Chapter 283: Absolutely want to drink and celebrate (on)

Although the active consciousness of the avatar consciousness was killed, the remaining avatars did not dissipate, and there was still an instinctive consciousness.
However, this has no threat to Yang Chen. In Yang Chen’s knowledge of the sea, such a strong sense of the Mahayana realm is simply an excellent supplement.
The remote control of the five females and their respective one-sixth part of the active consciousness can make the five women directly promote a realm, not to mention that Yang Chen personally refining the remaining one-sixth of the initiative in the mind plus all Instinctive consciousness.
God knows how to grow up like crazy growth. The benefits of this kind of door delivery, don't be white. Yang Chen has now reached the realm of Jin Dan. It has been possible for a long time without worrying about the problem of splitting of the gods. The avatar consciousness of this fairyland Da Luo Jinxian is soon under the powerful Sanqing, completely Turned into nothing.
The original knowledge of Yang Chen was highly concise, but the avatar consciousness of Da Luo Jinxian was not given to him. The peak of Yuan Yingfeng peak, breakthrough, the beginning of Mahayana, until the early apex of Mahayana, the growth of God's knowledge stopped.
From the narrowing to the 150-mu mu, the sea has once again expanded and returned to the size of two hundred acres. Whether it is the penta layer, or the Penglai Shenmu, or the Niutou Bridge and the Yinyang Burning Fire Dragon, they are proportionally enlarged and more sturdy.
During the Mahayana period, Yang Chen could almost control all the magic weapons on his body, including the golden bell in the body and the jasper in the sea, plus the shuttle.
This refining and chemicalization made Yang Chen spend a whole month. When he finished refining and drove the shuttle, he immediately discovered that the speed of the speed increased by 50%. If Luo Yuan was chasing Yang Chen at that time, the shuttle had such a speed. Yang Chen could stop and rest for one or two hours every day, waiting for Luo Yuan to catch up slowly, otherwise Luo Yuan would lose.
Shi Shiran rushed back to Chunyang Palace. The first thing Yang Chen rushed to the Zongmen warehouse, first meeting the elders of Zheng Feng, and then returning the materials borrowed before.
Elder Zheng Feng did not think about it at all. Yang Chen’s borrowed things still need to be returned. However, since Yang Chen insisted that the elders of Zheng Feng would not refuse, of course, they still open the door and let Yang Chen put things on his own.
Before Yang Chen came out of the warehouse, Elder Zheng Feng entered the warehouse with a smile and helped Yang Chen to collect the things, and directly took Yang Chen straight to the Pure Palace Palace.
"Ha ha ha ha!" When the man has not arrived, he will hear the unscrupulous laughter of the head of the palace, as if there was any big happy event in the Pure Yang Palace.
Yang Chen certainly knows why the teacher of the palace will laugh. For such a long time, even if the Tiantianmen blocked the news, it should be passed over. However, he still did not move to follow the elders Zheng Feng into the hall.
Among the halls, it seems that in addition to Wang Yong, who is retreating, several elders are all in the same place, and Guishan friends of the Hall of Fame are also there, as if they are waiting for Yang Chen. Looking at this posture, Yang Chen naturally understood what it meant.
"Tai Tianmen also has today!" Several bans were played, and the first sentence of the teacher was to scream, and then laughed again.
"Yang Chen, you are coming back!" There is a ban, and several elders are unscrupulous. Gao Shiyan is simply unwilling to introduce to Yang Chen: "Today, I received a message that Taitianmen’s door was attacked. Destruction, tens of thousands of disciples servants lost their lives, including four yuan infant masters and 80 Jindan masters, the mountain gate was ruined half, and the people are happy!"
Originally this was a high-level meeting of Chunyang Palace, but as long as Yang Chen was there, it would be pulled. This is the default of several elders and the head of the palace. From now on, Yang Chen will be used as an heir to cultivate.
"So?" Yang Chen knew that his detonation method would definitely cause the chain reaction of Taitianmen, but he did not expect that there would be such brilliant results, and the time was also overjoyed.
The most basic purpose of Yang Chen, of course, is to destroy the fascination of the celestial world and to cut off the channels of Taitianmen. The second is to destroy Taitianmen in the morning. Originally, I did not hold much expectations, but I got such a huge result. How can I not let Yang Chen rejoice?
"There are many tigers in the mountains!" Zhu Chentao said with a happy smile: "Tai Tianmen has been overbearing for so many years, and he always offends people who should not be offended. Under this, my sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the gates is finally destroyed. Still someone has reported for us!"
The teacher and the elders in the palm of the hand are simply celebrating. This hidden secret in the same way, but always thinking about dealing with the right side of the Pure Yang Palace was so bad, and people are very happy.
However, in their capacity, they can't make such performances publicly. They can only hide and secretly be happy. Before returning to people, they still have to be a serious support for Taitianmen. Otherwise it is easy for people in Taitianmen to guess that they already know the truth of Liang Shaoming.
Even now, Chunyang Palace still does not have the capital to deal with Taitianmen. Some things can't be placed on the bright side. This is the sorrow of the weak. When the strength is insufficient, even if it is facing the enemy, it can only be forbearing.
But in any case, happiness is certain, and the big ones and Yang Chen are not seen. Let Yang Chen take out the jade dragon directly and celebrate it in the hall of Chunyang Palace.
It’s rare to meet this kind of thing worth celebrating. Everyone even put down the shelf that was high on weekdays and let it go. After enjoying a lot of jade dragons, I was amazed by the disbanding and went back. Among the halls, only the head of the palace and Yang Chen were left behind.
When Elder Zheng Feng was drinking, he was about to leave. He was taken by Yang Chen for a chance to help him. After a while, he returned to the hall.
It was a few bans. The master of the palace even felt that it was not insured. He directly took the two people to their own medicine garden. Then he asked: "Yang Chen, what?"
Wan Qian did not know where the master of the palace was hiding, but did not see it after coming in. Of course, Yang Chen and Zheng Feng will not be rude to open the knowledge exploration in the site of the master of the palace.
When listening to the teacher of the palace, Yang Chencai said: "The palace owner, Zheng elder, the disciple wants to ask the elders to hold the auction in the near future, and re-refining the materials that the disciples took out, and then shot as soon as possible."
"Why is this?" Zheng Feng elders glimpsed, still did not think about the problems inside, asked awkwardly.

The hospital rushed back, there were not many manuscripts, and I didn't want to break it, so the update was less. Everyone must understand. When I am busy with this, I will compensate you. ! .
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