Chapter 907: Practice with merits (below)

Yang Chen’s current energy is involved in the export of spiritual and refining space. Of course, there is still a small part of the magic weapon. Without a six-turn merit drug, Yang Chen had to stop and sacrifice the magic weapon to fully heal the wound.
There are some effects, but in the case that the increase in spiritual power is significantly higher than that in the case of cultivation, there are still some untenable situations, so that Yang Chen’s body finally has sustained wounds.
Fortunately, these wounds are not large, not fatal, but if they accumulate, who knows what fatal consequences will occur. Yang Chen must try his best to solve this problem, let this situation develop, Yang Chen can not last long.
You must know that Yang Chen’s body is now a pipe. As long as the injury is slightly more severe, the huge spiritual power will find a catharsis. At that time, even if there is no need for this mouth, as long as there is a trace, it is enough to crush the entire passage.
At the moment of life and death, Yang Chen flashed a gong, a merit. Whether it is refining the magic weapon or alchemy, you can have a miraculous effect on the practice, especially in life-saving, it should have the same effect.
Regarding his own life, Yang Chen does not deplore merits at all. The choice of the practice is not the big yin and yang five elements, although the practice of the big yin and yang five elements can be improved faster, but Yang Chen is now the most important thing is to heal, so, the yellow towel Lux refining body can temper the body's work The law became the choice of Yang Chen.
In the past, Yang Chen considered the possibility of using the merits and demerits to practice the exercises. Now it is only put into practice. Relatively speaking, there is no other concern besides the pressure.
Originally, Yang Chen thought that it would take a lot of trouble, but it was very smooth after the practice, and it was unprecedented. The huge amount of merits made Yang Chen waste a lot of things at the beginning, quickly found out the key to the practice, and let Yang Chen thoroughly understand. The merits of your own consumption are definitely worth the money.
The practice of consuming merit is much more pleasant than ordinary practice, at least in the sense of the body.
Of course, what Yang Chen wants most now is not the feeling of spiritual practice, but the healing effect. In this respect, the merits did not disappoint Yang Chen.
The tiny scars that have not healed on the body, after a week of yellow towel retouching. After disappearing a small part, when Yang Chenjing had a continuous practice for a day, all the wounds disappeared without a trace.
Although there is no six-transfer merit drug, it is immediately obvious, but the effect of healing is absolutely in line with Yang Chen's requirements. As for other practice effects, Yang Chen can't test it now, and can only wait until the export of refining space is completed.
It can be so smooth. In addition to Yang Chen’s merits, there is another most important reason. Yang Chen has no worries.
Li Cheng must be not far from Yang Chen, Yang Chen firmly believes. Yang Chen firmly believes that once he has trouble signs, Li Cheng will never stand by. For this reason, when Yang Chen was practicing, he did not have to worry about what would be unsuccessful. In a confident situation, no matter what you do, the success rate will be relatively high.
This trip to the refinery space can be said to be completely unexpected. Yang Chen did not expect to encounter this kind of situation. If he was not careful, he would lose it in a few decades.
If it is only time, Yang Chen will not care. For decades, the monks can pass by and close. The issue is. There was also an accident in the practice.
Originally, according to Yang Chen’s plan, the practice of step by step, it takes at least eight or nine hundred years from the practice of the immortality to the present state. Now, Yang Chen has to use a batch of merits and thousands of dans, forcibly improve the spiritual power, and in order to eliminate this influence, it must be re-applied. It doesn't feel so comfortable.
However, this is the end of the matter, there is no way to complain, Yang Chen can only face. Fortunately, under the guidance of Li Cheng, Yang Chen eliminated the fear of splitting the minds of Sanqing. The cultivation of the gods can be carried out without restrictions, and there is no longer any need to worry about the knowledge of the great Luo Jinxian to explode his own knowledge. It is not necessary to solve it by relying on alchemy or unblocking the seal. Just fine.
Solved the trouble of the injury, Yang Chen once again entered the boring refining process. The practice is still steadily improving, and the spiritual power through it is increasing. The process of refining and refining is getting faster and faster. Soon, Yang Chen will realize that refining is coming to an end.
At this time, Yang Chen’s spiritual power was repaired, and it has already been forced to immortalize the peaks of the gods. And everything that has soared has happened in just a few decades.
After calculating the time, Yang Chen was very worried that he would be robbed when he was exporting from the refining space. Just in the midst of Yang Chen’s incomparable worry, the refining process was finally completed.
With a breath, Yang Chen opened his eyes. Immediately, I was shocked. My wife and I were all in addition to Li Cheng’s brother.
During the entire refining process, Yang Chen did not investigate the situation outside the body, so I don’t know what happened, and suddenly I saw my wife and sisters, naturally it was a surprise.
Not waiting for what Yang Chen said, Sun Xiaoxue had already caught a smile and tears, and plunged into the arms of Yang Chen, and cried.
Finally, Yang Chen was able to hold Sun Xuexue, and it was discovered that other people’s faces were also deeply worried. Looking down at yourself, I immediately noticed.
Yang Chen’s current selling is really too horrible, red, as if he suffered from the damage in his eyes. At first glance, it is really scary. Especially seeing all this is Yang Chen’s woman. It is very likely that she is watching the whole process of Yang Chen’s splitting wounds and recovering. The worry is absolutely inevitable.
"Do not worry! I am fine!" Yang Chen smiled and gave the girls a positive reply, then took the girls into the Dragon Palace. This one of your own body has to be washed well.
After Gao Yue personally waited for Yang Chen to clean it and changed a clean clothes, Yang Chen began to ask how everyone got together.

Li Cheng’s brother found us and made an appointment with us. When we waited for the experience, we gathered here.
Gao Yuefei replied quickly, and then added:
Li Cheng’s brother brought Murong directly to them. Here, it is said that they want to help, and now they are still busy."
Just Yang Chen just saw all his women, and now it is discovered that the Murong sisters did not follow the Dragon Palace, but outside.
Yang Chen couldn’t help but be curious. In the end, what did Li Cheng want Murong sisters to do?
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