Chapter 733: Solution to the problem (below)

"The demonized monsters of the land fairy class?" Hearing the elder Wang said, everyone is a big man. I know someone who is a fairy monster, but everyone still knows that there will be a fairy. Before the elder Wang did not say it, now on this occasion, I almost scared everyone.
One of the magical monsters of the immortal level is enough to destroy all the monks in the whole world. How can there be such a horrible thing on this demon continent?
No one doubts the words of the elder Wang. The elder Wang is the master of the Eight Immortals. In this high hand, or in the hands of the whole world, it can be said that it is one of the best figures. Since the elder Wang said this, it must have been seen by a relatives or felt at a close distance, otherwise it will never open its mouth.
"Master Yang, this ... this ..." immediately there is a demon sect of the main event Ai Ai opened his mouth. However, there is an introduction to Yanshoudan in front of him. It is impossible for the demon lord to ask Yang Chen for sin, but he does not know what to say, stuttering, and people simply do not know what he wants to say.
Yang Chen understands the meaning of this demon lord. In fact, it is not only him. Everyone present understands that only everyone is obsessed with face and does not speak straight. I believe that if it was not the topic of Yanshou Dan, it must have been pleaded guilty now.
Wang Yonggao’s words and Meng Xian are all nervous. You must know that this time the demon world is proposed by the Pure Yang Palace. If there is no way to solve this problem, then the Pure Yang Palace can be offended. Ten masters. Even if there is a new site, it can't make up for this mistake. The three people's anxious eyes are all concentrated on Yang Chen's face, and it seems that he is looking forward to his solution.
"It doesn't matter!" Yang Chen's performance is far easier than anyone's. It is a natural wave of hands. He smiled and said: "The magical monsters of the immortal level are not solved. There are at least two. The method is not enough."
The problem of everyone's suffering has become an insufficiency in the face of Yang Chen. A master, you look at me, I look at you, face each other, and smile at the same time.
Although Yang Chen has not yet said a specific method, everyone has already understood that Yang Chen had planned for a long time, and even these people have already considered it. It’s just that the swearing vows can’t be made clear before departure. Think about it too, even the outermost big array must be broken, the magical monster inside does not solve, can you say that it takes up the territory?
This time, everyone was anxious and lost more than half. The hanging hearts were all put down. Now, just waiting for Yang Chen to say these two methods, everyone can be completely relieved.
"In a nutshell, the reason why this magical monster can reach the level of the immortal fairy is not to rob. It is because there is magic." Yang Chen extended a finger and said slowly: "This first The method is very simple. Just wait slowly, and wait until the magical power on them is absorbed by the array. Naturally, it will drop the sky and robbery."
Everyone is listening, and it’s a bit stunned to hear that the method is so simple. However, if you think about it, there is no such thing as a magical array. Actually, there is no soaring, it is definitely related to the magic here. Since Yang Chen can absorb the magic, there is no magic effect. Of course, there is no problem with those magical monsters flying directly.
Everyone is scared here for so long, who can think of the solution is as simple as that? It’s so simple that everyone doesn’t have to do anything. At that time, all the troubles will be solved automatically, and there will be no more trouble.
Think of this, those who are still worried about the elders. All are a little shame. It seems that they came to Chunyang Palace so much to find a solution, and there was still the idea of ​​finding a statement. It is really a bit of a wave.
However, since there are two methods, there is definitely something else to be done besides this. Everyone is curious, what kind of method is it that needs to do something?
"Another method is also simple." Seeing the eyes of everyone expecting, Yang Chen did not sell more, quickly said: "I believe that the range of the demonized monsters is not large, nothing more than a thousand miles. The magic array can all be circled, and the mysterious turtles of the four immortals are helpless. When they can't come out, I am not safe and sound?"
Relatively speaking, this method is more active. If you do it early, there will be no cases where some species of animals will run around. It only needs to consume a lot of materials, but the degree of security is even more reassuring.
Everyone is sinking, and the magical array of thousands of miles has already reached the scale of a super-large gate. This kind of consumption is just to make everyone psychologically safe, it is worthwhile to weigh it.
"However, the benefits of the Enchanting array are relatively more." Yang Chen knows that everyone is weighing what, and simply said the pros and cons: "Although some materials are used, those who are immortalized on the demonized monsters Konjac, I believe it is worth doing. In addition, Yanshou Dan, who is to be refining for the younger generation, also needs some konjac beads of more than five products to make raw materials."
"Of course, if you control the magical array, you can take the initiative to control and release two magical monsters to kill them separately. If you are afraid of it flying, then you will set a magical array outside." It’s very thorough, and there’s almost no reservation:
One can slowly destroy all, get the konjac beads, and secondly, you can experience it there. I believe many people will like this kind of experience. Both of them are in control. I wait for my hands and I am safe."
These words are the most moving. To say that, what is the most attractive? interest. If you have enough benefits, you will have the motivation to take the initiative to do this. What Yang Chen said is a benefit. There are material gains, and there are benefits to practice. Whoever dislikes is a fool.
The materials of the two magical arrays are not a big problem for the ten super-class gates. Together with the pure Yang Palace, there is no difficulty. The material is also good, and the hands are good, there will never be a lack.
The main actor is very interested in the way that you can harvest the super konjac beads and let your masters get the experience. In particular, this kind of pure participation experience, upgraded to increase the combat experience, while not worrying about the worry of life.
It can be said that if you can really arrange the two magical arrays, it will be of great benefit to everyone present.

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