Yang Chen saw it now, he hated to remove the roofs of the walls and used them to refine the magic weapon. A master of the Mahayana period, the accumulation of thousands of years, compared to Yang Chen’s escape from Tibet in the past, is not twice as rich.
Wu Xiong is very efficient. When he returns to the manor, he immediately takes Yang Chen to the place where he will refine the Tiandan. Here, Yang Chen saw several other guests of Wu Xiong.
Expected things. Wu Xiong is not famous for alchemy. Therefore, he wants to refine the Tiandan, and he must have several senior alchemists to help. Yang Chen saw at least three alchemists at the Yuan Ying level.
Zhu Peng, Deng Yiya, He Lianyun, three people, are the famous alchemy masters, Yang Chen's past life, the names of these people are as good as the ears. When Yang Chen was still a junior, the three worst were Alchemy, and the strongest one, Deng Yi, was a woman, but she was already a four-in-one alchemy teacher.
When I heard Wu Xiong’s introduction, Yang Chen was also an alchemy teacher. In the eyes of the three alchemists, there was a glimpse of doubts, and there was also a contempt. An alchemy in the refining period, even if the level is higher, where can it be high?
"Yang Chen has a heart fire, the most suitable for refining Cui Yuzhi." For the contempt of the three senior alchemists, whether it is Wu Xiong or Yang Chen, I do not feel the accident. Taking Tiandan, not a junior in the refining period can participate, and the only reason that Yang Chen can participate is that he has a heart-fire, and the means of imperial fire is absolutely outstanding, and he is capable of purifying the task of purifying and refining Cuiyuzhi.
At this point, Wu Xiong did not deliberately raise Yang Chen, which would make the three senior alchemists disheartened. In the same way, he did not lower Yang Chen’s low, but just said the reason why Yang Chen was involved. This reason is considered to be an acceptable reason in the eyes of the three alchemists. Although they are all fire repairs, there are fires, but none of them have a heart fire.
"Hey!" He Lianyun snorted and said nothing, but his eyes did not hide his contempt for Yang Chen. This kind of refining has taken the opportunity of Tiandan to become famous in the world. A junior ran over and it was purely chaotic. He Lianyun did not think that Yang Chen was an indispensable figure.
"Just do what you should do, don't try to participate." Relatively speaking, Deng Yiya is much cautious, and there are many words to remind him: "If you have misunderstood the elders, don't blame us!" However, it is better to say that it is a warning.
As for Zhu Peng, I didn’t say anything. I took a cold look at Yang Chen and ignored it. I sat there and closed my eyes.
The attitude of the three people is different, but Wu Xiong has no indication. The most important person in the refining of Tiandan is the three of them. Wu Xiong will never turn to the three of them for Yang Chen’s disciple during the refining period. With Yang Chen, the initial goal is just to improve the success rate of refining. Even if Yang Guan’s perception is changed, it will not change the original purpose of Yang Chenlai.
Under the contempt of the three senior alchemists, Yang Chen seems to have never had anything in common. Shi Shiran sat in the seat arranged by Wu Xiong and began to examine another guy who was not an alchemy teacher.
"Fan Shan, Beast Gate!" Seeing Yang Chen's gaze, the rest of the man's face showed a smile that didn't look very friendly, but he said his identity.
Yang Chen understands that for the refining of Tiandan, there needs to be a powerful spirit of the beast as Danling. Fanshan is a good helper in this aspect.
A little nod to Fanshan, then Yang Chen directed four people to a courtesy of a younger generation: "Yang Chen, a younger generation, has seen several seniors, and asked a few seniors to mention more!"
This ceremony, let a few people look good, the rest did not speak, Deng Yiya once again said "hmm", no longer say anything. The four masters of the Yuan Ying class have to be degraded to refine their medicines with a junior in the refining period. It is estimated that if they look at Wu Xiong’s face, these people will directly kick Yang Chen out of the manor.
"According to Dan Fang, everything is ready. Let's see what else needs to be prepared and put it together." Wu Xiong met all the invited people and his face turned serious. This is a big event that is related to his ascent, and there must be no difference.
"There is nothing else, but this Yang Chen can't do it in the end? Don't mistake the elders of the elders in the refining process, and die for a hundred deaths!" He Lianyun once again turned to Yang Chen: "According to my office It is known that Chunyang Palace is not a martial art known as alchemy. A junior in a refining period, if it is just lucky to have a heart-warming fire, it is better to find one of my apprentices, and also the Jindan Yufeng of the Sanpin Alchemy Division. It’s the fire that won his heart!

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