Chapter 919: 斩仙刀的灵灵(上)

The reception of the various sects is from the head of the palace. On the one hand, it seems to respect the sects and formally. On the other hand, it is Yang Chen's physical condition at this time is not suitable for "showing his face", the change of cultivation is absolutely out of the crowd, and he just got a reason to retreat.
Tianzhudi, the yin and yang, the five elements of merit, the burning of the golden body, Yang Chen, the combination of the big yin and yang, the five-line scorpion, the yellow towel, the refining body, the celestial smelting and the sacred rituals, and the merits, the new golden body after burning the fire, It is not easy to practice.
Especially at the beginning, Yang Chen had to consume a lot of merits before entering the stage of building the foundation. In the process of Yang Chen leaving the Pure Yang Palace to find Lin Zhengyuan to come back, Yang Chen has kept this realm unchanged.
Out of the door, Yang Chen, who is not fully familiar with the control, can't practice more. Without interference, the consumption of merit can be minimized. Although Yang Chen is a super-rich in merit, when it is possible to save, Yang Chen does not mind saving more.
During the period of going out, the gods suddenly rose to the second class of Xuan Xian, which has great benefits for spiritual practice. The stronger the knowledge, the stronger the ability to control spiritual power, and the less merit you consume.
Before continuing to practice the golden body, Yang Chen was cautiously practicing the three clearings. Only once practiced, Yang Chen discovered the changing trend of Sanqing’s eagerness to try.
Yang Chen’s understanding of the gods has already reached the realm of the horrible Xuan Xian Er Pin, but the spiritual power is not only the base period of the district, but the Jin Dan, Yuan Ying, Mahayana, Ren Xian. Dixian, Tianxian. Xuanxian seven realms. Under such a huge gap, the second division of the gods became a necessity.
Li Cheng has already pointed out Yang Chen's things in this respect, so when faced with the division of the gods, Yang Chen is not as embarrassed as before, just let it go.
God did not know how to start splitting. At this moment, Yang Chen was able to face with a normal heart. Almost with a kind of bystander mentality, calmly watching the gods and points into two independent gods.
The splitting of the gods not only caused two gods. At the same time, Yang Chen’s cultivating of the gods also declined with the division of the gods. The two gods are the realm of Xuanxian. Among the two gods of Yang Chen, there is a kind of freedom to get rid of the cockroaches, and the sea is wide and the birds fly high.
Unconsciously, San Qingyi has entered the fifth realm with the successful division of this god. For a time, Yang Chen couldn’t say that there was any big change, but there was no intangible constraint. It is enough to make Yang Chen happy.
The two independent gods are almost exactly the same. The only difference is to know the sea. The subject's knowledge of the sea is still the original size, and the new second god's knowledge of the sea is relatively weak, not only the area is almost a hundred times smaller, there is not so much in the sea. It looks very pure.
In the process of splitting, Yang Chen has already prepared the knives. Once the separation of the gods is completed, the second complete knowledge is actively attached to the knives and begins to merge into the first step of the spirit.
Both gods are Yang Chen, but there are times. The process at the moment is equivalent to re-refining the 斩 刀 knife at the same time. This is your own magic weapon. Coupled with his second god, Yang Chen’s loss in merit is not bad.
A lot of merits were put on. Every time the Qiankun Yangbao 运转 is operated, Yang Chen’s second is merged with the 斩 刀 knife. The whole process is repeated, and it keeps circulating.
Yang Chen fell into a wonderful sentiment. When the gods were divided, Yang Chen realized that he had an extra twin, but the idea of ​​twins is exactly the same now. The two gods feel connected, and the feeling that this can have will also be generated among the gods, which is very novel.
Then the feelings of both sides began to differ. The main in his body is still the original Yang Chen has not changed, but the second has begun to convey a cold metal taste. Yang Chen knows that it was the first feeling when the Yuanshen merged with the knives.
As the integration process deepened, Yang Chen realized this extraordinary taste. On the one hand, sitting on the ground and not moving, on the other hand, it seems that he has a metal body, and there are nine flying swords with different attributes in the body. One side is the flesh, the other side is the metal, but the right sense of unity of the senses is definitely a brand new experience.
Refining and chemical spirits, it is best to be the spiritual body of the spirit. The previous Azhu Abi and later Yu Lie and Huo Long Long Ling are the same, as long as they actively cooperate with the master of the magic weapon, this process will be exceptionally smooth.
However, compared with the willingness, whether it is Azhu Abi or Yu Lie or Long Ling, where can Yang Chen be more voluntary? Where can I match Yang Chen’s own cooperation? The whole process is simply a mess.
After successfully cultivating the second to the spirit of the celestial knife, Yang Chen’s heart moved to the sea of ​​the blood of the second directly into the sea of ​​the second god. Under this, Yang Chen’s main body knows that there is no violent killing in the sea. All the murderous killings are transferred to the knives.
The 斩 knives were originally weapons, and so many more killings are simply more powerful. And Yang Chen’s subject also lacks the trouble of being treated as a demon, killing two birds with one stone.
As soon as the color moved to the river, there was a red on the knives. As if the knife had become a real living thing, it is still held in the hands of Yang Chen, and the next moment will become a violent beast, tearing all the opponents into pieces.
In Yang Chen’s mind, suddenly there was a feeling of hunger and thirst. That is the hunger and thirst of the knives, but it can be solved by drinking water, but it is a bloodthirsty hunger and thirst. Perhaps only the blood of the enemy can make the 斩 刀 knife slightly satisfy.
When the whole process was completely over, he had completely and completely controlled the knives. Not only that, but every corner of the knives, every inch of the edge, has a flesh-and-blood flavor. The 斩 刀 knife seems to have become part of Yang Chen’s body. It has a feeling, a vitality, and a need, such as a finger.
Roaring seems to be aware of the great changes in the knives of the knives, curiously peeping out, staring at the knives and knives, seemingly wondering why the cold knives gave me the feeling of being so close. That feeling, just like a part of Yang Chen’s body became a weapon, made him unable to understand.
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