Chapter 269: Jiamu Feijian sword embryo (below)

The yin yang burning Tianhuo Dan was formed shortly and was still very fragile. At this time, whether it is used for fighting or used to refine the refiner, it is not a good idea. Only when yin yang burning skyfire has grown to a certain level can these tasks be completed.
The only way to let yin yang burn the sky is to devour other fires. Of course, the low-level yin yang burning fire wants to devour the advanced fire, such as the sun is really too yin real fire, and so on, there is only one result, refining by these advanced fire. Therefore, the devouring can only start from the low-grade fire, and slowly grow itself.
A kind of fire, it is indeed the best tonic of yin yang burning fire, after absorbing the remaining one of the fire, Yang Chen's yin yang burning skyfire has begun to slowly become strong.
In the body of Yang Chen, there are dozens of yin yang fires that combine the two types of fire and the three kinds of fires. All of them have done the foundation of yin yang burning fire, which also makes Yang Chen’s current yin yang burning fire more than ordinary horizontal molding. The fire is much stronger.
After consuming all the fires of one product, and then absorbing the second fire, there are naturally not many obstacles. Now Yang Chen has not been too deliberate to control the absorption, all of them are yin yang burning fire spontaneously in the completion of the whole process, compared to the need to completely control Yang Chen to control, simple is not a little bit two points.
At least Yang Chen no longer need to control the flames, for fear that the fusion of the flames will lead to an explosion. All this, yin yang burning skyfire has no such worry at all, this kind of flame special xing, in addition to burning the sky, is swallowing. Devouring all kinds of flames, as long as it is within the scope of its grade.
Perhaps the primary yin yang burning fire composed entirely of a flame can only absorb the flame of one product automatically. However, as long as two or more flames of two products are absorbed, the fire of C fire is complete, and the primary yin yang burning fire can automatically absorb two. Flame. Of course, when Yang Chen is absorbing, he should pay attention to the balance of yin and Yang.
Now the yin yang burns the skyfire, but it contains several flames of three products, which is no longer primary, so the second product flame is completely absorbed in the fusion. The only thing that needs Yang Chen's control is that the flame inside the Yunling furnace should be cut off at the right time, so that the fire of the Yunling furnace is completely absorbed.
The two fire dragons in Yang Chen’s body, under the mad absorption of Yang Chen, began a slow change. Each time a flame is absorbed, the dragon's face changes by one point. The flame of purple sè is getting thicker and thicker, while the flame of green sè is getting lighter and thinner.
Of course, this change is only a trend. The second product flame is at best, so that the primary yin yang burning is no longer so fragile. It is still far from the real change.
Yang Chen has dozens of second-class flames, but even if it is the spontaneous absorption of the yin yang burning fire, it still costs Yang Chen for at least half a year. Even if everything can be saved, only time is always irreplaceable.
When the number of flames of the second product exceeded 8,860, the spiritual power in Yang Chen changed again. Fire Xing Spirit once again began to improve.
However, this time, the fire of C fire began to be completely balanced. First of all, the firepower of C fire reached the realm of building the foundation. Then, in the yin yang burning skyfire seems to once again embark on a step of change, the two spirits of C fire and fire began to upgrade again.
The two fire dragons in the yin yang burning fire are much more vivid than the original prototype. They are more like dragons, and even Yang Chen can barely distinguish which is the head and the tail.
What makes Yang Chen wonder is that the original yin yang burning skyfire is the two faucets on the tail to the tail, and now it is found that this is not the case. The fire dragons of the purple sè and the fire dragons of the green sè are actually head and tail, their respective The head entangled with each other's tail.
Under the madness of the two fire dragons, C fire spirit and Ding Huo Ling force, like boiling, flowed in Yang Chen’s meridians and climbed. It seems that it is only a short moment, Yang Chen’s The two spiritual forces collectively pushed to build the foundation ten, which is already the peak of the foundation, and only a footstep can be reached, and it can enter the Jindan period.
The other series of spiritual powers, driven by the fire of the xing spirit, also began to upgrade with the addition of xing, the foundation of seven, the collective upgrade to the base of the eight-level to stabilize the stop.
The change of yin yang burning skyfire and the improvement of spiritual power will inevitably bring about changes in the sea. It seems as if the two fire dragons in Yang Chen are in harmony with each other, and the two fire dragons in the sea have become clearer. The only difference between Yang Chen and the body is that the two fire dragons in the sea are coiled on the pillars of a Penglai god. The two fire dragons directly turned Penglai Shenmu into a fire column with two kinds of faces.
Unexpectedly, the skyrocketing of God, from the initial stage of Yuan Ying, directly rushed to the apex of the mid-Yang Ying mid-term, Kankan stopped at this point, did not take a step forward, otherwise, Yang Chen had to face again The dilemma of splitting the gods.
Good risk, Yang Chen also secretly wiped the cold sweat on his head. Fortunately, I stopped at this point. If I go further, it will be troublesome. Now at this point, Wo Dan is good. Next time, Yang Chen is promoted to Jin Dan, and maybe he can solve a big problem.
Long sighed, Yang Chen stopped the practice. This time, yin Yang Wuxing 诀 collectively upgraded a level, although it was only a short half year, but then Yang Chen had to stop again to consolidate.
This is a step that cannot be omitted if Yang Chen still wants to have long-term development in the future. Originally, according to the ordinary practice method, Yang Chen could not have such a fast speed of improvement. However, this year's Yang Chen super strong firepower ability, let him have such a nearly cheating general promotion.
Usually even the same fire repair as Yang Chen, at most, it can absorb a kind of fire, like hundreds of kinds of fires like Yang Chen, which is absolutely incomparable. It can be said that there is no one before, no one after. No one can be faster than Yang Chen’s practice.
Although Gao Yuegong Sun Ling claims to be in a retreat, it actually uses a completely different approach. In addition to the closed-door practice in this spiritually overflowing place, they consolidate the way they practice, and go out to fight the monsters.
But Yang Chen and these low-grade monsters fight, for Yang Chen, there is not much experience to be. Therefore, Yang Chen’s way of consolidating and repairing is back to the aspect that Yang Chen is good at.
This time, Yang Chen chose the refiner to refine a large sword of the yin yang and five lines for himself. Big yin Yang Wuxing Feijian, Yang Chen already has two handles. One handle is the default C-Fei Feijian Mingguang Sword, and one handle is the Emu flying sword blood demon vine sword. Now Yang Chen is about to start the refining of Jiamu Feijian.
Refining the Jiamu flying sword, there is no more suitable material than Penglai Shenmu, this is what Yang Chen has already fixed since he got Penglai Shenmu. However, Yang Chen’s repair was low at the time, and Penglai Shenmu had just been transplanted into the medicine garden. It was not fully mature, so it has not been carried out.
Now, Penglai Shenmu is growing very well under the nourishment of the medicine garden, and after being indirectly nourished by the Thunder pomegranate, it is even lush.
The old tree demon Guishan friends just absorbed a Penglai wood, and the cultivation was soaring. Now, Yang Chen has been unable to judge whether the old tree demon's cultivation is in the middle of the Mahayana or higher.
Among the fully mature Penglai Shenmu forests, one of them is the strongest one. It was Yang Chen’s carefully selected, especially nourished with the spirit of the wood and the spirit of the pentyl, and Yang Chen chose for his own sword. The main material.
A complete Penglai wood was dug up by Yang Chen, and all the side leaves were carefully disposed of by Yang Chen, leaving only the straight branches and the thick main root.
Like the blood demon vine flying sword, Penglai Shenmu Feijian also needs to use the main root of Shenmu. In fact, the wood flying sword is best treated in this way. Preserving the main root, it retains the possibility that the wood flying sword will grow in the future. It is also the key to the upgrade of Feijian.
Few people will be so extravagant to use a whole plant of Penglai Shenmu to refine Feijian, not to want, but not. The preciousness of Penglai Shenmu, even if it reaches the spiritual world, is also astounding.
The long branches and the main roots are ten feet long and the two are thick. Yang Chen did not seem to see this length in general, his hands began to display one of the laws, and hit the giant wood in front of him.
In every law, there is a strong spirit of Jiamu. Every law hits a huge trunk, and it seems that the huge branch will be slightly smaller.
This process, Yang Chen did an unusually careful and hard work. With his current cultivation, even if he plays a law, the whole body of the wood will be taken out. Yang Chen had to rely on strong resilience and underground strong spiritual power, which can barely support.
Among the laws, at least dozens of miniature formations were included. Fortunately, Yang Chen has a strong sense of the mid-infant, and the conciseness of the gods has never been seen before. This will be able to complete such a difficult law.
With hundreds of completely different shackles, the huge Penglai tree trunk has shrunk almost twice as much.
But for Yang Chen, it is still a giant.
The law behind it seems to be more responsible and more energy-intensive. Every morning, Yang Chen has to rest for a long time. Restoring spiritual power is one thing. Even God's knowledge has to rely on three clearings to recover once to continue.
It is necessary to refine the huge Penglai wood trunk into the size of an ordinary flying sword. It is this step that will cost Yang Chen a great effort.
Seeing the huge Penglai wood is getting smaller and smaller, and Yang Chen’s law is also playing more and more slowly. It used to be as small as half an hour, but now it takes at least half a day to be able to play one.
On the narrow trunk of the Penglai wood, there has been a dazzling ray of light. Even Gao Yue and Gong Sunling have been alarmed.
Seeing that Yang Chen was rushing to fight the law, both women knew what was going on, and no one bothered Yang Chen, but they found a place where they could see this place and continue their Practice. However, after each practice, I will always pay attention to Yang Chen and make sure that he has no problems, and this will continue.
Yang Chen has no concept of time. He only knows that he has to refine this huge trunk in front of his own sword into a wooden sword. The step in front of him is to create a sword embryo, which cannot be saved. Water mill time.
Although for Yang Chen, when doing this for a higher time, it takes less time and a greater grasp. However, Yang Chen does not want to waste time fighting the monster. The process of refining the sword of the Jiamu Feijian is itself a good process of consolidating its own cultivation.
For three years, Yang Chen had done almost nothing else in the process of tempering the hard work and will of the people. Every day is to restore spiritual power and knowledge, and then to fight the law.
Thousands of scorpions, all of the entire Jiamu Feijian sword embryos are evenly wrapped. Now the sword embryo has been reduced to six feet and the length of the wrist is the most suitable size for the flying sword.
When the last law was made, the sword of the Aji Feijian, which was originally wrapped in dazzling light, suddenly converges all the light and shows the body.
The main root of a narrow Penglai Shenmu is covered with a fine and dense rune, which is in front of Yang Chen, just like an ordinary wooden stick.
After all, it was only a sword embryo. Even Jian Feng did not open Yang Chen’s hand and grasped this sword embryo. He felt the feeling of flying sword and his own heart, and his heart was satisfied.
This sword embryo is obviously tempered for a few years with the wood of the Penglai Shenmu. This will have such an effect. After this refinement of the rough embryo, Yang Chen can then further elaborate and turn the sword into a shape that he wants.
"What is this?" Gong Sunling's voice rang from one side. She had already seen that Yang Chen had no movement here. She quickly arrived here and asked curiously.
"Fei Jian's sword embryo." Yang Chen turned to give Gong Sunling an intimate smile, and he replied.
I don't know what to do, seeing Yang Chen's smile, Gongsun, Ling actually face a red, do not know what made her feel ashamed.
"You will also refine the flying sword?" Gong Sunling did not see the process of Yang Chen's comment on Wang Yongge's ancestral phosphorus flying sword. Naturally, Yang Chen felt very different in refining Feijian.
"Is it strange?" Yang Chen looked at Gong Sunling, and his heart was amused, but he continued to say in his mouth: "Don't forget, my master is a rare master of refining in the Pure Yang Palace! As a disciple, how can it not? Refining Feijian?"
"You don't forget, our squad flying sword, you took a xiong bag." Gao Yue's voice also sounded from the other side, she never relaxed to pay attention to Yang Chen, almost arrived at the same time with Gong Sunling. of. Listening to Yang Chen's answer to Gong Sunling's words, Gao Yue promptly interjected. ! .
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