Chapter 237: Massive wealth (on)

The 237th chapter of the massive wealth (on)
In the rushing back to the hall, Yang Chen tried to let the roaring day open the pagoda's ban. It is a pity that this time, the roaring sky could not be achieved. The pagoda banned the outside and did not flash.
It is not that the level of the roaring is too low, that is, the level of the prohibition is too high for only two reasons. Yang Chen can only turn to the next one, two long-horned jade cases.
It is a pity that the two long-angle bans still have no movement. I tried it and waited until the gourd was on the edge of the gourd.
The light is shining again, but this time it is not white light, but blue. The roaring sky is obviously happy, and the big mouth is enjoying the light, just like what is delicious.
Yang Chen can feel a trace of dragon gas from those lights, which is a natural tonic for the roaring day. For Yang Chen, it also means that you can get a heart-warming treasure again.
The solemn piece of the gourd placed in the jade case does not seem to be eye-catching. The long side is large and small, and it is asymmetrical at all. The whole gourd shows a dark yellow that looks like it has been taken for a long time. There are still a lot of mottled shadows on it. I don’t know how many years have passed.
The middle part of the gourd is tied with a red string, which is very casual. I don't know what is inside, I can put the old dragon king here.
The devour of the roaring sky is not urgent or slow, and Yang Chen waits patiently, while at the same time practicing the three clear sorrows. After the sound of Admiralty, Yang Chen’s knowledge was somewhat distracted, and he had to practice madly.
Half a month later, the ban on the periphery of the jade case with the gourd was once again swallowed up by the roaring sky. Yang Chen had been waiting for this moment, and could not wait to grab the gourd and got it.
The gourd is not big, and the place where the hand is holding the waist is just right. That part seems to be caught often, and the light is shining and shining. It is very comfortable to grab.
In the hands, the gourd seems to have a little weight, but it is not very heavy. Gently shake, you can even hear the squeaking sound inside, as if something is not full.
Yang Chen’s other hand was immediately placed on the mouth of the gourd. The part of the original gourd that is stuffed with the gourd is a whole gourd with a small handle. Stretching his hand and using force, Yang Chen immediately slammed, this gourd could not open.
This is normal, and if it can be opened easily, it is strange. It is estimated that it is not worthy of the attention of the Dragon King. However, with the lessons of the last Admiralty, Yang Chen did not dare to enter the spiritual power casually, still go out and find a position on the chart to sit down and start to follow the old method, first hit the gods mark to charge .
The strong sense of the Yuan Ying period is enough to collect this gourd. However, it still took Yang Chen a full half-month to successfully set up his own mark in the gourd.
Just like the golden bell, when the gods mark successfully entered the gourd, a series of mouths directly entered the mind of Yang Chen through the mark of the gods, and Yang Chen knew how to control the gourd.
What surprised Yang Chen was that the gourd turned out to be just a container, which made Yang Chen almost unimaginable. Just a container, worthy of the old dragon king so seriously placed here? Isn't the Qiankun bag enough to put things in, should I put it in this gourd?
However, although it is only a container, there are still some places that are different from the Qiankun bag. This hoist can only store liquids, and it has a very powerful function. Different liquids can be stored separately and will never affect each other. And what the liquid of the gourd owner wants to pour out.
This is not the most exciting function of this gourd. The most important function is that no matter what liquid is put in, it will be affected by the action of the gourd itself and will change more and more towards the mellow direction.
If this is the case, this gourd is simply a beautiful wine gourd. Think about it, the wine you brewed is more and more mellow, what kind of taste is it?
Of course, it's not just limited to fine wines, but there are other things like Tianxiang Liquid, which can also be aged. What does aging mean? Increase the year.
As long as the liquid stuff is put into the gourd, you can add the year without knowing it. Is there anything more beautiful than this?
Yang Chen couldn't wait to open the gourd. When he saw it, he found that there were only two kinds of liquid inside. A thick and infinite, with an amber glow. The other is a purple liquid, which emits a little bit of fluorescence, and it is beautiful.
The amount of these two liquids is very shocking, and each one is like a huge lake. The liquid that shakes the hoist and screams outside is simply two giant lakes.
With Yang Chen's knowledge, it is easy to initially determine what these two liquids are. However, as soon as she saw such a huge amount, Yang Chen was somewhat uncertain.
I found a piece of jade and used it to quickly spin into a jade cup. I placed it in the Yunling furnace. After a simple burning of the sun and the real fire, Yang Chen picked up the gourd and gently A drop of amber thick liquid was poured out of the gourd.
As soon as the liquid enters the jade cup, it instantly gives off a wonderful taste. Smell this smell, Yang Chen directly stood in the same place. This taste, this taste, is really the taste of the most mellow wine, how is this possible?
The reason why Yang Chen is not sure, it is because of that huge lake, it is too much. How much raw material is needed to make so much wine. Just smell the smell of this mellow, you know what kind of precious raw materials are used inside. Numerous monks can compete for a lifetime of things. In the old dragon king, it is nothing but a raw material for winemaking. How is this human feeling?
What makes Yang Chen unbelievable is that this treasure trove is not known for how many thousands of years. With the aging and mellow effect of the gourd, how delicious are these wines now? Yang Chen is almost impossible to guess.
Perhaps, in the heavenly court, the jade slurry of the celestial beings is also so much. It may even be worse than this at all. We must know that it is only a few years after the Tian Ting rebellion. It is only a few years before the new Jade Emperor took office. With the old stubbornness, it is definitely not a good thing to leave the rebels to the rebels.
Even if it is the current Jade Emperor, it is impossible to enjoy this level of fine wine.
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