Chapter 924: Do you want to rebel (on)

He is very proud of the surname of his dragon family. He seems to be very satisfied with the blue dragon ear. But then the blue dragon reprimanded a fierce sentence: "Don't be so arrogant, you can be more than one!"
"Yes, seniors!" At this moment, Lie Lie has already regarded the Blue Dragon as a real predecessor. After a respectful response, he asked: "The name of the predecessor has not been consulted yet!"
"I am also surnamed!" The blue dragon was still hoarse and old, and the moment became crisp: "Hey!"
I always thought that the blue dragon was a man. Now I heard her real voice and I know that it was a woman.
"That ice seal seal method is what I arranged." After he reported his name, he immediately said his own relationship with his fierceness.
Yang Chen and 敖 敖 顿 恍 , , , , , , 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨 杨
Fortunately, there is no one to get started. Yang Chen and Yu Lie are all cold sweats. Otherwise, they are now too embarrassed to die.
"This Dragon Palace is yours. This Dragon Palace is given by Yu Guang. So what about this?" At this moment, it seems that Yang Chen and Qian Li have no longer been pursued, and they began to ask about other things.
It cannot be said that as long as it is written by the dragons, the dragons naturally have a unique ability that can be easily recognized and quickly controlled. At this point, Yan Lie can help Yang Chen to quickly refine the integration of the Dragon Palace and Xuantian Temple. And it is also a proof that the Xuan Tian Ming Haisuo, which can be easily controlled by the violent control.
Now there is one more, and it is easy to recognize the origins of the two of the three dragon palaces in Yang Chen. Now ask about the property property Dragon Palace.
"This is found near that 。." Yang Chen is not concealing, tell the truth. It’s not too much to go beyond the bottom line.
"You just because this kid told you something embarrassing, so you help him refine and integrate this Xuan Tian Ming Haisuo and Dragon Palace?" He turned his head to the enthusiasm that has been maintaining refining.
"Yes, seniors!" hurriedly replied, not dare to be scornful.
"Speaking about this embarrassing thing and the things that belong to the family!" He was not polite, he ordered it directly, and then yelled at Yang Chen: "I still don't take out my Dragon Kings. ?"
The atmosphere has eased to the point where everyone can sit and drink together. Naturally, there is not much tension. Although Xuan Tian Ming Haisuo is still in control of the hands, but the owner is still Yang Chen, Yang Chen immediately began to show his hospitality as a host.
Yulong is of course a few dozens of altars, and Gong Sunling is not idle. A few delicious dishes will appear on the wine table in a short while.
I didn’t have the slightest politeness. After a series of dry altars, it slowed down the speed of drinking. It became a drink and a drink, and then unexpectedly praised Gong Sunling's craft.
Since talking about dragons, you can't help but say Zhao. So, Yang Chen started from the mortal world, how to find Zhao, how to target Zhao. After the ascension, how is the secret of Zhao, how to discover the secrets of the nine guqin, how to unlock the seal, and how to calculate the array.
When it was almost the same time, Yang Chen stopped the narrative. Waiting for you to slowly digest this many things that happened while she was sleeping.
Speaking of it, you are also alarmed by the sigh of breath. This wakes up from sleep. After the fire dragon was seriously injured, the same injured cockroaches arranged the ice seal, and found a suitable place to start sleeping and recovering. Coincidentally, the place where you sleep is near the gate of Dandingmen.
There is a spiritual spring in the ground, which is especially suitable for recuperation. Because Lingquan was absorbed by the cockroaches, the people of Dandingmen didn’t find it at all. They recovered little by little in their sleep, until they recovered almost in the near future, but they still had the last point, but they were fiercely strong. Awakened by breath.
When I woke up, I saw the familiar figure of the fire dragon, but the spirit in the body of the dragon was not the fire dragon itself. If you don’t realize that it’s also a dragon, it’s not a matter of killing them. It can be said that Yang Chen Yulie and the three women completely turned around in the gate of the ghost, and that life and death were only between the thoughts of the monk.
"Wait!" Just as there was something to add to it, he suddenly said, "You said that you have only been flying for more than two hundred years, and then you have abolished it and rehabilitated it?"
"Yes, seniors!" Yang Chen sighed, and immediately replied: "This is a strong predecessor can also testify." Next to the fierce and very close to the head, indicating that Yang Chen said nothing.
"A person who has been flying for more than two hundred years, the younger generation, repaired to fall into the base period, actually can not directly touch the Dan furnace to refine the eight-turn Peiyuan Dan?" In the tone of the sigh, could not help but horrified. That's right, it's not a surprise, but a shock: "Where are you enchanting?"
"Yang Chen, a younger generation, a disciple of Chunyang Palace!" Yang Chen finally had the opportunity to report his name, which is not easy.
When I first saw Yang Chen refining eight rounds of Pei Yuan Dan, I thought that Yang Chen had at least been an alchemy master who would fly again in the next few thousand years, so despite his surprise, he was barely able to accept it. There is no eight-in-one alchemy in the spiritual world, but one or two geniuses may not be guaranteed.
However, when I really knew that Yang Chenfei had risen for more than two hundred years, even if I had seen a lot of strange things, I couldn’t help but scared. At this time, it is possible to refine the eight-transfer medicinal herbs. What should be done when it comes to the immortal fairy? Directly achieve the nine products alchemy teacher?
The exaggerated expression makes Yang Chen only smile, and the efficacy of Gongde and Yunling furnace can not be said, only to cause such a beautiful misunderstanding.
However, this is also good, at least after knowing this point, even the fierce and fierce are a bit polite, no longer arbitrarily sipping freely told the posture. I feel that the next communication is a little more equal.
After Yang Chen finished, Yan Lie also said what he knew and guessed, and then waited for specific instructions. There is nothing wrong with it, except for being a younger brother.
"I want to see that!" Hey, you are not polite, just say your request.
"No problem, but it will take some time, Jing Jing is not here, still in the five elements." Yang Chen immediately promised.
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