Chapter 955: Where the predecessors ignored (top)

This is not Yang Chen’s alarming deliberately frightening Li Elder, but Yang Chen thinks that before the previous life to Yang Chenfei, the core high-level of Xuantianmen has changed a whole. Although it is not the master of Zhutang who is the pharmacy, but among the core high-level, except for Li Men, who is soaring in the mortal world, all others are unrelated to the core of the mortal world.
In this ancestral inheritance of the Three Realms, there is generally a default unspoken rule, that is, the person who has become the lord of the mortal, will certainly succeed the lord in the spiritual world.
Or to expand this unspoken rule, the core of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect, basically risen to the spiritual world, is also the high level of the Zongmen. It is only the inheritance between the high-levels that needs to last for a while, at least until the high-end sects of the sects who have just ascended and the knowledge have reached a certain level before they will take charge of the sect.
According to this unspoken rule, there is no problem with the mortal Li Men who become the core high-level of Xuantianmen. In fact, the past life has developed in this way. The Limen Lord has always become the gatekeeper of the spiritual world.
But the strange thing is that the other core high-levels of the former mortal Taitianmen did not inherit the position of the upper gates of the Zongmen. Yang Chen’s memory in his mind has turned up a little bit, and it seems that those people have had an accident.
At the beginning of the magical robbery, three of them were folded. At that time, it was just a trial in the place of trial, and the first wave of the demonized beast was annihilated. The remaining few, also in some accidents later, only Li Mengzhu insisted on the end.
When Li Men was the master of the door, Zhu Tang was already an elder, but it seemed to be a rare figure in Xuantianmen. Even Li Men must respect the three points.
In combination with this life, it seems that Zhu Tang’s influence in Xuantianmen. After the magical robbery, it continued until Yang Chenfeisheng did not end. Even Yang Chen has soared. Zhu Tangzhu has always guarded Xuantianmen as the elder of the elders, and the end is hard work!
What kind of person is Li Chang? No one who can be a core elder in Xuantianmen is simple. Just listening to Yang Chen’s saying, he immediately thought of more.
This Zhu Tangzhu, it seems that it is really a good idea, it seems that it is still a righteous conspiracy, that is, to develop an extraordinary and extraordinary medicine, which can greatly enhance the strength of the high level. Of course, at the same time, it is a step closer for all the people who have taken the drug.
There is absolutely no way to blame. People are justifiable tricks, what is the ultimate purpose of each monk, isn't it to improve their own cultivation? There are such medicinal herbs, which are exclusively for Xuantianmen. After taking them, every disciple will only be grateful to Dade, how can he doubt and resent?
In other respects, Zhu Tang’s performance has always been a medium-sized rule, and there is no choice. Even if Elder Li wants to grab a handle, he can't catch it. Is it possible for Elder Li to use someone else to refine a new medicinal herb to have a conspiracy to deal with Zhu Tangzhu?
However, Yang Chen said that it is very reasonable. At least Li’s heart has already had great doubts. The other side released the wind hundreds of years ago to study this kind of remedy, and the hard work of the investment lasted for hundreds of years, and it was so suffocating. I can hold my hand and think of it is also a difficult opponent.
At that time, the Dan medicine disciples who made the refining of the people took an excellent effect and sent them to the core executives. If you drop a big person, you can achieve your goals indirectly. Sure enough, good intentions. Good means, to achieve the purpose without a word. Moisture is silent, in this respect, it is definitely a master.
The key is that people do not fight for a short period of time, and they will not immediately compete for the position of the doorkeeper. They will send away the other high-level ones one by one, and they will become the highest-ranking and highest-identity existence. Even if they are not the doorkeeper, they will say the same thing as the door owner. This is clearly the indirect control of Xuantianmen's posture.
In the face of such an opponent, Li Changchun suddenly has a feeling that the mouse pulls the turtle and has nowhere to start. Directly and Wang Men, they clarified that it is estimated that others will not believe at all, but will doubt why he thinks so.
This kind of difficult opponent seems to have only the same elders with the same mind to understand the other party's attempt, and others will not have such a dark mentality.
"Zhuzu, the identity of the disciple, the Zhu Tang master knows not to know?" Yang Chen looked at Li’s elders and seemed to be somewhat unpredictable. He couldn’t help but ask.
"He doesn't know." This time, Elder Li answered with affirmation: "The doorkeeper said, your identity is top secret, and you know that you are rotten in your stomach. If you don't know, you should never know. Although he is new. Core, but no one will be jealous of telling him about your identity."
Yang Chen had some worries at the beginning. If the Zhu Tang master was really a Zhao family, he knew his identity and it was not so easy to ignite between Xuantianmen and Zhao. Now, when Elder Li said this, Yang Chen was relieved a lot.
As long as the other party does not know his identity, it is possible to force the other party's true intentions. Since it is possible to let the robbers start in advance, it is obvious that the layout of the Zhao family has been broken, then the wishful thinking of the Zhu Tang master may not be so loud.
The medicinal herbs that have been studied for hundreds of years have not been successful. According to Yang Chen, the unique medicinal herb called Xuantianmen, which is called Qiqiao, has been studied for more than a thousand years. Now, it is impossible to get the perfect medicine.
If this is the case, as long as you want to find a way for Zhu Tang to launch in advance, Yang Chen may not have to let Li elders risk the accusation and easily achieve the goal.
"That's the case, the disciples have an idea." After Yang Chen pondered for a while, he suddenly thought of something, slammed it on the thigh, excitedly said: "The ancestors helped to see."
In the face of Elder Li, Yang Chen had to pay attention to some of the skills of speaking. At least, let Li Chang feel that this is what he figured out, not his own idea. this point is very important.
"What thoughts?" Li Changshen’s eyes lit up. It seems that he was looking for Yang Chen’s grandson to discuss it. There is nothing wrong with it. This will not only remind you of the omissions you have not seen, but also find the direction of the breakthrough. This disciple is hard to get.
"Now this medicinal drug has not been thoroughly researched, but it is definitely a preliminary sample." Yang Chen looked at the reaction of Elder Li and adjusted his own wording: "If you can let the arrangement of Zhu Tang be forced ahead of time." If you say that Zhu Tangzhu can only use this kind of imperfect remedy to take risks, he will take risks." (To be continued.)
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