Chapter 1064: The effect of balanced medicinal herbs (on)

It’s good not to cut a knife, even if it’s a disabled person, and you’re not willing to have a knife, unless you have a knife and you can have great benefits. Such as broken limb regeneration and the like.
Master Yang said that there is no need to cut, just take the medicinal herbs, this can be understood. Master Yang must have found a way to cut himself. I have heard that Master Yang has always said that the Dan Fang he has researched is just an imperfect Dan Fang. It is not known now that it is perfect. Otherwise, why should I find someone to try the medicine?
However, when everyone got the medicinal herbs, the hearts of them began to rise.
Perfect Dan Dan does not have to let everyone smash a knife, of course, everyone likes it, but only take out a five-turn remedy, what is going on? Is this dan drug with only five dragon patterns better than the six-turn remedy?
Before we heard that it was a test for Master Yang, the registration was very enthusiastic. Because everyone knows, there are many benefits to giving masters a test. At most, the test is unsuccessful and then smashed, and the final result is still normal.
But now a five-transfer medicinal medicine has made a special mind for the ten testers. This time, Master Yang is looking for someone to try the medicine. Don’t you really try the medicine?
It’s funny to say that everyone thought that giving Yang’s test of drugs is something that will definitely be safe and good. Now it is really a test with other alchemists, and I am afraid that the result is another matter.
Fortunately, there are still awake people, how to control him, since Master Yang let everyone test this kind of remedy, then test it. Five turns or six turns, aren't they all Master Yang's medicine? As the beginning of the cognition, the big deal is finally a normal knife, and this bottom line is there. Don't say five turns of medicinal herbs, the master took out a one-way medicinal medicine.
Raise your hand and raise your neck. The monk who wanted to understand swallowed a medicinal herb and immediately asked Yang Chen: "Master. Then?"
"Look over there, the wound is bare, and there is nothing else to control. It is best to sleep. Don't take it for granted." Yang Chen said casually. It is not that he does not care about these monks, but that what he wants is only the effect of the medicinal herbs, not the result of the use of spiritual cooperation by these monks. Maybe because these guys practice may also affect the effectiveness of the drug.
The monk promised, and he really lay down on the couch that had already been prepared there, no matter what else.
Someone behind the lead has no choice. Everyone also wants to understand the most serious consequences of this matter, they are all swallowing the medicinal herbs, and the guy who started learning is generally lying down.
"If you have any feelings, you can say it." Yang Chen looked at the ten people and was ready to sit next to him.
"Master, itchy!" The monk who first took the medicinal herb had a feeling: "The shoulder is very itchy here!"
He suffered a very serious injury, and most of his shoulders were cut off. He survived and became a deformed disabled person. Now that the effect of the drug is on, he immediately feels that there is a feeling on his shoulder.
"It doesn't move." Although I know that these people know the importance, Yang Chen still said: "Long meat."
This time, the medicinal herbs worked very fast. Yang Chen has just finished the first one. There have been people who have said that their injuries have felt. Basically it is hot itchy, it sounds very normal.

Don’t do it!
Yang Chen wrote down the feelings of these patients and then sighed again:
Otherwise it will affect the efficacy.

This time, Yang Chen talked to a monk who had no other thoughts. Is there something more convincing than this? Not to mention the five-transfer medicinal herbs, just give them a stone and let them swallow them effectively, and they will obey them.
Yang Chen asked them to expose the wound. Just for the convenience of observation. In addition to Yang Chen, the monks are also looking at the wounds of their respective injuries and other test drug monks. I want to see the effect of Master Yang’s new refining medicinal herbs.
"My shoulders are starting to grow!" The pleasant voice was heard from the mouth of the first test drug monk. He had already seen that his original deformed wound had become slightly different from before. A little more than a few new skin, the meat grows a little, and if you feel it carefully, you can still see that the bones in the body are growing and recovering.
"My legs are also!"
It’s not just the first one that makes a surprise call. All the monks who participated in the test were aware of changes in their bodies after a while, and they also saw the visible changes that were happening. The sound of surprises continued to fluctuate and full. Joy.
Yang Chen stood up and watched the wounds one by one. It seems that everyone is recovering very well, which is in line with Yang Chen’s expectations. However, less than the last moment, it is not certain whether the drug is completely effective.
For the monks who tried the drugs, today is their lucky day. I thought that Master Yang really asked them to try some new remedies that were not very reliable, but they didn't expect it to be a surprise. You don't have to cut a knife to see your own disabled limbs re-grow. The years of disability life will come to an end. Why don't you make people cry?
There were two monks who were particularly seriously injured and survived. They really shed tears on the scene. Their previous injuries were so heavy that they would be able to survive and thank God for opening their eyes. After the restoration, it will no longer be the former monk scenery, becoming an incurable disabled person.
Even if Yang Chen introduced the broken limb regenerative Dan long ago, it is still not applicable to them. Because the previous injury was very heavy, and then cut down the long part along the original injury, their lives can not be retained or two. I can only watch other gentlemen who are less injured and exchange their own normal life. They can only cry to the sky every night.
Now, without using a sickle, I have seen myself that my lost body is slowly growing. Is this kind of joy that ordinary disabled people can understand? It’s just that I’m so happy that I don’t have a direct tear. It’s already very controllable.
There is also a small spiritual vein in Yang Chen's choice. There is a lot of spiritual power in his own medicine. Soon the lightest one has already had an immediate effect.
The small half of the shoulder has grown, and it is the same as before the disability, and the arm has grown a little bit. Although it has not been fully grown, according to this trend, full recovery is just two or three days. The hardest part is the growth of the shoulders. As for the recovery of the arms and hands, the previous broken limbs can be done.
Master Yang’s new medicine is really effective. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!
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