Chapter 983: Confused confusion (on)

The actual control sites of the three super sects add up to more than two million square miles. Such a large site is basically not a single Zongmen can be swallowed alone.
This bifurcation conference lasted for more than 20 days. From the site to the spiritual veins, from the mineral deposits to the population, from the affiliated gates to the controlled countries, each of them must be noisy, and the level of excitement is comparable to the most prosperous. Vegetable market.
Zhou Yuying has also been observing and thinking. She is wondering why her own piano sound can't affect these masters who are almost the same. When they face the interests, they will forget, don't care about all the outside interference?
These days, Zhou Yiying was very confused at first, but then slowly wanted to understand why he must force others to adapt to his own music, instead of adapting to his opponents whenever and wherever he wants. Music, only to practice when you practice, if you try to influence or attack others, of course, you must follow the pace of others.
After thinking about this, Zhou Yuying changed the style of music. The general atmosphere is still quiet, but the subtleties are adjusted with the behavior and mood of the lords, and sometimes even deliberately motivate. At this time, the quarrels of the lords will be fierce.
Zhou Yuying has been in the spiritual world for many years, because the problem of appearance is blinded, and sometimes it will be more extreme. However, since I married Yang Chen, I have never felt this way. Whether it is Xianggong or other sisters, she gave her enough care and care, and Zhou Zhiying’s kind of extreme thinking slowly began to work.
This time, I have the opportunity to play for the lords, and when I am tempering my own piano. Also faintly brought a little bit of naughty. The sounds of the lords are infected by the sounds of the sounds, and from time to time they will stimulate a little bit of contradiction. I watched the patriarchs unknowingly. Zhou Yuying didn't know how happy she was laughing.

After adapting to their emotions, you can try to make a little adjustment without affecting the overall atmosphere. Guide their emotional changes.
Yang Chen also delighted to discover the changes of Zhou Yuying, and also to Zhou The little naughty that Yu Ying suddenly popped up was very happy, and she lost her time.
Although it was said that the emotions of the lords could be provoked by the melody to make them more fierce, but it was their own state, and Zhou Yuying was only magnified by the trend. Now Yang Chen pointed out that it is another level.
"Don't think about what you can change, as long as you can add a small branch to their subconscious mind, they will naturally take the initiative to enlarge this branch and enter another emotion." Since pointing. Yang Chen pointed out enough at one time. Zhou Yuying is his wife. There is no such thing as hiding in private.
Zhou Yuying used to play the big sound of the big and the big, and directly released his emotions in the most rude way. In the case of repairing a person who is not enough for himself, especially a monk who is not aware of his own knowledge and state of mind, it is naturally invincible. However, once they meet the realm of the realm, or as a savage giant like a sect, they will become useless as soon as possible.
Listen to the guidance of Xiang Gong. Zhou Yuying's time is like a squatting, and a door that has been confused for a long time suddenly opens up, and immediately wants to understand a lot of things.
Didn't wait for her to say anything, the mouth has been stuffed with a remedy. The voice of Xiang Gong also sounded in the ear: "Ask the heart Dan, play the piano slowly, and slowly comprehend!"
The heart is wrapped in a huge happiness. Zhou Yuying's intuitional whole body can't be said to relax, the past grievances in the spiritual world. The anger of thoughts no longer exists. Full of peace and quiet, the eyes of the past are good. Discrimination, grievances, etc., are all necessary to make themselves encounter the common hardships. Everything is just for the sake of this life, and everything is worth it!
The ugly body is the protection that the father gives himself. It is also the barrier that allows him to wait until the appearance of the public. Only the person like Xianggong can see his national beauty through the ugly and unrecognizable body. The blame for the father disappeared without a trace, leaving only peace and serenity.
The sound of the piano has changed naturally. In the most intense time of the dispute between the lords, there will always be a mixture of people who feel that sometimes everyone can move to compromise and solve all the troubles. Then everyone will be Do not hesitate to make compromises slowly.
It is easy to influence the emotional thoughts of others. It is also that Zhou Yuying realizes that the sovereigns will not really fight. This is so noisy in order to be able to compete for maximum benefit. It will have a self-discipline after approaching the bottom line. The mind. And Zhou Yuying just seized this point, just one or two sounds, so that these masters can make such a decision in advance.
The success rate was not high at first, but after a few times, Zhou Yuying seemed to have touched the embarrassment and gradually became proficient. The time for the quarrels of the lords is getting shorter and shorter. They are all spoils. There is no need for such red-browed and green eyes that everyone is arguing. The quarrel of one piece and one piece is almost fixed.
It is precisely because of this move by Zhou Yuying that the lords can divide the Sanjiang League door and the Wan Yaozong site in about 20 days. Otherwise, this time must be doubled at least twice. Not even more.
When the lords were arguing, the ladies did not dare to intervene, but only served tea at the right time, and all of them put their positions in the right place. Everyone here is serving the elders inside, and the rest are not related to them.
With the vesting of the last site, the branch meeting finally came to an end. Under the orders of Yang Chen, all kinds of wine and food were poured into the table in the hall. The dust settled and it was time for the celebration.
Can't help but say that Yang Chen's instructions are very eye-catching, at least the lords are not dissatisfied. Everyone was very tacit to pick up the wine glasses in front of them, and after laughing and toasting a large cup, he laughed.
At this point, the battle to annihilate the Sanjiang League is completely overcoming. The sites of the three Zongmen have since become the branches of the sects of the sects. There is no name for the Three Rivers League and the name of the Wan Yaozong, and the war has won a total victory.
In this campaign, the Limen of Xuantianmen’s main lord is the most powerful, and the prestige is like a day. (To be continued.)
Ps: End of holiday, continue living!
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