Chapter 207: There are troubles in the division (on)

Chapter 207 chapters are also troublesome (on)
Hey, the second son of the dragon, the dragon body dagger, the character is strong, the brave and good, the killing and fighting, always mouth sword, glare, engraved on the knife ring, the hilt swallowing to increase their own powerful power.
Now that the roaring sky has not fully inspired the blood of the cockroach, it seems to be a dagger. The body is just a body, because it is too small, and others seem to be a puppy. It is quite normal not to be discovered.
Yang Chen and Yan are also inextricably linked. They don’t say anything else. It’s just a ghost knife on his court. The so-called ghost head is also awkward. It is common for people to think that they will engrave the knife ring and the handle to swallow, which can increase the powerful power of their weapons.
These are just legends, and they may have a role, but Yang Chen can be sure that when the real cockroaches are attached to the weapons, it is really powerful.
Breaking the soldiers, breaking the evil spirits, all things can be awkward, devouring the spirits, possessing these powerful attributes, even if it is a feather duster, it will become the gods of Megatron. I don’t know how many people who are with Yang Chen’s magic weapon will be reminded when their flying swords are matured.
The blood of the roaring sky has been stimulated, and Yang Chen has been able to feel the meaning of killing. After thinking about it, Yang Chen directly put Mingguangjian on the side of the beggar. This is the most fancy sword in Yang Chen's life. Perhaps it is not the strongest, but it is necessary to guard Yang Chen with his life.
At that time, Shi Shanshan was determined to understand, and the sky was full of sleep for a month before he woke up. After waking up, he immediately held Yang Ming’s Mingguang sword, which was placed around him. After a while, it seems that someone is sneaking, and the fast-lighting sword goes to a hidden corner and continues to enjoy it, as if there is anything delicious on this flying sword.
Yang Chen knows that this is an instinct and likes weapons. At the same time of arrogance, it is not only enjoyment, but also greatly enhances the attributes of weapons. Perhaps the blood is not enough now, but it is still easy to make the Mingguang sword sharper.
The head-sized roaring dog blood was only fed a small spoonful of roaring days, but Yang Chen did not feed again. Like a monk, when a spiritual monk arrives at a certain realm, it is better to consolidate it for a period of time. Otherwise, it is prone to a situation where the impact of the high level is too fast and the foundation is unstable.
Shi Shanshan was so determined that it was a full two months. Yang Chen looked at the roaring day while quietly guarding her until one day after two months, Shi Shanshan suddenly opened his eyes.
"Congratulations!" As soon as I saw Shi Shanshan's gaze, Yang Chen knew that Shi Shanshan had some insights and that it was improved.
"You have been guarding here?" Shi Shanshan did not have any smile because of Yang Chen's congratulations, but he habitually kept the cold temper and asked.
"Don't keep it, what should I do if you are disturbed by something?" Yang Chen replied lazily, stood up and stretched out a big lazy waist.
Shi Shanshan did have some insights that led to her mentality. Looking at Yang Chen, this very comfortable lazy movement, Shi Shanshan suddenly had an impulse, and wanted to do a disregard of the image, but he was restrained by his own consciousness and did not make rude things.
The eyes swept across the valley and saw those medicinal materials that were intact, and Shi Shanshan did not seem surprised at all. Switching to a wicked person who is greedy for money, may have swept through the air, and the self-determined one will be killed.
Thinking of this, Shi Shanshan was shocked and surprised. How could he not be so defensive? You must know that in the state of entering the comprehension, if you interrupt it slightly, you will be tempted to sneak into the devil. If you are seriously injured, you will not be able to test it easily. How can you be so arrogant?
When I think about it, I come to the conclusion and Yang Chen is like a glimpse. Unconsciously, I have a sense of trust in Yang Chen. Is it because he promised him to be a double monk, a natural feeling?
Shi Shanshan said that she was not clear, but she knew that she had encountered Yang Chen and had already had two comprehension. One time, when Yang Chen had not started practicing, the words said in the court, this time Yang Chen did not care about those who cherish the medicine. Although Yang Chen has not been thoroughly understood, but now Shi Shanshan feels that it is not a bad thing to do with Yang Chen.
"These herbs, have you chosen it?" Yang Chen stretched out and relaxed a lot, pointing to the pile of treasured elixir in the valley.
Shi Shanshan looked around in a circle, then looked at Yang Chen and asked again: "Do you really want me to take some?"
"Seeing half of the meeting, this is the rule." Yang Chen smiled and asked very casually: "Why, didn't you choose? Do you want me to give you some advice?"
"Okay!" Shi Shanshan nodded in the words of Yang Chen. The heart is quite a bit unexpected.
"So let's talk about it from here!" Yang Chen is really going to introduce some good things to Shi Shanshan. Anyway, he has promised half of it, why not do it.
"This is more vulgar, but it is also the most flattering." Yang Chen pointed to a six-leaf leaf and said: "Ginseng, the year of the year, what refining process is not used, take it directly, Yuan Ying master has become a master of the Mahayana period Possible."
"This is the nine-leaf ginseng." Yang Chen pointed to another plant and said: "As long as it has exceeded 10,000 years, it is basically the best of the best, refining medicinal herbs can have at least three turns."
A series of introductions, quickly said in Yang Chenkou, there is no hesitation. One piece of the finger down, Shi Shanshan, who was listening to it, almost smiled.
These things introduced by Yang Chen are of course true. Shi Shanshan is not a person who does not know anything. But what she can't figure out is that Yang Chen actually said that the part of these rare medicines has a relatively large value. The rest are all ordinary goods. Is this Yang Hao's kindness?
Yang Chen, who is showing off all the time, did not realize what his thoughts had caused Shi Shanshan. Anyway, now that he has the blood of the roaring dog, these things are already invisible. What can be more precious than a sly charm? Other people don't know, but Yang Chen is still not clear?
When the 斩 刀 knife added a complete ten swordsmanship, driven by the big yin and yang five elements, and there is a cockroach attached to it, let alone the mortal, is to add all the spirit world, and Can the knives of the knives not exist?
Compared with these cockroaches, they will not feel bad when they send ten times more Yang.
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