Chapter 157: Master is still not awake (1)

Chapter 157, Master is still not awake (1)
Along the way, everyone is in Yang Chen's shuttle, the speed is fast. From the Magic Flame Valley to the edge of the 100,000 mountains, and from the 100,000 mountains back to the Pure Yang Palace, Yang Chen only spent a month and a half.
The speed of the shuttle is fast, and even the knife and the old tree demon are on the sidelines. The old tree demon usually does not act very much, surprised to be surprised, but still performing normally, the knife is a little shocked.
Such a fast magic weapon, actually in the body of Yang Chen, if it was replaced by Gao Yue at that time, even if they were slashed, they could not catch up. Knife is really unimaginable, and there is much power in Chunyang Palace.
Regardless of this, Yang Chen has spent half a year on Yang Chen in the 100,000 mountains. It was almost five months since the road ran. There was not much time for real work. He is now worried that Master’s injury has improved and will not affect his cultivation.
According to the teacher, the master brought the master back, Yang Chen should be assured. But there is always a bad feeling in his heart, but he will go back soon, and everything will be visible after he returns.
The first stop must be the Lieyang House. As soon as they landed, everyone felt the rich aura that was almost condensed in the courtyard of the Liyang, and they took a breath.
No wonder Yang Chen dared to boast that his own home is full of aura, and it turned out to be such a deep place. The old tree demon took a long breath, as if the spirit of the air escaped into the body, and praised: "Good place! Good place!"
Although the knife did not say anything, the feelings revealed in the eyes were not covered in any way. The famous big school is a famous big school, and even the land of practice is so luxurious.
佘奎谢沙 has his own site and went directly to his own courtyard after arriving. The old tree demon and the knife are the guests. After Yang Chen took his room to take a break, let the old tree demon familiar with the environment here, and he took the knife to the room of Master Gao Yue.
The hospital in Lieyang is not too big. Yang Chen, who is a martial artist, went to the courtyard of Gaoyue. What surprised Yang Chen was that this time the ancestors were still on the high moon side.
Seeing the emergence of the ancestors Wang Yong, Yang Chen’s heart screamed, is it that Master’s injury has a big problem? I hurriedly went to see the ceremony and asked Master about the injury.
"This is?" Wang Yong did not answer Yang Chen's question first, but frowned at the knife and asked Yang Chen.
The knife is not concealed here, and the strength of the late Yuan Ying is so strong that Wang Yong is very vigilant. If it weren’t for the person brought in by Yang Chen, it is estimated that Wang Yong would have questioned it.
"This is a knife, when he was ordered to kill Master, he secretly released Master and sent the Master a ride." Yang Chen did not hide, directly replied.
When he heard that the knife was ordered to chase Gao Yue, Wang Yong browed, but immediately relaxed. If the knife is to be repaired, if it is to kill the high moon, it will already be killed, and it will not allow her to wait until the rescuer arrives. In this way, it is a life-giving grace for Gao Yue. When I think of it, Wang Yong’s face is also good.
"Why is that knife and sorrow friend?" Wang Yong did not talk to Yang Chen about the high moon, but began to receive guests. In any case, the knife is far from the guest, and Wang Yong has to take the master's strength to receive it.
"The knives and seniors came to apologize to Master." The knife has not yet opened. Yang Chen has said something for the knife: "The knives and sorrows of the sorcerer have injured Master, and they have been uneasy in their hearts, insisting on apologizing to the Master for compensation."
Yang Chen opened his mouth and nodded at the knife. This attitude made Wang Yong have nothing to say, just nodded. But he immediately stopped it a little bit: "The knife and the sorrow, the little ones have been deeply involved, and have not woken up so far, I am afraid I will disappoint my friends."
When I heard this, Yang Chen was shocked. Now I can no longer accompany the knife and the ancestors, and I stepped into the room of Gao Yue.
Wang Yong is understanding this kind of eagerness of Yang Chen. He didn’t say anything more. He reached out and reached the position with a knife. He also asked for a friend’s move. In the meantime, there are some things to ask the Taoist friends. Simple, slow down your guests!"
When the knife heard that Yang Chen’s master had not woken up, he knew that there was some trouble. It is estimated that Wang Yong also asked Gao Yue that he was seriously injured at the time and other, and did not quit, followed Wang Yong to the main hall.
When Yang Chen entered the room of Gao Yue, he saw several of the Master's maids, who were waiting in the room of Gao Yue. Gao Yue himself, but lying on the couch, motionless, like asleep.
See Yang Chen coming in, several maids busy to see Yang Chen. Yang Chen did not care much, but hurriedly nodded, and then went straight to the bed of Gao Yue, reached out and grabbed her wrist veins, carefully numbered.
The pulse is very calm, not at all like a serious injury. The heart was slightly relieved. It seems that the serious injuries suffered on the day, at least the physical wounds have healed.
"Yang Shixiong, the owner has been cured of internal injuries and injuries." A maid next to him hurriedly reminded Yang Chen: "It’s just that the gods seem to have been hit hard and consumed too much, causing the owner to be unable to wake up. Wang Shizu has tried many methods and also found There are a few high-ranking people, but they don't help."
Yang Chen’s brow wrinkled, and his knowledge was released. He began to enter the body of Gao Yue through his own hands and went straight to the sea.
As soon as he came into contact with Gao Yue’s knowledge of the sea, even Yang Chen couldn’t help but a cold air. The common monk's knowledge of the sea should have been like a calm lake, but Gao Yue's knowledge of the sea is now like a volcanic volcano. A weak knows up and down in the sea of ​​high moon, and there is no time to calm down.
Not only that, if the light is tyrannical, it also shows that there is no loss in the knowledge of Gaoyue, but now it is obvious that the weakest is still rioting under some unknown reason, both inside and outside, and Gaoyue can wake up. It is a strange thing.
The high moon was hit the day, and it was weak. Later, it also forcibly launched a warning message and passed it back to the Pure Yang Palace, which has almost made her gods almost exhausted. If Yang Chen’s Ganoderma lucidum Yulu Pills timely rescued her physical injuries, the situation may be more serious than it is now.
Seeing this situation, Yang Chen’s heart will be broken. I can't take care of anything else, and I quickly told a few servants: "Prepare an undisturbed quiet room, and be mentally motivated, I will heal the Master!"
When I heard Yang Chen’s instructions, several servants were overjoyed and asked with surprise:
Yang, brother, do you have a solution?

"I can only try!" Yang Chen did not have full grasp, but at this moment Master has already done this, but it is impossible to delay Yang Chen, and can only take a risk.
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