Chapter 292: Unexpected Wufei Feijian (on)

Chapter 292
Unexpected Wufei Feijian (on)
No one knows what happened except Yang Chen and Tai Tianmen. However, Ming Guangruo and Mao Qi, a group of fifteen people, now live in extreme fear.
This life magic weapon lost the connection with the owner, but for the time being, it seems that it has not been refining. This can only explain that some people do not know what method, cut off the life of the magic weapon and the master's mind and soul, but still have no ability to refine. []
If it is refining, then their performance is directly like those who have lost their magical weapons. Direct knowledge is severely damaged. There is no such thing happening now, only to illustrate this point.
Worried, there is a little hope. The other party can cut off the connection of the magic weapon, but it can't refine it. It shows that it is only because of a strange magic weapon that it is done, and it is not strong. If you can find it in time, then the loss of Taitianmen will not be too great.
The situation of other people is the same. This can only show that the other party can't even sacrifice the life-threatening weapon of Yuan Ying's ancestor level. The repair is even limited to the Yuan Ying class.
Hope is right in front of you, just find the other party. According to the situation that night, the distance of the other party is not far away, and a group of people in Taitianmen did not relax the surveillance of the area. It is a pity that even if they have already digged three feet, they still have not found any clues on the other side.
Anyway, if you have hope, just say it. Everyone in Taitianmen is concentrated in the area. It is almost a month since the visit was made. When everyone has to lose patience, suddenly it will happen.
Originally thought that the other party did not have the ability to refine the life of the magic weapon, Ming Guang Ruo Ming elders, suddenly spurting blood, the whole person instantly fainted.
The people were shocked and hurriedly slammed the elders of the Ming dynasty. After a first aid to the panacea, the elders of the Ming Dynasty woke up. The first sentence after waking up is the screaming scream: "My flying sword!"
The person who understands the situation understands that this is the life of the elders of the Ming Dynasty. Hardly stripped the relationship between him and the life of Feijian.
Under the serious injury of the gods, the spiritual rebellion within the body was provoked, and the elders of the Ming Dynasty directly vomited blood. but. This kind of injury still can't make the elders directly faint, and most of the reason for fainting is because of heartache. The flying sword that has been honoured for thousands of years has been taken away by people, and it has caused him to suffer great damage. If it is not distressed, it is a strange thing.
The elders of the Ming Dynasty had an accident, and everyone else was even more shocked. It turns out that the other party is not incapable of refining their own magic weapon, but the magic weapon of the former refining and refining Dacheng period elders. That also means that the fourteen pieces of the magic weapon of Mao Qi and others are equally difficult to escape the fate of being robbed.
Mao Qi and others changed their faces on the spot. Finally, I also felt the taste of being stripped of my own magic weapon. Although not yet their turn. But that kind of silent fear has hit the heart.
No one expected that the World Report would come so quickly. The seventeen younger disciples who had just forced the Chunyang Palace by force to surrender the magic weapon of the life, and spent decades repairing it. This is less than a month. They also tasted it right away, and it was the only one of the Mahayana masters who paid the price.
The thoughtful people immediately began to doubt, Liang Shaoming blasted the gate of the Pure Yang Palace. A few decades later, the gates of Taitianmen also smashed and smashed, and they also tens of thousands of lives. When Ming Guangru and others forced the Pure Yang Palace to abolish the magic weapon and cultivation of the seventeen reserve disciples, they would suffer the same fate in the blink of an eye. Could it be that all this is a conspiracy of Pure Yang Palace?
Suspicion is suspect. But no one really asked for a clear question on the Pure Yang Palace. It is really the strength of Chunyang Palace. It is impossible to compare with Taitianmen. Even if the island owners of Baguio Xiandao are present, they will still bear the burden of letting the disciples follow the request of Taitianmen. If Chunyang Palace really has the strength to retaliate. Where can I be so shackled now?
Practice and practice, repair is a happy state of mind, thoughts are accessible. Such a sac can be no good for practice. Moreover. With that ability, maybe it will kill the door long ago. Can fly the flying sword controlled by the masters of the Mahayana period, even in the battle, it is already invincible, what else?
The people in Taitianmen are crazy like crazy, but Yang Chen appreciates the sword of Ming Guangruo. If Mingguang is a soil property, this Feijian is also a soil property, and it is also a property of the soil.
The material used turned out to be a very high-grade vertebrae of the earthworm, which was mixed with a hint of soil as an excipient and then replenished with countless rare materials. After Ming and Guang’s constant quenching for thousands of years, it is almost the perfect flying sword.
That is to say, the wealth of the Tiantian Gate is so thick that it can be found. The super magic weapon used in the legendary water control, although only a trace, but let this flying sword never wear, even if it is slightly damaged, it will slowly recover. Powerful, unbeatable.
Such a good thing, Yang Chen is not allowed to directly laugh. Among the big yin and yang five-line flying swords, the Wutu Feijian has not yet landed. This flying sword is enough to be used as a Wufei Feijian.
The roaring day digested all the unformed spirits in the flying sword, and even the body knowledge of Lian Mingguang was digested and cleaned. The ability of the phagocytic spirit has erupted a fearful effect.
Want to use this sword, Fei Chen, of course, can not use the original appearance. However, the change of face is not a big problem for Yang Chen.
Although the current yin and yang burning fire is still very low-level, there are several kinds of five-product flames in the Yunling furnace. They took turns in a row. In a few months, the Wutu Feijian soon changed its appearance, even if it was placed in Mingguang. If you don't need to look at it carefully, he can't recognize that this is his original flying sword.
The Wutu Feijian is already high enough. For the time being, Yang Chen has not been able to continue the sacrifice. Therefore, Yang Chen directly collected the Wutu Feijian into the sea of ​​knowledge, buried deep in the penal layer, as the life sword. Quenched.
In the time when Yang Chen gave the Wushen Feijian a head-on, the fourteen pieces of the magic weapon that Mao Qi and others left behind by the roaring days were also digested by the gods. And God.
The fourteen-digit infant master of Taitianmen is almost lined up. Every ten days, there is a serious vomiting and blood injury. No exception is made. Under such tremendous pressure, those who are behind are almost desperate, counting their days and waiting for the day when they bear the consequences.

Understanding understanding!
(to be continued
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