Chapter 1273: Arrived (below)

A scale that transcends the sacred door of Xuantianmen, the site grabbed from several small gates is indeed inappropriate. I also understand that Yang Chen had to find a suitable place to do the original intention of the mountain gate.
I used to think that I was looking for a site for a small sect of a thirty-five seedling monk. I felt that it was no big deal. Now I found that I was looking for a mountain that might be bigger than Xuantianmen in the future. interest.
If the previous judgment of Yang Chen was only a lucky monk, and the commander of the Sendai station, now it is necessary to add a super-Zongmen backing, and then count the influence of the ancestors' disciples, Yang Chen can say that the future will become a significant role in the fairy world. Big man.
It’s true that you are killing God, but that doesn’t mean he won’t keep his mind on weekdays. Not to mention anything else, it is absolutely unimaginable to be hidden in the archway of Sendai when you are hiding from the pursuit. How can such a smart guy be unaware of the benefits of making a future big man? From the point he wants to understand this, watching Yang Chen’s eyes is very different.
At this time, I have already made up my mind to make more efforts to help, and in the future I can also have greater human feelings and merits. This is a big bargain.
Within a thousand miles, the monk who traced Yang Chen had been killed by the killing. As for the farther places, he did not care. If you kill more, I am afraid that people will see that it is a means of mixing the sky, leading to a strong enemy to chase, this is not worth it.
Therefore, now Yang Chen is not behind a few close monks, and he will not care about the situation around him, and he will go to his destination with one mind. As for the followers who are farther away, follow them. As long as you don't get in the way, you can ignore it.
The destination is far away. As far as almost all the monks of the Immortals think that there is a land of wasteland, a suburb in the suburbs. No one is willing to come in this direction if there is no reason to go.
Apart from a mountainous area, it can be said that there is nothing, no spirituality, no mineral deposits, and the only thing that may be dangerous. All kinds of wild strong demon people may be hiding in a hidden corner and sneak into everything that appears in his vision. Even it can be said that the experience here is more harmful than good.
What is even more unpleasant is that this is a barren land of the fairyland, and it is also a place where all kinds of magical atmosphere gather. From the capital city of Tianting to the huge space around it, it is blessed by various formations. These demon spirits are forced to these wild places.
Xuan Tian Ming Haisuo rushed out of the array of heavenly blessings and directly plunged into Beibei. At this point, Yang Chen and others no longer have the protection of the heavens, and they will rely entirely on themselves in the future.
Controlling the shuttle, Yang Chen found the specific direction and flew at high speed for a full two months, which only took up the Xuantian Temple. Yang Chen and the four women and the monk appeared in this mountainous area.
"Why don't you fly?" I don't heal the injury now, so I hate being in danger. Look at Yang Chen put away the shuttle, and immediately asked.
"The rest of the road needs to walk." Yang Chen explained a little: "With any flying magic weapon, it will be rejected by the tomb of Xianjun, and unwittingly flies to other places."
There are no large-scale pursuits here. I am not afraid to release my own knowledge and sweep the circle with impunity. I haven’t had such indulgence for a long time, and I just feel that I can do so without any scruples.
After a lap, nothing was found. This is a rare thing to know, even if the injury is not cured. The basic strength is still there, and the intensity of the gods is also there. So there is nothing discovered in such a circle. Almost ninety-nine percent means that there is really nothing left here.
"I really have to be discovered by the predecessors at once. The that has been dug in this fairy tomb has not been left." Yang Chen smiled. Said to you.
This is not Yang Chen’s joke, although the place in Beibei is a wasteland. But it is not that no one has ever been there. On the contrary, the master has been here many times. If the tomb of Xianjun can be easily found, as Yang Chen said, he has already been dug up.
When the monks arrived in the fairy world, they were rarely willing to walk in the wild. The fairy priest had already counted this when he laid out the fairy tomb. As long as he used the magic weapon, he would unwittingly introduce the monk into the wrong position and make people feel unconscious. Even if it is as strong as it is, you can't find a little abnormality here.
The true Tomb of Xianjun must be walked on foot, and it takes two months or more to walk. This requirement, the monks of the fairy world have rarely done it. This is also the root cause of this fairy tomb that has been preserved until this time.
The burial is a fairy king, a sacred prince. This level of monk is not a complete immortal body. Although the life expectancy is not as long as the mortal, it will die when it is stagnant to a certain extent. When some powerful Xianjun consciously raises hopelessness, they will generally choose a feng shui excellent purpose to find a dragon's acupoint, and find a place for their own sleep after death.
Often in the last days, the tombs of the immortals are more exaggerated than the tombs of the emperors. The various wealth magic weapons do not say that there will be various powerful arrays in the tomb. This must be supported by strong spiritual support to support the needs of the formation, so that it can not be easily discovered by monks.
Even at some extreme times, the tomb is called the tomb, but it is not necessarily the body, but the sleeping monk. The vast majority of the tombs are true graves for some tomb thieves.
The Yangchen family and the monk now act as the tomb thief. This kind of experience does not seem to be very special for Yang Chen, but it seems to be a completely fresh experience for the ladies and the great gods. At least, the great seems to be a bit of fun.
Walking in the forefront, Yang Chen holds the knives in his hands, and the sky is wrapped around his wrists. If you let other monks see Yang Chen using the knives of the screaming knives to make a road opener, I don’t know how many chins will be scared. Such a violent thing is really too much.
But where you look in your eyes, it is like the nature that should be so, not only that, but the hands of the hand are always holding the Qiankun circle, always ready, as if the next moment will open the stone that blocks the road, in fact It is people who don't understand. Is this the magic weapon of the immortal, is this used?
When Yang Chen cut open a tangled vine, took the lead out of a jungle, and stood under a huge tree, Yang Chen’s face showed a smile: "We are here." (To be continued...)
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