Chapter 132: Old qualifications will also make mistakes (2)

Chapter 132—Old qualifications also make mistakes (2)
When the Qiankun bag was thrown out, Yang Chen no longer had anything to control. He quickly rushed to the front of the elders of the flower, who had already revealed his body. The man was still in the air, and a porcelain bottle had appeared in his hand. As soon as the figure was stopped, the porcelain bottle was opened, and the powder was quickly applied to the chest wound of the elder of Hua Tingting.
After being sucked up by vines for hundreds of years, there is almost no drop of blood in the flower elders, so the big wounds have no blood color. The face that is revealed is extremely white, like a zombie.
Yang Chen’s powder has just been sprinkled, and the flesh of the elder's wound begins to churn, and a faint granulation grows faintly.
Before and after a breathing time, Yang Chen has already done all this. Under his eyes, the wound has begun to pick up a little red, apparently the body of the flower elder has begun to restore hematopoiesis.
To be exact, the elder flower has always had the function of hematopoiesis, but it is suppressed by her forced use of strong repairs, and is not absorbed by the vines. Now that there is no vine, the time immediately begins to recover quickly.
The flower elders seem to have no serious problems here. The demon vines are equivalent to removing the embarrassing afflictions of the flower elders, and then only the careful conditioning is left. With the cultivation of Elder Hua Ting, I believe that within a few months, I will be able to resume repairs, and maybe even more refined.
At this time, Yang Chen began to pay attention to the Qiankun bag that he threw out. Not as expected by Yang Chen, even if Yang Chen has been serious about it for several times, there are still people who are lucky enough to be bloody.
At the moment when the Qiankun bag was just thrown out, an elder himself immediately reached out and couldn’t think of it. The gods immediately swept into the Qiankun bag.
"Don't!" Qingyunzong's lord only had time to shout out aloud, but could not stop the elders' actions.
Boom, like the flowers open, along the elders' knowledge, more than a dozen blood-colored vines, directly from the Qiankun bag, and swept away to the elders who sent out the gods.
At the same time, the attack of the six elders and the lords has arrived at the Qiankun bag. The joint effort of the seven-year-old infant ancestors, the sturdy bag that was not so strong, was directly blown into pieces, together with the rattan of the vine inside, turned into powder.
It is a pity that because of the greed of the elder, more than a dozen vines of vines came out directly. These vines, like living creatures, smelled the smell of some people, and then they began to rush toward the crowd.
The reason why the blood demon vines are horrible is that in a short period of time, even if these rattans are separated from the body, they will not die. As long as there is fresh blood food, the rattan can be entangled immediately, and if it is pierced into the skin of the blood, it will be able to Promote the roots and grow into a new vine.
Everyone present, there is a certain understanding of the harm of the blood demon vine, in addition to not knowing that the blood demon vine can actually trace the gods to escape from the Qiankun bag, the other is clear. Therefore, the attack of the people immediately followed these small canes.
Hey, a series of sounds sounded, and several frightened elders crushed several rattans one after another, but there were still two or three fish that slipped through the net, and they flew toward several people around them.
Sun Qingxue is the lowest, and one of the goals is her. But she did not panic. As early as when Yang Chen handed the Sun Liangxue medicine bottle, Sun Xiaoxue knew that Yang Chen would not be meaningless, so he was always vigilant. When Yang Chen threw the Qiankun bag out, she opened the medicine bottle and sprinkled the powder on her body.
The rattan that rushed to Sun Qingxue seemed to suddenly feel the medicinal gas. The air paused for a moment and was suddenly crushed by the master.
The bottle in the hands of Sun Qingxue disappeared in an instant and appeared in the hands of the lord. Then, a large pill powder, hula, wrapped the other two vines that would soon be wrapped around the two elders. The two rattans fell to the ground and began to twist.
Several elders did not dare to have the slightest scorn. The rattan had just landed, and countless palms fell. The last two vines of the rattan became powder, and everyone took a deep breath.
However, things are not finished, and the demon vines escaped at the same time, as well as the poison of the vine. The demon vine is a poisonous plant. The banned the poison in the courtyard. If everyone is in accordance with Yang Chen’s statement, if the Qiankun bag is damaged directly, there will be no such thing happening, but the elder But do not believe in evil.
The consequence of not believing in evil is that everyone except Sun Xuexue felt a paralysis in an instant. Even if you don't breathe, the toxins of the vines will still be contaminated by the body.
When the Sovereign felt that it was not right, he immediately learned the way of Sun Xiaoxue, swallowed the powder in the other porcelain bottle, and quickly sent the medicine to the whole body. For a while, the feeling of paralysis began to disappear quickly.
Knowing that the drug is correct, the Sovereign immediately gave each of the elders present a little bit. No one dared to neglect, hurriedly swallowed the powder, relieved the paralysis on the body, then everyone looked at me and I looked at you, completely relaxed, it seems that everyone has a kind of escape. feel.
All eyes were concentrated on the ruined elders. Apart from Sun Qingxue, every gaze was full of condemnation, especially the lord himself, and even brought a trace of anger.
Before the morning of Yang Chen, they should not be arbitrarily arrogant, but they would not be convinced. If Yang Chen did not give Sun Liangxue two bottles of medicine, they might now have to break at least three or four. Saving a flower elder, but losing three elders, if such a thing really happened, it was the disaster of Qingyun Zong.
The elders who made mistakes also knew that they had committed public anger, and they bowed their heads in disappointment. They did not dare to say anything. At this time, the lord said that she had to punish her. If she was not good at making claims, she would never have such a thing.
After staring at the erring elders, the lord of Qingyunzong put his gaze into the courtyard. Yang Chen is carefully taking medicine for the elders of Hua Tingting. It seems that she has not seen everything that happened here. Fortunately, the lord suddenly had a feeling that he could not face Yang Chen. This was what she had never experienced since she reached the realm of Yuan Ying.
Even the lord couldn't figure out what he was fortunate. It was fortunate that the elders in Zongmen had not been seen by Yang Chen, or they were glad that Yang Chen had just given Sun Liangxue two bottles of medicine. Anyway, what the lord wants to do now is After Yang Chen came out, thank Yang Chen for a good time.
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