Chapter 1318: The threat of the goddess (below)

Listening to the simple description of the Niangniang, Yang Chen’s heart was a little lamented. After the earth goddess is still the back earth girl, even if she knows that she has done something wrong, she still thinks that she can correct her mistakes, so that the whole three circles still follow the mistress she runs in the three circles.
The niece is worried about the world, preferring to suffer from causality, but also to let the world's living being less affected by some negative breath and to live in a more perfect world. This is the kindness of the Houtian Niangniang, which is why the Niangniang can make every soul admire.
However, Yang Chen does not feel that the things that the niece is doing must be right. The idea is good, the starting point is also good, this great sentiment that brings together the life of the world is indeed worthy of admiration, but Yang Chen does not recognize.
This is like a boundless parent who is fond of a child, paying attention to the child's growth anytime and anywhere, for fear that he will have a little bit of difficulty in the process of growing up, and then solve the difficulties that may cause the child to frustrate in advance. I thought that I created a perfect environment for my children, which is more conducive to the growth of children.
However, Yang Chen felt that at this starting point, Houdi Niangniang was still doing something wrong. Fear that the child drowns is not to clear all the places around him to swim, so that he can not get a chance to swim, the best way is to let him learn to swim.
What Yang Chen couldn't agree with was that the Houtesan lady took this as a reason. I don’t ask for any return, except for a few intimate people. None of the creatures in the world who are full of the Three Realms know what these are. Even more chilling is the inclusion of Yang Chen. All creatures take this as a matter of course. It was born like this. No?
"Mother, you think, relying on the interest of the soil, can you really solve these problems?" Yang Chen did not directly question the intentions of the Houtesiang, and they also enjoyed these benefits, there is no reason to question, so. Yang Chen only asked the effect: "If the soil is really so useful, why does the water control fail?"
"The plugging is not as good as it is!" After the earth girl, of course, she knows why the water treatment will fail, because the king has already used practical actions to tell all the reasons why the monks failed, that is, these four words.
"Why does the goddess feel that the magic and the demon can be completely solved by the soil?" Yang Chen continued to ask: "If you say offensive words, if one day, at the limit of the soil, will it be? What is the current dilemma?"
The niece is silent. Who can know what the consequences are? Will there be a limit to the soil? If you ask this question, ask a general monk. It must be an abnormally determined person to tell others that there is no limit. But the question asked the girl's head, and the answer is another matter.
"In fact, the so-called method of the goddess is actually the disaster that will happen now, and it has not been known for many years. Is it?" Yang Chen said that the nature of this method was broken. After all. Still pushing backwards, not a complete solution.
"Since now I can find you to push the troubles backwards, then I will be able to find another person to push the trouble again." Even in the face of the empress, Yang Chen is not completely afraid to speak. Respect for admiration is one thing, but it is another thing to argue for it: "The goddess thinks so, right?"
After the earth girl is still silent, Yang Chen has already broken her plans, she has nothing to say.
"Even if the method of the goddess works, then the space that these new areas of the soil are emerging. It is also very strong and demon, how about?" Yang Chen then spoke up and asked a question he actually knew the answer.
"Nature is placed in the geographical map of the mountains and rivers. I personally refine and transform into the space of the fairyland." The maiden does not know the meaning of Yang Chen, very surprised by his problems, and quickly replied.
"Why do you want to sacrifice yourself to complete the Three Realms?" This is actually a place that Yang Chen has never been able to think of. But the fact is not the case. The creatures of the devil and the demon world are really miserable.
"There are always creatures to make sacrifices." The voice of the girl's answer was a little small, and she was very lacking in strength.
"Is the goddess giving them the opportunity to choose?" Yang Chen's questioning followed, as if not giving the mother a time to think.
In fact, Yang Chen is still very abhorrent to the divorce. Goddess you have great sentiments, willing to sacrifice yourself to become a world, you can, but you can not sacrifice part of the well-being of the soul to complete another part. If those sacrifices are voluntary, Yang Chen will not respect the words, but he will only admire the facts, but the reality is not, because the goddess has never given them the opportunity to choose.
After the earth girl is completely dumb, she has not answered the question of Yang Chen. There is no answer, but this answer cannot be said by her actions.
"Hey!" After the sigh of the earth, she sighed, no longer entangled in this question, but asked directly to Yang Chen: "Now I just want to ask you, if I ask you to do this, will you do it?"
"No!" Yang Chen shook his head directly, answering the slap in the face: "They are not my son, I don't owe them, why should I sacrifice their lives to fulfill them? If their character is really worth doing, then They should be self-defeating, lest they drag on others because of themselves."
"If I use your wife's life to force you to do this?" The maiden seems to have known Yang Chen's answer. After stopping for a while, he asked again.
Yang Chen’s heart sank and had a bad feeling. Gao Yue, they were brought to the side by the emperor at the beginning. I want to start at that time. After the earth girl has already had such an idea, if Yang Chen disagrees, I am afraid she will use Gao Yue’s life to force Do what you don't want to do yourself.
"I will do it. For them, I can die!" Yang Chen did not hide his true feelings, or even conceal his own thoughts. He replied very rudely: "But when I come back, I will do whatever it takes." Destroy you and the world you maintain."
"Hey!" After the earth maiden sighed again, it was very unbearable to say: "Do you think that I will give you the opportunity to ruin everything?"
This is the big truth, your idea of ​​the name still leaves you the opportunity, some small cockroaches may make this mistake, the maiden has experienced such a blow, how could it be so naive?
"Then I will ruin the world now." Yang Chen did not care about the threat of the Houtesan, and responded very violently. (To be continued.)
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