Chapter 223: Big broken seven-star sky thunder array (on)

The 223th chapter breaks the seven-star Tianlei array (on)
Standing on the outskirts of the Seven Stars Thunder, Yang Chen stopped for a while, seeming to be in the direction of the lightning. Later, in the hands of Yang Chen, there were two more red that were twice as big as the fist.
"That is?" The pupils behind the eyes were all shrinking: "Thunder pomegranate?"
Thunder pomegranate can absorb thunder, because of this characteristic, many people will look for some Thunder pomegranate when they are thundering, to help absorb some thunder.
Although the seven-star Tianlei array is powerful, it is nothing but the power of lightning. Thunder Pomegranate can absorb the lightning inside, this is undoubted, but want to use these two Thunder pomegranate to break the seven-star Thunder array, it is a bit of a play.
Not to mention that the array method itself is arranged by a master of the Mahayana period. It is the power of lightning that has been spontaneously absorbed by the array for many years. I don’t know how much. With so many Mahayana masters coming in, it is estimated that they will look at their own insurance at most. To put it bluntly, the two Thunder pomegranates are not enough for the seven-star thunder.
Huh, the two Thunder pomegranates flew into the battle under the force of Yang Chen. As soon as it was sensed that there was a foreign object that did not follow the unique route of the array, the array was immediately launched. The rumbling thunder was flying over the two Thunder pomegranates.
In addition to Yang Chen, there are masters who have already passed the thunder. I don’t think about the waste of two Thunder pomegranates. Only a few old people have begun to shake their heads. Yang Chen is so self-sufficient. Didn’t he look at him before? Could it be that Yang Chen only has the talent on alchemy, and other aspects are not worth mentioning?
When everyone is shaking or sighing, or when they are puzzled, Yang Chen’s hands have already appeared two thunder pomegranates. This time is another direction.
Next, everyone began to look at Yang Chentu's magic, and each time they got two Thunder pomegranates and threw them into a certain position. And this embarrassment, it seems that there is no exhaustion in general, less than a fragrant time, has been thrown into the two hundred mature Thunder pomegranate.
The people in the Pure Yang Palace have already looked dumbfounded. At this time, if they still don’t understand that Yang Chen has cultivated the successful Thunder pomegranate tree, they are stones.
When he came back from the ladder, Chu Heng said that he was going to punish Yang Chen by the fact that Yang Chen was on the Thunder pomegranate at that time. The result was gone. But that , let everyone know that Yang Chen had such an idea.
Now that Yang Chen has taken out more than two hundred Thunder Pomegranates, does it mean that he has cultivated more than ten Thunder Pomegranates? How many seeds are there in the fruit of a Thunder Pomegranate? How many Thunder Pomegranates have Yang Chen cultivated in the end?
This is a small surprise. Although each Thunder Pomegranate is the result of more than 20 fruits, if it is cultivated on a large scale, it does not mean that the Jindan Masters of the Pure Yang Palace will have insufficient confidence. Can there be Thunder Pomegranate to help robbery?
Others also vaguely guessed the result, but no one is sure. Moreover, even if there are two hundred Thunder Pomegranates, it is unlikely that they can break the seven-star Thunder.
There are many people who know the goods. Of course, everyone can see them. These Thunder Pomegranates are just about 20 years old. They are not particularly precious. Such a fruit, the effectiveness of a discount, relying on these, it is estimated that it is not enough to break.
Now that everyone has put away the little heart, put away the sighs before, and began to ponder this way, how many Thunder pomegranates need to be effective?
To everyone's surprise, Yang Hao's thunder pomegranate in his hand seems to be endless. For a while, at least two hundred Thunder pomegranates are put into the lineup. Unexpected horror, Yang Chen, a younger generation, how many Thunder pomegranates are there?
All the battles in this direction have been spurred, and the dazzling thunder directly turns the front of the crowd into a curtain woven by Lei Guang. Except for the thunder, the rest is the thunder of the thunder, and nothing else.
In a twinkling of an eye, Yang Chen at least throws in a hundred Thunder pomegranates in his hand, adding up and down, there are already five hundred. At this time, Yang Chen has no longer continued to lose inward, but instead a hand trick, the two Thunder pomegranates in the Seven Stars Thunder array, as if by the thin line traction, quickly returned to the hands of Yang Chen.
The Thunder Pomegranate, which has been full of thunder and lightning, has become another look. It is no longer the kind of tender red, but a black and red with a shimmering glow.
As soon as the hand swayed, the two Thunder pomegranates that had been full of thunder and lightning disappeared into the hands of Yang Chen. Immediately, two red Thunder pomegranates appeared in their hands and were thrown into the battle by Yang Chen, replacing the position of the two.
The next process is a loop. Each time Yang Chen will take back two Thunder pomegranates and then throw out two new Thunder Pomegranate instead.
"What is he doing?" The crowd once again fell into doubt. What does it mean to say this?
"The refining Thunder pomegranate can absorb the power of thunder and light, and it can become a magic weapon that explodes with the owner's mind. The power is not small." People who are familiar with Thunder Pomegranate immediately began to explain.
"He used the Seven Stars Thunderbolt to sacrifice the magic weapon?" Listening to this conclusion, everyone did not know what kind of mind it was. Yang Chen, this little guy, is hard to measure, so that these old guys are sighing.
Who can think of the seven-star Tianlei array that people can smell, can they still have such a purpose? If the guys who were arranged knew that the seven-star Tianlei array that had been worked hard for a hundred years, and naturally existed here for thousands of years, the array of methods that absorbed the power of countless lightnings turned out to be the stove that others used to sacrifice magic weapons. I believe that his face will never look good.
"No!" When Yang Chen came back and forth and replaced these Thunder Pomegranates four times, the master who had just opened up found another abnormality: "The Thunder pomegranate he now takes out, the fire is not enough from the beginning. less."
Thunder pomegranate with fire waiting, why bother to pick up the waste that has not grown? Everyone was confused again, and no one could figure this out. However, no one disturbed Yang Chen, but instead turned his attention to the person who had just opened, waiting for his next explanation.
After the man carefully looked at it again, his face suddenly showed a shocked look, as if he had thought of something possible, and his face was incredible.
After someone dissatisfied with him, he reminded him once, and he said with a dignified voice: "He used the power of lightning that he had just absorbed to provoke those pomegranate trees."

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