Chapter 779: And fat people than strength (below)

"Not very good. [This article comes from]" Yang Chenxi's stunned Hou Yun, knowing that this guy is still dissatisfied with the design of Yang Chen, a small revenge. However, how could Yang Chen agree to this kind of thing and shake his head directly.
"Then what do you say?" Jing Fatzi felt that he had eaten people's food at this time, drank the wine of others, and then yelled at his own bully. It seemed that he couldn't say a word, he could only ask.
"Let's do it, we come to compare strength." Yang Chen finally found out when he said his intention, Hou Yun this guy did not do good things, but this topic is just right: "If I win, you join us pure Yang Palace, Naturally, someone will give you a good and good wait. If you win, I will let Aling entertain you once a year, how?"
"Also." Jing Fatzi thought purely, listened to Yang Chenyi's suggestion, and immediately nodded, but immediately added: "But I might be better than you, but I didn't rob you of the last time I grabbed the plate. It's better to learn old." Hou, see if you can touch me, can touch me to win, if you can't move, I will lose."
Don't look at the Jinghu fat man's brain is simple, but not stupid. When he grabbed the plate and was pressed by Yang Chen, he noticed that Yang Chen’s power was amazing. However, he only thinks that Yang Chen is definitely similar to Hou Yun, because both of them are now almost the same size. Since Hou Yun can't move him, Yang Chen is certainly not possible.
This suggestion that Yang Chen is in the middle of the middle, Hou Yun is just the middle of the yellow towel Lishi refining power. Not long ago, Yang Chen points to the high section, but Yang Chen has already reached the peak of the sea when he is flying. A step closer to the realm of the realm, compared to Hou Yun is a whole big realm, not even to touch the Beijing Tiger can not do it.
How many yellow towel genres in the fairyland, but it is the realm of the practice of the sea, it has been able to rely on brute force and Jinxian master to compete. Even Yang Chen has not experienced many of the baptisms. The strength of the body can not be compared with the master of Xuanxian Jinxian, but the power alone is not bad. There is even more than nothing.
Yang Chen and Jing Hu stood face to face in the vast space of Shuifu. Jinghu still maintained the fat form and did not restore the truth. Perhaps in his mind, as long as this is able to take advantage of Yang Chen's strength, Yang Chen is even stronger, and the realm is not as good as Hou Yun's situation. At most, can he have the power of Hou Yun?
Because it is a simple comparison, Yang Chen did not plan to use the big yin and yang five-line flying sword. Even Hou Yun’s loan of the golden stick to him was rejected by Yang Chen. A good opponent is rare, and the target of a fairy and eight products is even more rare. Yang Chen also thought about the over-the-top punch and the addiction of meat.
Hey, in the direction of Jinghu Jing Fatzi, Yang Chen came forward. Uncertain punches and heavy bangs on the round belly of Jinghu. This part is almost the most fat part of the Jinghu, and it is also the place where he is least afraid of brute force attacks.
The sound is as low as Hou Yun's attack on the Beijing Tiger. When the fist hits the fat of the Beijing Tiger, Yang Chen truly feels the flexibility of the Jinghu. The method that can almost swallow all the power and then slowly remove the force through the deformation buffer can be said to be the most unique means for the Beijing Tiger to deal with brute force attacks.
Jinghu originally thought that Yang Chen’s fist would be softly trapped like Hou Yun’s big stick, and then bounced off, and he was unharmed. but. The power carried by Yang Chen’s fist made the Jinghu directly shocked.
The same into the fat pit, the same fat deformation buffer to remove the force, but the strength of Yang Chen fist is too large, so that the fat has been deformed to the limit. However, it still failed to completely remove the above forces. There is still a part of the force that directly penetrates the fat, and the heavy bombardment is in the guilt of the Beijing Tiger.
Standing in the same place, the Jinghu made a slightly screaming noise, and the powerful spiritual power quickly offset the force that went straight into the guilt. That's all. In the place where Yang Chenyi was in boxing, there was still some faint pain. Although it is not hurt, the taste of the fist can be badly felt.
Hou Yun’s eyes widened and he was afraid to miss it. Yang Chen’s refining practice is higher than him, and Hou Yun is clear. At this time, it is not good to see what the high-level refining technique looks like when?
"You are more than ten times more heavy than the old one." The exclamation of the attack by the two men is the most qualified to judge the strength of the two. Yang Chen was just a punch, and the Jinghu was very surprised. Seeing that Yang Chen’s figure is inconspicuous, the cultivation is also slightly lower, but the power of this punch almost made him lose his mind.
Fortunately, the painful Beijing Tiger can still stand in the same place, not being beaten by a punch, otherwise the first fist will be lost.
Yang Chen’s first punch is just a temptation. The next is the real attack. Facing the Beijing Tiger, Yang Chen’s fist seems to be turned into a large canopy, carrying hundreds of thousands of fists and banging in the Jinghu’s fat. Meat.
At this moment, the Jinghu, where there is a relaxed beginning, full of seriousness, spiritual power to walk around the body, the entire body is completely protected. Just finished this step, Yang Chen’s fist is already in the body.
A series of snoring is endless, and there are countless pits on the body of Jinghu. Each pit is the result of Yang Chen’s fist attack. Just because Yang Chen's attack speed is too fast, so that the previous pit has not yet had time to bounce, the latter pit has already appeared, and there is such a shocking picture.
The Beijing Tiger has almost stretched its body to the extreme, and the spiritual power of the whole body is fighting against the forces that rush straight into the guilt, and the bombardment continues in all directions. He has always been proud of the almost indestructible fat, but there is a burst of pain at this moment. It is completely the feeling of being slammed by Yang Chen.
However, the master of the Eight Immortals is a master of the Eight Immortals. Even if he did not use the magic weapon of the body, he relied on the plus spiritual protection to take Yang Chen's series of bombardments.
However, even with the repair of Jinghu, it is impossible to maintain the person at the moment, completely regaining the original killer whale's appearance, and the body has expanded a lot. There are several squares, no longer only three feet. appearance.
Yang Chen’s heart is also secretly complaining. The fat man of Jinghu is really worthy of the name. The strength of the fat and fat of the whole body can be followed. Although he was worse than the baptism of the robbery, but the power is not deceiving, every attack of his own has been solidly picked up by the Beijing Tiger.
Could it be that my own strength is really helpless to this fat man?
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