Chapter 274: Second turn to ask Xin Dan (below)

This spiritual power, Zhongzheng Pinghe, carries a momentum that allows people to calm down. Wherever they go, no matter what kind of monster, they stand directly in the same place. At that moment, all the monsters in the mind are empty, dàngdàng the kind of ethereal, and there is no competition for nothing.
Gao Yue and Gong Sunling of course immediately noticed this breath. When the spiritual power swept over, the monsters who fought with them slammed down and suddenly changed from fighting to calm.
The same is true for the two nvs themselves, but their understanding of the gods is still stronger than all the Jindan period monsters here. Yang Chen Alchemy did not stare at them. They immediately realized that Yang Chen’s alchemy was completed.
Hurrying back to Yang Chen's alchemy, two nv saw Yang Chen is laughing yinyin sitting on the side of the stone table in the yard, while drinking yu dragon brewing, while waiting for them. On the table, there is also a plate of peeled-skinned millennial fruit as a side dish, which looks very laid-back.

Would you like to rectify the problem?
Gong Sunling asked as he met.
Yang Chen smiled and nodded, but did not talk much, just gestured that two nv sat around the table, found two yu cups from the Qiankun bag, and filled the two nv.
It seems that a thousand years of Xuanyang fruit is not enough for three people to taste the wine. In the hands of Yang Chen, there is a ginseng of more than a thousand years, a yellow jing of more than a thousand years. In the hand, the sword light flashed a few times, and there were two more slices of ginseng and yellow jing on the table.
"Unfortunately, there is nothing to be seasoned, otherwise it can be made more delicious." Yang Chen slightly regretted a sigh, then picked up the glass: "Master, sister, celebrate!"
Listening to Yang Chen’s words, the two nvs were speechless. Thousands of ginseng, millennium jing, thousand years of yangyang fruit, these things are just like taking out, it is a good thing to make people break their heads. Here, it has become a morning wine dish of Yang Chen, and it also sighs badly. ?
If someone knows that Yang Chen is so ruined, he doesn't know if he will rush up to beat Yang Chen. At least Gao Yue and Yang Chen have such an impulse.
Yang Chen is not how to show off, it is really when I know that there are other mén households in the yào garden, the outermost of these thousand years of spiritual yào, it is not so unimaginable. So the big quantity, for Yang Chen, is the ordinary thing, to eat something to drink, completely absent.
"Do you like delicious food?" Gao Yue never listened to Yang Chen and said that he had such a hobby and couldn't help but ask his eyes.
"Of course, I like it!" Yang Chen certainly nodded. It used to be an urgent practice. There was not much time to ponder these things, but now that it is successful, there is a lot of time to spend, and naturally it will not be excluded.
Past life in Tianting also really tasted some of the best of the delicious, to be honest, those real masters do not exclude these enjoyment. The blind cultivation is sometimes not the key to becoming a master. On the contrary, it is the right way to be relaxed.
Yang Chen's kindness, of course, the two nv will not làng fee. Not long ago, the two nvs fought for a long time, and these big things can just restore their combat loss. What's more, Yang Chen's alchemy success is naturally to celebrate.
The wine has been drunk for a few cups, and both nvs are somewhat overwhelming. Yang Chen directly exchanged some of the four seas in the wine mother, and by drinking, gave the two nvs once again.
When the two nvs woke up from the slumber, some did not know what happened, but soon they knew what it was. Such a precious thing as Sihai Xuansan liquid, Yang Chen actually brought them such a luxury to take, so that both nv can not help but some distressed.
Two small yu boxes Yang Chen one person, pushed to the front of two nv: "This Dan yào immediately served, it is good."
Two nv opened the yu box, and immediately saw the two-turned questioning Dan wrapped in the yu box. The two nv know that Yang Chen was in the refining of the heart, but never knew what it was like. Yang Chen did not say what it was. Although there were some doubts about the two nvs, but at first glance, it was the second turn of Dan yào, and they did not link this Dan yào with Wen Xin.
Since Yang Chen said that it is good, the two nv will naturally not doubt, anyway, Yang Chen will not harm them. Two nv even four seas Xuanshan liquid have also eaten, naturally not afraid to accept Yang Chen a small Dan yào, no one is polite, take it up to remove the 箓, and then swallowed the belly.
The yào effect was very effective, and the two nv immediately noticed an abnormality, and then quickly entered the state of practice.
Gong Sunling is okay, Condensed Dan is successful, is consolidating the stage of cultivation, and asking Xin Dan to let her enter the deepest level of entry. Acting in this way is only good for her, no harm.
Gao Yue is at the breakthrough of the mouth. In the front, because of the practice of Shushui Zhenyuan, the cultivation was upgraded to the peak of the foundation, and the consolidation was completed.
This question Dan, directly let Gao Yue vaguely a little bit to the direction of Jin Dan. The spiritual power of the whole body, running in an unprecedented concentration, and the spiritual power around it began to resonate with the high moon.
Asking Xin Dan is not to ask Xin Dan, it is indeed possible to let people handle their own practice in the most rational way. Gao Yue knows that his consolidation time is not long enough, and the realm of building the foundation is still not completely stable. Therefore, the idea of ​​upgrading is hardened by the hardship, and the spiritual strength of this resonance is used to start a steady and steady practice. .
Yang Chen’s face also showed a smile. This kind of questioning Dan can at least reduce the time for Gao Yue to consolidate the realm by half, which is enough for the needs of the moon.
Both nv are caught in the practice, and Yang Chen naturally wants to protect the law. There will be no danger here, but Yang Chen is also just in case, and once again took out the sword embryo of Jiamu Feijian and began to further engrave.
This kind of carving is not directly used to make cào on the flying sword, but Yang Chen uses the most pure armor of the wood, which condenses into a single law, and keeps on the sword embryo, so that the sword embryo follows itself. Need to convert the look.
Yang Chen is very focused, and Yang Chen, who is a big rise, has not been as strenuous as before. Soon, the sword of the wooden sword is under the control of Yang Chen, and the sword tip and the blade begin to appear slowly. , Sword ridge, hilt, sword scorpion, a sword in the middle of the law, began to slowly form.
After the formation of the complete Feijian, Yang Chen began to lay down the mark of the gods, and then began to use the heavenly refining treasures and the earthworms to worship the sacred rituals. Every time he sacrificed one, he used the Qiankun Yangbao to maintain it.
At this point, the Penglai Shenmu Sword finally had the appearance of a flying sword and became an initial flying sword.

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