Chapter 767: Kill (on)

Hey, the sound of the knives and the flying swords collided with each other like a giant hammer hitting an anvil. The huge force carried on the knives of the knives directly smashed the opponent out.
The opponent's flying sword did not fall well. The part of the flying sword near the tip of the sword has been cut off by the knives.
However, it is better to say that it is cut off. It is said that it is interrupted. Although there is a blessing in the sky, the 斩 刀 knife that combines the entrance of the 斩 Sendai and the core of the enchanted continent can be said to be iron-cutting, but the other’s flying sword I haven't waited until the blade is completely cut and it has broken. There is no smoothness in the fracture at all, but a gap that is interrupted by force.
This is subject to the pressure of the mysterious turtle, so Yang Chen is so a knife, the life of the flying sword directly damaged. The celestial opponent’s mouth was squirting blood, but his body seemed to be a hit baseball and flew straight out. It is a pity that Yang Chen’s attack is not rushing, so the trajectory of baseball has become a stick to the earth, and it is very accurate to roll in the direction of the mysterious turtle.
The embarrassed master of the immortal, the body is under the impact of powerful and unimaginable power, and it is soft and soft. In addition to being able to keep awake and feel that his body is rolling over a series of ground at high speed, there is no other movement.
The blood spurted along the way has already marked the trajectory of his tumbling very clearly. Even though people have already rolled to the side of the mysterious turtle, the speed is still not slowing down. The body of the earth master is about to leave the other side away from the mysterious turtle by the inertia of Yang Chen’s attack. A stone monument accurately smashes his body in high-speed movement.
Boom, the stone tablet was planted on the ground, below the stone tablet, directly throwing out a few splashes of flesh and blood. Then, the huge stone tablet was pulled up again, stained with a pile of thick bolognese, waving to the other master.
"The thief is dead!" Yang Chen's body, suddenly someone shouted, followed by a loud voice, a wind rushed toward the back of Yang Chen.
Behind Yang Chen, Gong Sunling has been following. At this time, he said nothing, directly with a small hand, the mountain river geography map method was launched, and thousands of people like the illusory and lifelike people brushed and sent a message to the master of the voice. attack.
Everything looks very illusory, even the opponents of Gong Sunling think so. In the face of such an attack, the other party only rashly mobilized the bodyguard magic weapon, intends to resist it, and then backhand attack. However, it is counterproductive. When all the ghosts of the attack are superimposed and suddenly come to the side, the other party realizes that it is wrong.
The illusory shadow suddenly became a reality, and thousands of attacks almost hit the same position of Qimenzong, the master of the immortal master.
The attack does not seem to be strong enough, at best it is the level of the human level. If this is the case, it is not enough to destroy the magic weapon of the immortal master, nor is it enough to bring harm to the other party.
What people never expected is that although the attack that the master of the land fairy feels is only a human-level attack, the number is not a bit, but more than a thousand. It seems that they attacked the same place at the same time. In fact, there are still subtle differences. Each attack is staggered a little bit so that a thousand-person combo is formed on the attack.
The sound of the bodyguard magic sound is only a long sound, but the master of the earth is a continuous attack of more than a thousand attacks. Rao is that his cultivation is much stronger than every master who participates in the attack, but the continuous fine attack of more than a thousand people is more powerful than the simultaneous attack.
The attacked bodyguard magic weapon only insisted on less than five hundred attacks, and the next attack, and the solid attack fell on the body of the immortal master. All the protections dissipated in a series of dense attacks, and the last one hundred or more directly applied to his guilt.
Hey, how can a vulnerable guilty endure the attack of more than a hundred people, and it will be hit immediately. The blood of the immortal master spurted out the blood, and the body shape retreated sharply. Even the flying sword that he attacked did not care for the command.
Where does Gong Sunling let him calmly recede, after the attack of more than a thousand people, she is carrying a more powerful attack launched by the geographical map of the mountains and rivers.
The protection of the body of the celestial master has been shattered before, and has already lost the power of resistance. Gong Sunling’s punch has been slamming on the opponent’s chest.
Oh, it’s a spurt of blood, and the celestial master is dying. Wherever he always looks higher than the top, he will want to get a woman who seems to have only one or two people, and the attack is so terrible? At this time, in addition to rapid retreat, there is no other good way.
It’s a pity that it’s a bit too late to think of it now. Just as his second blood spurted out, a blood-red flying sword seemed to be attracted by what was delicious, and the blood spurted at him quickly. Fly over.
All the blood is still a few feet away, and it is attracted by the flying sword, and it is gathered to the flying sword in the air. Once contaminated with the flying sword, it disappeared without a trace, as if it was absorbed by Feijian.
This is not finished, the blood-colored flying sword absorbs the blood he spurted out, and the rest is not enough. He is straight to his mouth and is still bleeding.
Hey, a slight sharp edge pierced the sound of the sound, and the master of the earth suddenly stopped moving, and the whole person fixed in the air. The whole body quickly turned into a bitter white. After a pause, it was softly squatting on the ground, and there was no more breath.
The flying sword flew directly from the back of the earth's master, and the blood of the whole body flourished, releasing a heart-rending breath, and suddenly attracted all the attention of the surrounding people.
"The flying sword of the blood demon vine refining?" There are some well-informed masters in the spiritual world. Almost at a glance, some people have broken the flying swords. Then they saw the horror of their companions, and immediately angered by the righteous words. Road: "Who are you? Even refining such a poisonous flying sword?"
The blood-colored flying sword just paused in the air, and went to Yang Chenfei. In the twinkling of an eye, he did not enter the knives. Yang Chenli did not pay attention to the guy who was angry. He said that he was as good as a gentleman. This kind of person is not worthy of consideration. If you want to care, you should still pay attention to the blood of the demon phoenix flying sword to absorb the blood of the immortal master, how long it will take to get close to Dacheng.
"Squatting animals, so hurting the world, you can't stay!" The other party saw Yang Chen's attitude, even more furious, yelling at Yang Chen, then a flame rushed out from his fingers, instantly Yang Chen body Surrounded.
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