Chapter 1013: Can not let natural enemies (on)

Yang Lan used a pure Yang Gong disciple to count Yang Chen's affairs, and outsiders still don't know. ?? . What Yang Chen told him was the same period. When Yang Lan wanted to leave a bundle of dragons waiting for him to smash the smashing and smashing the net, there was already anger in his eyes.
The Zhao family has a dragon master who has the idea of ​​playing the dragon. This is acceptable. After all, the other is a dragon who is a traitor to the dragon. He has done this before. But what is this Yang Lan? The general purpose of the ants, but also dare to move the mind of the dragon, live impatient?
"Where is this guy?" On the spot, he was about to leave the unbelievable guy to death, or Yang Chen said that he calmed down.
"Big sister, the point I said is not this Yang Lan." Yang Chen put the cockroach back in the seat and put on a cup of fragrant tea, which slowly advised: "I mean, you always put The dragon's entanglement is a matter of heart. Every time it is always stalked by the dragon, isn't it the way to do this?"
"So, do you have any good ideas?" He did not sigh with Yang Chen. Yang Chen is not a dragon. Of course, I feel that the dragon is not much grassy. I can be a dragon. How can I not know the harm of the dragon? "I am so pondered." Yang Chen ignored the kind of small grievances, calmly said: "Big sister, you see. Cattle and sheep will always be hunted by tigers and leopards, after practicing to a certain level, the tiger and leopard will It became the prey. The same is true for the vegetation. I must have seen the old tree demon and the cypress of my ancestral door. They were originally born to the head. Do they want to kill if they want to kill it? Even the cattle and sheep can do this. Just take a dragon and stalk the grass and do nothing?"
This discourse has already brought a little bit of ingredients, after Yang Chen finished. Just look at the look of sly and see what reaction she is.
Long sighed. After a long while, I smiled bitterly: "After the ancestors of the dragons discovered the harm of the dragon entangled grass, in order to avoid the children of the dragons from being harmed by the dragons, they immediately ordered all the dragons to annihilate the dragons. And also issued a ban, the descendants of the dragons, It is forbidden to use the dragon to wrap the grass, otherwise it is the traitor of the dragon. Everyone can get it." "So you will get rid of the dragon and get rid of the grass, but never thought about how to fight?" Yang Chen understands 熬澜The meaning, asked a sentence.
I didn’t speak again this time, just nodded. It is the answer to Yang Chen’s question.
"迂腐!" Yang Chen bluntly criticized: "Your dragon ancestors are an old stubborn, and all of your descendants are also false Taoism, and you should be restrained by the dragon!"
Yang Chenxi went to the ancestors of the dragons. How can I bear it? I immediately angered and rushed to the crown. If I didn’t look at Yang Chen, I didn’t mean to offend it. I said that I would not immediately rush to give Yang Chen a profound lesson.
"Do you dare to insult my ancestors of the dragon?" yelled at Yang Chen. Old stubborn and false Taoism, this is simply an insult to the entire dragon.
"The dragon ancestors I killed are not only one or two!" Yang Chen did not show weakness, stood up and slammed the table: "Don't talk about insults in words, how about killing?"
Yang Chen was so angry at the table that he was furious. He just kept restraining and didn't do it. Yang Chen and his two eyes were stunned by the bells across the table. If there were knives in the eyes, they would have known how much. Recruited.
"Say you stubborn, you still don't admit it! No wonder the dragons are getting more and more diminished. They don't even dare to take the lead in the spiritual world." Yang Chen seems to be deliberately stimulating, saying loudly: "Human monks are in heaven and even in heaven. Dare to oppose, when Laozi was a mortal, even the Jade Emperor and Daozu dared to swear. Your dinosaurs were nestled in their own small nests and looked at the area where the dragon was tangled and shivering. Is it glorious?"
"That is the ancestral training..." Under the loud voice of Yang Chen, he began to retreat. After the words of Ai Ai’s words, the more they said, the lower they could, and they could not continue.
Yang Chen said yes, the human monk even dare to reverse the heavens, what is the ancestral training? Of course, we must follow the implementation, but it is wrong or limited. Is it necessary to hold the ancestral training, but let the dragons and children of the world be restrained by the dragon?
These are not enough. Yang Chen seems to want to persuade the cockroaches in one go, and directly pull the room that runs straight into the sun and snow. Sun Qingxue saw that Xianggong and Sister Big Brother came over and were about to say something, but they were stopped by Yang Chenyi.
"Xiaoxue, according to your practice in the weekdays, I will give you a big sister." Yang Chen directed at Sun Liangxue and said: "Call the sky."
I am wondering how Sun Light Snow practiced to scream what to do, and the scene in front of her made her move.
Sun Liangxue did not say that he sat down with his knees, and the sky flew from the dragon tower to Sun Xiaoxue. Later, Sun Xuexue's body appeared a blood-red rattan, just a moment, the rattan wrapped Sun Xuexue and the roaring sky.
With a sly eyesight, it can be seen at a glance that the red cane is clearly a combination of several super plants. She can recognize the vine, the jade vine and the dragon entangled grass, and another kind of unknown but seemingly powerful rattan she can't name, it is the eater.
Blood demon vines and eater vines eat the blood of Sun Xuexue in the blood of the sun, but Sun Qingxue is using his own cultivation to fight against both. The roaring sky was also entangled in the dragon's entangled grass, and even was sucked by the blood demon vine, and was eaten by the eater, and he also used the unique mentality of the dragon.
Only Jasper will help Sun Light Snow and Roaring Heaven when necessary. At other times, it is basically a confrontation between Sun Light Snow and Roaring Heaven.
I never thought about it. The youngest Sun Xuexue, who has always been a delicate drop, is not so lifeish. It is precisely because of this that there is no dragon's life-threatening magic weapon, and Sun Xiaoxue, who has no various advantages, has always been consistent with the girls in repairing, which is not without reason.
There is no luck in success, and how much you can pay. )
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