Chapter 759: Seniors have an accident (on)

People who don't have a few big gates will care about people like Yang Chen who have no roots in the spiritual world. Even if Yang Chen is famous in the mortal world, there is no such thing as the support of the sect. In the end, after only hitting the south wall many times, find a sect to rely on, and then develop slowly.
This is also a feature of the spiritual world, and it is also a rule that new people must learn after coming up. In fact, there are such invisible rules in the mortal world, but the performance is not as obvious as the spiritual world, but the disciples born in the big gates must be cheap. This is the same everywhere.
Shi Shanshan Sun Xuexue Wudi and Murong sisters saw this scene, but they did not say much, nor did they intend to stop Yang Chen and Gao Yuegong Sun Ling. Although each of their sects can give Yang Chen great blessings, but they also know the pride of their own family, he will never accept this kind of charity.
Another reason is that Yang Chen is familiar with the spiritual world. Even if Yang Chen didn't say too much, the girls are all around, and they all have a clear feeling. Even if you are in the spirit world, you can mix and match the wind and water.
Even if it is no longer good, there are Danfang and Dan medicine of Yanshoudan on the hands of Xianggong. There are also some masters in the spiritual world who will do their best. As long as the reputation of Xianggong is spread, I don’t know how many masters will come to the door. With Yang Chen’s arrogance in the mortal world, he is afraid that he will be able to make a few masters?
There is no more way out of the town. I want to go anywhere and rely on my own sword. This is hard to beat Yang Chen, Yang Chen directly called the shuttle, with two wives, quickly left.
Shortly after Yang Chen and others left, a group of masters rushed out of the town and looked at the empty space. They are all four of the sects. It was only from the mouth of the young female disciple who had just risen from her home that Yang Chen, the strongest five-product alchemy teacher in the mortal world, had already soared and left before.
In the mortal world is the powerful figure of the five-in-one alchemy teacher, which Zongmen do not want to win? In particular, Yanshou Dan, a drug that has never been heard of, is maddening. Such a future star actually missed the arm under the eyelids, so how can it not be sighed?
The four major sects are okay, and their own female disciple is not Yang Chen’s wife or the diverticulum. There is always a close relationship. Other Zongmen people are somewhat lost, and they know so. I should just take care of Yang Chen more than just the past habits. Let him be self-defeating.
However, these recruiting disciples are still competent, when they personally bring the new flying female disciple back to the sect. I also brought back the news of the literary masters of the Five Elements Alchemy. Soon, the major gates began to look for the whereabouts of the Yangchen family of three.
"People, where are we going?" Just arrived in the spiritual world. For the environment here, Gao Yue and Gong Sunling are both black and white, and they don't know anything. Gao Yue looked at Yang Chen without hesitation and found the right direction to fly at high speed. He also curiously asked.
"Go and teach the palace to meet them." Yang Chen explained with a smile. As early as before the head of the palace was flying. Yang Chen told them about some things in the spiritual world. They also suggested that they should be able to settle their homes after they soared, so it is not difficult to know where they might be.
"A Ling. Can your mountain and river geographic map increase the boundary?" Answering Gao Yue's question, Yang Chen turned to Gong Sunling and asked: "If you can, you can increase the geography of the mountain again now."
"Yes, Xiang Gong!" Gong Sunling gave Yang Chen a very gentle answer. In fact. When I first adapted to the magical refining magic weapon, Gong Sunling discovered that the geographical map of Shanhe had changed a little. In addition to the lands of the mountain river geography. Also added a brand new blank, showing only a very small point, apparently she has not been involved in too many spiritual world.
The geographical map of Shanhe is not a magic weapon for the dragons to refine and reproduce, and it has automatically added a new world to the spiritual world. If there is no accident, Gong Sunling uses the geographical map of Shanhe, and can launch the power of the mortal world to attack and defend at any time. This powerful magic weapon plus the repair of Gong Sunling’s real human fairy is just now. The flying spirit world has the capital to settle down.
Of course, if Gong Sunling is willing, he can use the masters of the mountain river geographic map who have also spent the same hurricane robbery. Thousands of masters smashed an opponent, and they still put it into a group of people. I think it is a bit bully.
Gao Yue does not say anything else, the water fire dragon angle flying sword plus the spirit of the emperor, at least the masters below the fairy do not want to take advantage of the high moon in the hands of the hurricane robbery. If you count the super magic weapon armor that Yang Chen transferred to Gao Yue with more than 100 degrees of hijacking spirit, the high moon of the following three people can be traversed.
Among the shuttles, Yang Chen lay comfortably on the soft couch, holding a wife in both hands and whispering to them some soft things. Already in the spiritual world, some things are not afraid to say it. The two women are very comfortable heads with the arms of Xianggong, the whole body is attached to the side of Xianggong, enjoying the care of Xianggong and the satisfaction of one face.
Yang Chen pointed out that there are two temporary footholds in the palace. They are relatively secret but have strong spirits, which is enough to support them in a few good places. The really suitable place to teach the palace master that they have just ascended, is not enough to arrive, but also has to wait for Yang Chen to come and build it himself.
However, when Yang Chen arrived at the first place, he only saw a piece of scorched earth. Here has experienced a very cruel battle, the destruction is not the same.
Seeing this situation, Yang Chen and Gao Yuegong Sun Ling's face changed immediately. Gao Yue and Gong Sunling’s eyes are all concentrated on Yang Chen’s face:
Yang Gong, this?

"Nothing, there is another place." Yang Chen saw a scene of destruction, and there was already a anger in his heart. But he did not vent it in front of his wife, but said calmly: "Let's go there and see."
Yang Chen chose these two locations to recommend to the head of the palace, because these two places are relatively secret. In the past, Yang Chen once cultivated in these two places to avoid the pursuit of Xuantianmen. I did not expect to find a place to be discovered and destroyed.
After rushing to the second location from here, Yang Chen’s face was already very ugly. In the second place, there are also obvious traces of the battle. The predecessors who had risen before the Pure Yang Palace apparently had an accident.
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