Chapter 204: Common hobby (on)

Chapter 214 Common hobbies (on)
The Mingshan Mountain is far away from Baguio Island. It is close to the Monster Plain. Although it does not penetrate into the territory of the Wicked Beast, there are already many monsters here. Yang Chen really didn't know how the roaring dog stayed here. And this blood is still there.
Anyway, Yang Chen has to go and see. There is a drop of blood in the roaring dog, which can activate the blood of some ancient animals. The roaring sky itself is a strange animal. This blood is a big supplement to it. It will not waste anything when you take a trip, but it is a lot of benefits to get the blood. It is worth a visit.
Guan Yueying knew that Yang Chen had a very fast shuttle, so Yang Chen did not hide Shi Shanshan, directly called the shuttle, invited her to board, then controlled the direction and went straight to the Mingshan Mountain.
Shi Shanshan was a little surprised, but not surprised, feeling the speed of the shuttle, but could not help but look a few more. I want to come to Guan Yueying who has already told her about this.
"This is the magic weapon for you to escape the elders to chase and kill?" The two sat in the shuttle for a while, long time no words, or Shi Shanshan found a topic, asked.
"Well!" Yang Chenen gave a cry and nodded. He is considering the matter of Geng Jinzheng, and did not want to talk more.
Although Geng Jinzheng has already arrived, Yang Chen is not in a hurry to refine. In the late stage of self-fire attribute, a series of ascension levels need to be consolidated for a period of time. At this time, it is not a good thing to forcefully absorb Gengjinzhengyuan to practice Geng Jinzhen.
However, when talking about Geng Jinzheng Yuan Jinzheng, Yang Chenxue thinks, Shi Shanshan is also metallic. If Shi Shanshan really doubles with her, she is full of Jin Linggen, plus Yang Chen’s day after the Golden Lingen is full, when The speed of practice is estimated to be astounding.
However, there is Master's shadow in the heart, but Yang Chen has no feeling for Shi Shanshan anyway. Perhaps this is due to fate, although the past life Yang Chen was once one of the shackles of the stone fairy, but in this life, there is no admiration of past lives.

How did you kill Li Qingchen at the time?
and Li Qingchen’s life and death challenge, Shi Shanshan was also present, but did not see how Yang Chen was actually working. Just a slash of the knife, the result is that the chin of countless people is dropped.
Shi Shanshan is also one of them. She was not optimistic about Yang Chen at that time, so she said that she would like to say the words for Yang Chen. Now that Yang Chen is sitting next to her and driving with her, Shi Shanshan can't help but ask.
"My 斩 刀 knife is a high-level magic weapon." Yang Chen is not concealed, directly said the reason: "And my own magical power, double-handed knives, compared to his knows the sword to take advantage of."
Shi Shanshan is also a master, and immediately understand the key. One is the strength of the flesh and the power of the gods, and it is also a high-level magic weapon. One side is careless and the magic weapon is not very clever. This result is very normal.
"Thank you!" Shi Shanshan greeted Yang Chendao with a thank-you, very serious.
"Because I killed Li Qingchen?" Yang Chen was a little confused, even if Li Qing was entangled in Shi Shanshan, wouldn’t it be that Shi Shanshan’s heart was killing? To kill Li Qingchen, Shi Shanshan can find a place where no one can kill him. What do you do yourself?
"Because you have blocked a lot of trouble for me." Shi Shanshan replied very seriously: "After your life and death challenge, even Li Elder did not come to me for trouble, I was also clean, so thank you!"
Or because the stone fairy is the words of Yang Chen's festival, Yang Chen became the best shield for Shi Shanshan for no reason, and it was agreed by Elder Guan Yuying. Even the elders of Huanhua Feng nodded, and there was no more in Baguio Island. The voice of opposition.
Naturally, people outside have also received news. Those who have played the role of Shi Shanshan, at this moment, in addition to racking their brains, hating Yang Chen’s curse, Yang Chen, but it is not good to go to Shi Shanshan. People already have a Taoist, and then looking for it is not admiration, but disrespectful.
I accidentally blocked a lot of trouble for Shi Shanshan. Yang Chen didn’t know what to say. He could only smile with a smile:
You are welcome!

After stopping for a while, Shi Shanshan also looked at the two people bored. From the Qiankun bag, they took out a beautiful tea set, placed it on the table, then took out the teapot and tea, and started to cook in the shuttle. .
Can not help but say, Shi Shanshan is a beautiful woman, glamorous and unparalleled, at this moment, this kind of color is carefully brewed in front of his own eyes, seriously looking, Yang Chen could not help but appreciate.
After a series of tactics, Shi Shanshan held a cup of fragrant tea in front of Yang Chen. Yang Chen naturally picked up the smelling cup, poured the tea soup into the cup, and after a little taste, he picked up the cup and took a sip, closing his eyes and carefully relishing it.

How is the taste?
Shi Shanshan looked at Yang Chen’s expression with a look of hope and seemed to want to see his own evaluation from his face.
"This water is the bottom of the sea, the steam is dried and the salt is condensed?" Yang Chen tasted for a while, then opened his eyes and asked.
"You are acquainted with the goods!" Shi Shanshan was a little surprised, but it was not too strange to think of Yang Chen's extensive book and his knowledge of Guangbo.
"The water is good, but the tea is still owing some heat." Yang Chen shook his head slightly, and then commented: "Fire does not work, but you can do this, it is not easy."
Uncertain criticism, Shi Shanshan was slightly annoyed, and then coldly said, "This is the case, today you can taste your approach."
Yang Chen was not polite at all, nodded, and took some young leaves directly from the wild tea trees that had been transplanted in the medicine garden, and began to concoct in front of Shi Shanshan.
The Yunling furnace suddenly appeared in front of it, and the ice flame flashed, and the moisture in the green tea leaves began to dry. When it was almost the same time, it was replaced with a black wood fire, and the small fire was slightly baked. Yang Chen used the Yunling furnace as a device for frying tea and began to stir up.
Yang Chen's fire-fighting technique did not even touch the tea leaves, and all the operations were completed. When the fried tea leaves were placed in the jade on the table, Shi Shanshan still looked dull and could not believe what he saw.
"With the alchemy furnace to fry tea, are you the first one?" After Shi Shanshan stayed for a while, he suddenly smiled. Her smile, suddenly like a cold ice, is beautiful.
Just a smile, Shi Shanshan quickly restored the original cold expression. The jade hand gently licked the jade, and sent it to the front. He first watched the tea leaves full of roots, and then approached some, slightly sniffing.
This sniffing, Shi Shanshan's icy face changed and became unbelievable.
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