Chapter 243: Alcohol can also be intoxicating (below)

The second hundred and forty-three chapters of alcohol can also be intoxicating (below)
Yang Chen has made a series of pretense, has already hanged the appetite of the wine scent, where to remember what gambling, in addition to this glass of wine, there is nothing else.
When I smelled the wine, the wine buds knew that they had lost a mess. In this world, there is such a great wine, just alcohol, you can drunk some people with light drinks.
However, the wine is in front of the eyes, smelling the taste, where the wine fairy can still hold, grab the little jade cup, look at the amount of not enough, can not help but reluctant.
Under the nose, I smelled it for a while and enjoyed the rare taste. The seniors of the wine fairy couldn’t bear it anymore. They took the wine glass and sent it to the mouth. They looked up and poured them into their mouths.
The tip of the tongue immediately felt the most delicious stimuli, just the wine of the two money, that is, just enough to moisten the tongue. Contained in the mouth for a long time, the wine fairy is reluctant to swallow the belly.
A burning sensation that passes directly from the mouth to the soles of the feet and back to the top of the head, then changes to a cool feeling. Between a cool and a hot, the spiritual power of the whole body seems to be burned up, the pores open naturally, and a burst of alcohol spurts out, and then under the control of the drunkard, it is smashed back into the pores.
The wine sage predecessors can no longer maintain their position in the endangered position, close their eyes and look up to the sky, the intoxication and enjoyment that appears unreservedly in the eyes of the audience.
People who lined up for alcoholism, stalking their heads one by one, kept sucking their noses. The sound of sucking on the scene did not stop, as if everyone wanted to absorb all the wines that were in the air.
"One more!" The wine sage predecessor finally opened his eyes again and put the wine glass on the table, but he was not willing to let go, still holding two fingers, and said to Yang Chen.
Yang Chen is not stingy, and he has a cup full of wine celestial, like a smile and a smile.
However, at this moment, the wine fairy has no interest in Yang Chen’s theory. This glass of wine is simply a jade liquid. The wine worms buried in the body are all hooked out. It seems that a small hand has been extended in the throat. I kept rushing and wanted the wine to pour this wine into the import.
After a long, intoxicating sigh for a long time, the wine celestial finally brought this small glass of wine into the mouth. With the action of the wine sensation, the sound of swallowing water was heard in the scene, and Sun Guangxue immediately behind Yang Chen was shocked.
Sun Xiaoxue did not expect it at all. Yang Chen’s drop of wine turned out to be such delicious. When she was a child, she was a good family and she had a lot of wine. Although I don't like the things in the cup, I can also find out whether the wine is good or bad.
The alcoholic smoked a few drinks and was hungry, but Sun Xiaoxue was so close, but it was fine. Obviously her drink was also good. But Sun Xiaoxue still can't imagine, there are so many people who swallow at the same time.
These are all the same door of Qingyunzong. Their performance makes Sun Xiaoxue very embarrassing. In front of Yang’s big brother, can they not express their face to Qingyun Zong?
However, looking at the wine sensation of Yuan Ying's predecessors is such a look, Sun Xiaoxue can not blame those who are the same. This kind of wine, this is not the delicious food that people should have!
Even the two glasses of Jiuxian, Yang Chen is no longer intended to give wine. Turned and directly put the jug into the small hand of Sun Qingxue: "Little snow, close."
"Yangda, this is too expensive!" Sun Xiaoxue also knows how to understand the value of this jug, and hurriedly shoved.
"Hey, it’s not a good thing, the wine-drinking wine-drinker." Where is Yang Chen’s refusal to let Sun Xiaoxue refuse, and directly plugged it back:
First take the solution, wait for the day to let you taste the special brew. The wine-drinking wine-making mother is the best."
After all, let the people around you, including the seniors of the wine, all stunned. This kind of wine is actually not a good thing? However, Yang Chen’s words are very reasonable. The sake of the clear-cut wine-dyed mother is of course less than the use of special wine-dried wine-tears. This is common sense.
This also means that there is something more delicious. The eyes of the seniors of the wine fairy have already lit up, staring at Yang Chen, just like staring at the peerless treasures. However, while watching Yang Chen, I don’t forget that the corner of my eye has been following the jug of Sun Liangxue’s hand.
The special drink is of course wonderful, but isn't it not? At the moment, it is only the pot of Sun Liangxue’s hand that can be solved. The wine sage predecessors have begun to rack their brains to find a way to get the cup of wine in Sun Liangxue's hand. Strong grab? As a predecessor, and still a guest of Qingyunzong, Qingyun Zong can't do anything like this. It seems that only the use of things for this way.
"Predecessors, this wine, how is the taste of Qingyun Xianliu?" At this time, Yang Chen asked such a sentence, and suddenly let the wine scent immediately recall the kind of two glasses of wine, and can’t help but Shengjin.
I want to shake my head and don't admit it, but the wine sage looks at the jug in the hands of Sun Qingxue, but I can't say it. Finally, there is only one point: "I lost!"
The wine fairy also bachelor, directly throwing his own Qiangbao bag to the table: "Look at what you want, take it yourself!" Under his control, the mouth of Qiankun bag has been opened, waiting for Yang Chen to pick it himself. This is a bet. Under the eyes of the public, the wine sensation will never be reconciled, not to mention the large pot of wine next to it.
This bet Yang Chen took the righteousness, and had no polite thoughts. He opened the Qiankun bag directly and began to look at the things inside.
As a predecessor of Yuan Ying, there are still many good things in Qiankun's bag. However, those so-called advanced magic weapons, Yang Chen did not look at it. On the contrary, a small thing thrown at the corner of the Qiankun bag by the wine fairy caused Yang Chen's attention.
It was a wooden sign with a very irregular shape and a pattern of twisted and twisted characters. The age is very old. If there is not a spiritual support, I don’t know what it is like.
"This?" The wine fairy looked at Yang Chen actually picked such a broken wooden card, it was a bit of an accident, could not help but screamed: "Are you sure?"
"Of course!" Yang Chenkou replied affirmatively.
"Weird!" The wine sensation stared at Yang Chen very strangely. He said, "This is what the old man got by chance. No one knows what the patterns are. If you want it, take it!"

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